Spork - Slide Presentations (Only Really Kwiki)

        mkdir my-slideshow
        cd my-slideshow
        spork -new
        vim Spork.slides
        vim config.yaml
        spork -make
        spork -start

    Spork lets you create HTML slideshow presentations easily. It comes with
    a sample slideshow. All you need is a text editor, a browser and a

    Spork allows you create an entire slideshow by editing a single file
    called "Spork.slides" (by default). Each slide is created using a
    minimal markup language similar to the syntax used in Kwiki wikis.

    Spork markup is like Kwiki markup.

    Slides are separated by lines consisting entirely of four or more
    dashes. Each slide consists of text and markup. This section describes
    each of the markup units.

    Any slide can be made to be multipart by putting a '+' at the beginning
    of a line where you want to break it. Each subpart will be cumulative to
    that point.

    A heading is a line starting with 1-6 equals signs followed by a space
    followed by the heading text. The number of equals signs corresponds to
    the level of the heading.

        === A Level Three Heading

    Paragraphs are just paragraphs. They end with a blank line.

        This is my paragraph of something that I wanted to show
        you. This paragraph is now ending.

  Preformatted Text
    Preformatted text, like program source code for instance, is indicated
    by indenting it.

        My code:
            sub greet {
                print "Hello there\n";

  Pretty Print
    You can markup a section of your source code with various colors and
    highlights. In this example we make the word "greet" display green and
    the word "Hello" display red and underline the quoted string.

            sub greet {
        #       GGGGG
                print "Hello there\n";
        #             _______________
        #              RRRRR

    Coming soon.

  Unordered List
    Use asterisks to mark bullet points. The number of asterisks indicates
    the nesting level.

        * Point One
        ** Point One A
        ** Point One B
        * Point Two
        * Point Three

  Ordered List
    Same as unordered lists except use zeroes to mark bullet points. Ordered
    and unordered lists can be intermingled.

        0 Point One
        ** Point One A
        ** Point One B
        0 Point Two
        0 Point Three

  Bold Text
    Sourround one or more words with asterisks to make the text bold.

        This is *bold text* example.

  Italic Text
    Sourround one or more words with slashes to make the text italicized.

        This is /italic text/ example.

  Underlined Text
    Sourround one or more words with underscores to make the text

        This is _underlined text_ example.

  Teletyped Text
    Sourround one or more words with pipes to make the text appear in a
    fixed width font.

        This is |fixed width font| example.

    Each slide can display an image.


    This will download a copy of the image if it hasn't been downloaded yet.
    That way you can view your slides offline.

    If more than one image is encoded in a slide, Spork takes the last one.
    This is useful for a multipart slide where you want the image to change.
    Just put this image tag in the correct subpart.

    You can create a link to a local file. When clicked the file should
    appear in a new browser window.

        {file: mydir/myfile.txt}

    The "file_base" configuration setting will be prepended to relative

    Spork slideshows can be configured in three different ways. The first
    way is with the local "config.yaml" created by "spork -new". The second
    way is through a global configuration file called
    "~/.sporkrc/config.yaml". Any settings in the local file will override
    settings in the global file.

    The third way is to put YAML sections directly in your slides file. You
    can put a YAML section anywhere in the file that a slide would go, and
    you can have more than one section. In fact, you could change the
    configuration for each slide by putting a YAML section before each
    slide. Any settings in these sections will override the setting that
    came from anywhere else.

    See Spork::Config for more information.

    You can easily extend and customize Spork by writing subclasses and
    putting them in the configuration or by fiddling with the template
    files. This version uses Template Toolkit templates by default.

    Kwiki, Spoon

    Ingy d��t Net <>

    Copyright (c) 2011. Ingy d��t Net. All rights reserved.

    Copyright (c) 2004, 2005. Brian Ingerson. All rights reserved.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.
