ZFilter main documentation for version 2.7 - Mar 25, 1997


1. What is ZFilter?
   1.1. Why should I use it?
   1.2. Who is this document intended for?
2. How do I implement it?
3. How do I get it to do what I want it to do?
   3.1. Rules
   3.2. Expressions
   3.3. Variables
   3.4. Operators
   3.5. Actions
   3.6. Examples
4. How do I write Form letters?
5. How do I handle lists?
6. How do I change the default settings?
7. How can I change the default files?  How can I see summaries? logs? etc.. 
8. What does ZFilter do if there's a problem with mail?  
9. Miscellaneous
10. Syntax examples, solutions to sample problems
11. How does ZFilter compare to other filter programs?
12. Modification history

1. What is ZFilter?

ZFilter is an e-mail filtering program.  Like a real filter (say, for 
coffee), ZFilter can strain out some unwanted or unpleasant e-mail, or
working in reverse, can allow you to only receive mail from certain other

If that was all it did, it wouldn't be especially unique, or anything
for me to really brag about.  Fortunately it isn't.  ZFilter is capable
of taking a wide range of actions to a much wider range of situations.
ZFilter can run other programs, send form responses, forward mail to
other people and maintain a variable set and counters that let you 
easily keep track of how much mail you have received, and from whom.
ZFilter can print summaries, showing you how often each action you told
it to take was used and how much mail you have received from each e-mail
address.  It can even detect chain letters in a lot of cases (about   
95% of the time) and let you delete them automatically, or send a prepared
nasty-gram back to whoever sent it to you.

ZFilter is designed to make the old "/bin/filter" that comes with ELM
obsolete.  It (hopefully) provides a superset of the commands available
to the old filter, and is more flexible and versatile in different

ZFilter can be found wherever your favorite archives of 
comp.sources.unix are stored. It is occasionally posted to 
comp.lang.perl.misc (about once every two versions or so).

It is available on CPAN in the directory  /authors/Steve_Zeck
(for a random site, go to  http://www.perl.com/CPAN/authors/Steve_Zeck  )

It is also on my home page at  http://www.guam.net/home/viper/files.html
and is (as a last resort) available uuencoded via eMail if you send a 
message to viper@kuentos.guam.net with the words "send zfilter" in the 
subject line of the message.

Support from the author can be obtained by e-mailing  
Ideas and suggestions are always welcome.

Flames are welcome, just put the word "FLAME" in the subject line.  :)

1.1 Why should I use it?

Do you get junk mail?  Is someone harrasing you and you don't want 
their mail?  Want saved copies of mail from certain people?  Want all
your mail forwarded to another site, and a message sent to people who
use your old address to use the new one?  Wish you could auto-acknowledge
mail from people who worry too much?  Have any use for a primitive
Listserver?  Wanna look cool to all your computer-techie friends?  Would
you like to keep logs of who writes to you the most and how much mail 
you receive every day?  Hate chain letters?  Would you like to send
personalized mail to groups of people who write to you and look sincere
and understanding before you've even read it?  Enjoy looking at other
people's source code?

ZFilter is capable of responding to nearly any situation you might run
into with mail, especially if you use external programs to cover wierd
specific ones.

One copy of ZFilter can serve a system.  All users may configure it
differently for their needs.  A restricted filter (rzfilter) is available
for systems that would like to provide a filter to their users, but don't
want users to be able to run other programs (through pipes).  It is more
secure and limits what people can do to get around your internal security
if you're using rksh or other restricted-shell.  It is available upon 
request from the author.

1.2. Who is this document intended for?

Although I wanted to include lots of technical information about ZFilter
for the variety of UNIX-savvy dudes out there, I realized that one of the
problems with the old filter and why it wasn't as widely used as it could
have been was that the average user with shell access to an ISP couldn't
figure out how to set it up or get it working from the man page or some 
of the other help files for it.  This document _tries_ to explain both
the technical stuff that experienced and froody UNIX dudes want to know, 
but it also tries really hard to make it so that inexperienced UNIX newbies
can figure out how to get it going themselves.  In doing so, I hope rather
than be annoyed at having to wade through stuff they already know, the
coolest of the cool Unix dudes will bear with me and skim to the things
they _do_ want to know.

What should you read?
Newbies: Read _everything_.  I'm not kidding.  I'm not going to answer 
         any questions if the answer is plain-as-day in this doc.  If
         you don't understand something, it probably isn't important 
	 right now.
Unix Hacks: Skim "variables" to see how ZFilter extracts variables from
	 message headers.  Look at the extra variables ZFilter gets from
	 your environment and the "ones you shouldn't change".
	 You should be familiar with most of the operators, but I've
	 introduced "?" and "#" as regex pattern-matches.  Go see the
	 end of the operators section and the Misc. section.
    	 You'll want to read all the commands available, you may want to
	 glance at the examples of commands to see ZFilter syntax in 
         action.  Other than that, you may want to skim the rest at your
	 leisure.  Zfilter should understand the old-style filter rules
         files, but you may find that some things you did with the old
         filter can be done with fewer lines or more efficiently with   
         ZFilter's new commands and abilities.
People upgrading from an old ZFilter:  Go to the very end of this message
         and read the modification history to see what has been changed  
         from your version of ZFilter.  Changes, new commands, etc.. should
         be documented in the appropriate places.

