# NAME Text::Schmutz - You��r screen is quit��e dirty, please clea��n it. # VERSION version v0.1.1 # SYNOPSIS ```perl use Text::Schmutz; my $s = Text::Schmutz->new( prob => 0.1, use_small => 1 ); say $s->mangle($text); ``` # DESCRIPTION "Th��ough��t��s of d��irt spill ��o��ve��r to ��yo��ur ��u��nico��de�� ��enabled t��ext" This is a Perl adaptation of `schmutz.go` by Clemens Fries <github-schmutz@xenoworld.de>. # ATTRIBUTES ## prob This is the probability that a character will be dirty, between 0 and 1. It defaults to 0.1. ## use\_small "spray dust on your text". If ["use\_large"](#use_large) and ["strike\_out"](#strike_out) are not enabled, then this is enabled by default. For example: ``` L��orem i��ps��um ��dol��or sit amet, conse��cte��t��ur adipiscing el��it��, ��se��d ��d��o eiusm��o��d ��tempor inci��d��id��unt ut la��bore ��e��t dolo��re ��ma��gna�� ��aliq��ua��. ``` ## use\_large "a cookie got mangled in your typewriter" For example, with ["prob"](#prob) set to 0.5: ``` L��ore��m ��ipsum�� dol��or�� sit am��e��t��, ��cons��ectet��ur ��a��d��i��pisc��in��g el��i��t��,�� s��e��d�� do�� ei��usm��od�� ��temp��or ��i��n��c��idid��u��nt ut ��la��bo��r��e ��et�� ��dolore�� ma��gn��a�� ��al��i��qua��.�� ``` ## strike\_out "this is unacceptable" For example, with ["prob"](#prob) set to 1.0: ``` L���o���r���e��m��� ���i���p���s��u���m��� ���d���o���l���o��r��� ��s��i���t�� ��a���m��e���t��,��� ��c���o���n���s��e���c��t���e���t��u��r��� ���a���d���i��p��i��s��c��i���n���g��� ��e��l���i���t���,�� ���s��e���d�� ��d��o�� ��e��i���u��s���m���o���d�� ��t��e���m��p���o���r��� ���i��n���c���i���d���i��d��u��n��t�� ��u��t��� ��l��a���b���o��r���e��� ���e��t�� ��d���o��l��o��r���e�� ���m��a��g��n��a�� ��a���l��i��q���u��a��.��� ``` # METHODS ## mangle ``` $dirty = $s->mangle( $text, $prob ); ``` # SOURCE The development version is on github at [https://github.com/robrwo/perl-Text-Schmutz](https://github.com/robrwo/perl-Text-Schmutz) and may be cloned from [git://github.com/robrwo/perl-Text-Schmutz.git](git://github.com/robrwo/perl-Text-Schmutz.git) # BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website [https://github.com/robrwo/perl-Text-Schmutz/issues](https://github.com/robrwo/perl-Text-Schmutz/issues) When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature. # AUTHOR Robert Rothenberg <rrwo@cpan.org> The original [schmutz](https://github.com/githubert/schmutz) was written by Clemens Fries <github-schmutz@xenoworld.de>. # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2024 by Robert Rothenberg. This is free software, licensed under: ``` The GNU General Public License, Version 3, June 2007 ```