Apache2::API - Apache2 API Framework


    Apache mod_perl is an awesome framework, but quite complexe with a steep
    learning curve and methods all over the place. So much so that they have
    developed a module dedicated to find appropriate methods
    Methods_Live> with ModPerl::MethodLookup

    This module provides a powerful, yet simple framework to access all of
    Apache mod_perl's methods and documented appropriately.

  new( $r, $hash )
    This initiates the package and takes an Apache2::RequestRec object and
    an hash or hash reference of parameters:

    *   "debug"

        Optional. If set with a positive integer, this will activate
        debugging message

    Returns the Apache2::RequestRec object.

  bailout( $error_string )
    Given an error message, this will prepare the http header and response

    It will call "gettext" to get the localised version of the error
    message, so this method is expected to be overriden by inheriting

    If the outgoing content type set is "application/json" then this will
    return a properly formatted standard json error, such as:

        { "error": { "code": 401, "message": "Something went wrong" } }

    Otherwise, it will send to the client the message as is.

  compression_threshold( $integer )
    The number of bytes threshold beyond which, the "reply" method will gzip
    compress the data returned to the client.

  decode_base64( $data )
    Given some data, this will decode it using base64 algorithm. It uses
    "decode" in APR::Base64 in the background.

  decode_json( $data )
    This decode from utf8 some data into a perl structure using JSON

    If an error occurs, it will return undef and set an exception that can
    be accessed with the error method.

  decode_url( $string )
    Given a url-encoded string, this returns the decoded string using
    "decode" in APR::Request

  decode_utf8( $data )
    Decode some data from ut8 into perl internal utf8 representation using

    If an error occurs, it will return undef and set an exception that can
    be accessed with the error method.

  encode_base64( $data )
    Given some data, this will encode it using base64 algorithm. It uses
    "encode" in APR::Base64.

  encode_json( $hash_reference )
    Given a hash reference, this will encode it into a json data

    However, this will not utf8 encode it, because this is done upon
    printing the data and returning it to the client.

    The JSON object has the following properties enabled: "allow_nonref",
    "allow_blessed", "convert_blessed" and "relaxed"

  encode_url( $string )
    Given a string, this returns its url-encoded version using "encode" in

  encode_utf8( $data )
    This encode in ut8 the data provided and return it.

    If an error occurs, it will return undef and set an exception that can
    be accessed with the error method.

    Generates an uuid string and return it. This uses APR::UUID

    Checks whether an "Authorization" http header was provided, and get the
    Bearer value.

    If no header was found, it returns an empty string.

    If an error occurs, it will return undef and set an exception that can
    be accessed with the error method.

    Returns a reference to a list of handlers enabled for a given phase.

        $handlers_list = $res->get_handlers( $hook_name );

    A list of handlers configured to run at the child_exit phase:

        @handlers = @{ $res->get_handlers( 'PerlChildExitHandler' ) || []};

  gettext( 'string id' )
    Get the localised version of the string passed as an argument.

    This is supposed to be superseded by the package inheriting from
    Apache2::API, if any.

  header_datetime( DateTime object )
    Given a DateTime object, this sets it to GMT time zone and set the
    proper formatter (Apache2::API::DateTime) so that the stringification is
    compliant with http headers standard.

    Checks if perl option is enabled in the Virtual Host and returns a
    boolean value

    Returns a JSON object.

    You can provide an optional hash or hash reference of properties to
    enable or disable:

        my $J = $api->json( pretty => 1, relaxed => 1 );

    Each property corresponds to one that is supported by JSON

    It also supports "ordered", "order" and "sort" as an alias to

  lang( $string )
    Set or get the language for the API. This would typically be the HTTP
    preferred language.

  lang_unix( $string )
    Given a language, this returns a language code formatted the unix way,
    ie en-GB would become en_GB

  lang_web( $string )
    Given a language, this returns a language code formatted the web way, ie
    en_GB would become en-GB

  log_error( $string )
    Given a string, this will log the data into the error log.

    When log_error is accessed with the Apache2::RequestRec the error gets
    logged into the Virtual Host log, but when log_error gets accessed via
    the Apache2::ServerUtil object, the error get logged into the Apache
    main error log.

  print( @list )
    print out the list of strings and returns the number of bytes sent.

    The data will possibly be compressed if the HTTP client acceptable
    ng> and if the data exceeds the value set in "compression_threshold"

    It will gzip it if the HTTP client acceptable encoding is "gzip" and if
    IO::Compress::Gzip is installed.

    It will bzip it if the HTTP client acceptable encoding is "bzip2" and if
    IO::Compress::Bzip2 is installed.

    It will deflate if if the HTTP client acceptable encoding is "deflate"
    and IO::Compress::Deflate is installed.

    If none of the above is possible, the data will be returned

    Note that the HTTP header "Vary" will be added the "Accept-Encoding"

    Returns the values from "push_handlers" in Apache2::Server by passing it
    whatever arguments were provided.

    This takes an http code and a message, or just a hash reference, reply
    will find out if the code provided is an error and format the replied
    json appropriately like:

        { "error": { "code": 400, "message": "Some error" } }

    It will json encode the returned data and print it out back to the
    client after setting the http returned code.

    If a "cleanup" hash property is provided with a callback code reference
    as a value, it will be set as a cleanup callback by calling
    "$r->pool->cleanup_register". See

    The Apache2::API object will be passed as the first and only argument to
    the callback routine.

    Returns the Apache2::API::Request object. This object is set upon

    Returns the Apache2::API::Response object. This object is set upon

    Returns a Apache2::Server object

    Tries hard to find out the version number of the Apache server. This
    returns the value from "server_version" in Apache2::API::Request

    Returns the values from "set_handlers" in Apache2::Server by passing it
    whatever arguments were provided.

  warn( @list )
    Given a list of string, this sends a warning using "warn" in

  _try( $object_type, $method_name, @_ )
    Given an object type, a method name and optional parameters, this
    attempts to call it, passing it whatever arguments were provided and
    return its return values.

    Apache2 methods are designed to die upon error, whereas our model is
    based on returning "undef" and setting an exception with
    Module::Generic::Exception, because we believe that only the main
    program should be in control of the flow and decide whether to interrupt
    abruptly the execution, not some sub routines.

    Jacques Deguest <>

    Apache2::API::DateTime, Apache2::API::Query, Apache2::API::Request,
    Apache2::API::Request::Params, Apache2::API::Request::Upload,
    Apache2::API::Response, Apache2::API::Status

    Apache2::Request, Apache2::RequestRec, Apache2::RequestUtil

    Copyright (c) 2023 DEGUEST Pte. Ltd.

    You can use, copy, modify and redistribute this package and associated
    files under the same terms as Perl itself.