NAME Catalyst::Plugin::StackTrace - Display a stack trace on the debug screen SYNOPSIS use Catalyst qw/-Debug StackTrace/; DESCRIPTION This plugin will enhance the standard Catalyst debug screen by including a stack trace of your appliation up to the point where the error occurred. Each stack frame is displayed along with the package name, line number, file name, and code context surrounding the line number. This plugin is only active in -Debug mode. CONFIGURATION Configuration is optional and is specified in MyApp->config->{stacktrace}. context The number of context lines of code to display on either side of the stack frame line. Defaults to 3. verbose This option sets the amount of stack frames you want to see in the stack trace. It defaults to 0, meaning only frames from your application's namespace are shown. You can use levels 1 and 2 for deeper debugging. If set to 1, the stack trace will include frames from packages outside of your application's namespace, but not from most of the Catalyst internals. Packages ignored at this level include: Catalyst Catalyst::Action Catalyst::Base Catalyst::Dispatcher Catalyst::Engine::* Catalyst::Plugin::StackTrace Catalyst::Plugin::Static::Simple NEXT main If set to 2, the stack trace will include frames from everything except this module. INTERNAL METHODS The following methods are extended by this plugin. execute In execute, we create a local die handler to generate the stack trace. finalize_error In finalize_error, we inject the stack trace HTML into the debug screen below the error message. setup SEE ALSO Catalyst AUTHORS Andy Grundman, <> Matt S. Trout, <> THANKS The authors of CGI::Application::Plugin::DebugScreen, from which a lot of code was used. COPYRIGHT This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.