Fidonet/FTN Database related processing (FTN-Database)

Perl extension for Fidonet/FTN related processing in an SQL database supported
by a Perl DBD module, defaulting to SQLite. Includes both general operations
and specific operations like for Nodelist processing. 

Required, neccessary and/or useful modules, etc.:

DBD::SQLite SQLite DBD Module is required by default, so should be installed.
    Any other database engines will be named similarly and should be
    installed if used.  May already be installed on your system; if
    not, one place they may be obtained is at CPAN (


To install this module, run the following commands:

    perl Makefile.PL
    make test
    make install


After installing, you can find documentation for this application with
the perldoc command.

    perldoc FTN::Database
    perldoc FTN::Database::Forum
    perldoc FTN::Database::Nodelist
    perldoc FTN::Database::ToDo

You can also look for information at:

    FTN-Database Issue tracker

    RT, CPAN's request tracker

    Search CPAN

The FTN-Database extension is hosted at the 'Perl for FTN Systems' project
at SourceForge ( The ftnpl-user or ftnpl-develop mailing
lists are available from the project site; however, the FTN echos like PERL or
BBS_CARNIVAL can be used for discussions regarding it as well and are the
preferred avenues for support.

Note that the code history for FTN Database is available in a git repository
at the Sourceforge project, as follows: (Browse Online)
git clone git:// (Read Only)

Note also that in distribution archives created directly from the repository,
the commit id can obtained like as follows:
    zcat ftn-database-n.nn.tar.gz | git get-tar-commit-id 


Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Robert James Clay

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.