README for the mysql database installation for note


        You need the following things:
                o perl installed (5.004x)
                o mysql database installed and running
                o Mysql perlmodule (you can find it on 
         PLEASE NOTE:
                  It needs the Module "Mysql". The
		  script will install it for you directly from
		  CPAN if you like. Newer versions
                  are DBI, which you can also use to access
                  mysql databases. If you want to use it, you
                  have to rewrite the program. Please let me
                  know, if you did it :-)
                o permissions to create a new database and
                  to write data to this database.


        First, make sure all these things above are ok.
        You can use the script "" to create a new
        database and the table structure. You might edit 
        the script before running it.

        If you are getting trouble, i.e. if you have not the 
        required permissions to do that, please make sure,
        you can. 
        As user root, you have to give your user the 
        neccessary permissions. Please refer to the mysql 
        documentation, how to do that.
        After that repeat the step above.

	You can find a sample config file within the subdirectory
	"config" named noterc. There are some special values
	which you can use to connect to a different database
	then the default. will create the following database:
		name: 		user_note
		Maintable: 	note
		Number:		number(int 10)
		Note:		note(text)
		Date:		date(text)

	You can use the file "permissions" as a template for
	modifying a users permissions to her database. Please
	note, that there are different version of mysql out 
	there with different access privilege systems, which
	are not compatible, refer to the documentation shipped
	with your mysql installation to learn, how many fields
	are available and what they are for.

	You may also take a look to:	

        This should be all.

Manual Installation

	1) create a mysql database
		mysqladmin create $db

	2) add the required GRANT to a user and database
		echo "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON $db TO $user@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '$password'" | mysql mysql

	3) create the schema: 
		mysql $db < sql