# Do not use this software. I may actually fix it at some point in the future.
# I don't need bug reports. It won't run tests properly on systems that can't
# allocate $largesum of memory (if you're on a 32-bit system, it's not
# happening). The epoch is off by half a thirty-second of a second (yeah).
# I have kept this on the CPAN instead of deleting it outright because it has
# shown useful for people trying to figure out how TDMA and LINK-16 (and
# JTIDS) actually works.

Data::TDMA "works," as-is, but is kind of crummy. I am not sure what possessed 
me to write it the way it's written. I wrote it after I knew about things
like Class::Accessor and Params::Validate. I wrote it before I knew about
things like Moose and friends, but still, the code is just... egregiously
bad. And I apologize.

This package aims to do three things.

1. Make unit tests passable on non-64-bit machines.
2. Reduce the code-base substantially (or at least, don't do stupid things
   with code that can be better handled by something that does it by design,
   like design-by-contract packages, or autogenerated accessors, and the
   like) smaller.
3. Break out Net::TDMA into Data::TDMA because Net::TDMA never did any
   network communication anyways. Let somebody else do the Network work.
4. Suck less. See, you got one extra.
