CGI::LogCarp This is the CGI::LogCarp module for perl, providing additional streams for logging and debugging. The reason I wrote the module was so that my scripts could have separate and independant streams for output for activity-based logging and for debug logging separate from actual error output. I thought "we have STDOUT, STDIN, and STDERR, so why not a STDBUG and STDLOG to go along with that". It's designed so that the messages are tiered, in the sense that anything going to STDERR gets replicated to STDLOG and STDBUG too. Anything going to STDLOG goes to STDBUG, and STDBUG goes only to itself. The default is that STDERR, STDBUG, and STDLOG all derive from your script's original STDERR. Now, since you can point these new streams to the same location, and different people (or instances of your script) can point these streams to the same location, I've removed duplicate messages and handled file locking for you. This makes it *very* CGI-friendly and you can do something like poke STDBUG back out to the STDOUT, yet leave STDERR and STDLOG going to your _application's_ error and activity logs respectively, instead of only being able to sling something to the web server's error log. Then you see normal logging in your files, but debug output goes back out to your browser (probably debugging the CGI).... Anyway, I'm sure y'all will find all sorts of neato uses I've not thought of yet, so have at it. Michael King To see the latest changes to the module, see the 'Changes' file. To see how you can help make this a better module, see the 'TODO' file. To see any special installation notes, see the 'INSTALL' file. To install these modules, cd to the directory that this README file is in and type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make install Documentation for these modules is part of the files themselves using the pod (Plain Old Documentation) format, and can be read using the perldoc program that comes with perl. To manually convert them into manual page format, type something like the following: pod2man > To manually convert them into HTML format, type: pod2html (pod2html creates an HTML file named Online documentation of these modules can be found at: CPAN First released to CPAN: Tue Jan 13 01:55:56 CST 1998 Michael King <> Please send any reports of problems or bugs to I wouldn't mind a short note to know that you're using this. Suggestions and knowing how many others use this will help promote its upkeep. This package is copyright (c) 1997,2020 by Michael King ( and is made available to the Perl public under terms of the Artistic License 2.0. See the file LICENSE, which is a copy of the file Artistic in the distribution of Perl 5.002 or later, for details of copy and distribution terms. This package is copyright (c) 1997,2020 by Michael King ( and is made available to the Perl public under terms of the Artistic License 2.0. See the file LICENSE for details of copy and distribution terms. The authoritative text of the Artistic License 2.0 can be found here: