NAME Do ABSTRACT Modern Perl SYNOPSIS package main; use Do; fun greeting($name) { "Hello $name"; } say greeting("world"); 1; DESCRIPTION This package aims to provide a modern Perl development framework and foundational set of types, functions, classes, patterns, and interfaces for jump-starting application development. This package inherits all behavior from Data::Object; Please see that documentation to learn more. Also, you can read the overview <> and project wiki <>. INSTALLATION If you have cpanm, you only need one line: $ cpanm -qn Do If you don't have cpanm, get it! It takes less than a minute, otherwise: $ curl -L | perl - -qn Do Add Do to the list of dependencies in cpanfile: requires "Do" => "1.87"; # 1.87 or newer If cpanm doesn't have permission to install modules in the current Perl installation, it will automatically set up and install to a local::lib in your home directory. See the local::lib documentation for details on enabling it in your environment. We recommend using a Perlbrew <> or Plenv <> environment. These tools will help you manage multiple Perl installations in your $HOME directory. They are completely isolated Perl installations. CREDITS Al Newkirk, +319 Anthony Brummett, +10 Adam Hopkins, +2 Jos�� Joaqu��n Atria, +1 AUTHOR Al Newkirk, LICENSE Copyright (C) 2011-2019, Al Newkirk, et al. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the The Apache License, Version 2.0, as elucidated here, PROJECT Wiki <> Project <> Initiatives <> Milestones <> Contributing <> Issues <> SEE ALSO To get the most out of this distribution, consider reading the following: Do Data::Object Data::Object::Class Data::Object::ClassHas Data::Object::Role Data::Object::RoleHas Data::Object::Library