2. How do I implement it?

STEP 0: If you don't have PERL, go get it and install it.  Shame on you!

STEP 1: Stick the perl source "zfilter" somewhere and make it 
	executable. This example is assuming you're putting it 
	in "/local/bin".

Non-Unix techies: Get a Unix-techies' supervision before installing PERL
	on their system.  They may not want it.  If they don't, get
	another ISP.
Unix techies: ZFilter assumes you put Perl in /usr/bin .  If you didn't
  	change the first line of ZFilter to be where perl is.  ZFilter
	should be secure to run setUID but I don't know why you'd want to.

STEP 2: Run ZFilter once with "-C" to configure it to your default 
        settings.  Type "zfilter -C" (capital 'C').  When ZFilter
        asks you where it is located, tell it where you put it (ie
        if you put it in "/local/bin", tell it that.  You may accept
        the default selection (what is inside the []s) by pressing 
        Enter.  The "local host" is optional (discussed later).
        NOTE TO TECHIES: ZFilter will replace your ".forward" file with
        a new one, if one exists.  You can modify it later if you wish, 
        just leave your login name in the invocation line.

MORE IMPORTANT NOTE:  If ZFilter warns that it can't create the ".forward"
 file, you'll have to do it yourself.  Go to your home directory (type
 "cd <ENTER>" at the prompt) then open your editor to create the file      
 named ".forward" (type "pico .forward <ENTER>" for most non-techies).
 Now put this line as the first, and only line in the file:
  "| /local/bin/zfilter LOGIN_NAME"
 Include the quotes.  If Zfilter is not in "/local/bin", change that part
 of the line to reflect it's actual location.  Replace "LOGIN_NAME" with
 your login name.  This is how it would look for a user named "bob".
  "| /local/bin/zfilter bob"
 Don't forget the quotes.  For the rest of the README file, the quotes
 are used only to separate text from context and should NOT be typed 
 unless otherwise stated.

3. How do I get it to do what I want it to do?

ZFilter takes all it's cues from a "rules" file.  The rules file is made
up of statements that follow this general format:

If (something is true) some action to take.

3.1 Rules

Each of those statements is called a "Rule".  There are two acceptable
formats for each rule-

if (*some expression*) *some action*
if *some expression* then *some action*

One requires parentheses, one requires the word "then".   Choose whatever
form most appeals to you, but this author prefers the parenthesized form.
If you use the second format, if you have the word "then" somewhere
in the expression or as an action, the statement may not work correctly.
With the parenthesized format, the spaces are optional between parts, with
the second, the spaces are required.  The second format is really for
programmers who came from a BASIC environment and can't handle the real 
world of C++ and Unix.

3.2. Expressions

An expression is (for our purposes) the statement that is being evaluated
for "truthfulness".  It represents the situation that you want in order
for the actions you want to be performed.  For example, in the real-life

"If it's not raining and the car will start, go to the store."

The "expression" part is "... not raining and the car will start ..." and
of course "... go to the store." is the "action" part of the statement 
because it represents what you want to do if the expresion is true.

An expression can be in several parts.  A multi-part expression would 
look like this:
   sub-expression AND/OR sub-expression AND/OR sub-expression .....

The real world example above has two sub-expressions: "not raining" and
"the car will start".  It might have three or more, like this:

"If it's not raining and the car will start or you can take a bus, go to
 the store."

With ZFilter, you separate the sub-expressions with "|" and "&".  (or
"||" and "&&" if you come from a programming background and it makes you
feel better.  ZFilter doesn't do bitwise comparisons, so "|" and "||" 
mean the same thing, ditto for "&" and "&&").  "|" means "OR" and "&"
means (you guessed it!) "AND".   SO... if you want to tell ZFilter the 
same expression above (assuming it knows english), you would tell it:

if ( ! raining & car will start | can take bus ) go to the store

The "!" means "not", and will be covered later on.

Each actual expression can follow one of two formats:

   [ ! ] VARIABLE
and two special cases:
   [ ! ] always
   [ ! ] never

DON'T use the square brackets.  They are there to remind you that the
"!" is optional.  You may place an exclamation point at the beginning
of an expression to reverse the sense of it.  SO...
  ! bob = 3
which normally means "When the variable 'bob' is equal to 3", with the
exclamation mark means "Whenever the variable 'bob' is NOT 3".
and the statement
  ! foo
which means (without the exclamation mark) "When the variable 'foo' 
exists", now means "When the variable 'foo' does NOT exist."
"always" is always true.  ! always means "never", not "sometimes".
"never" is never true.  ! never means "always".

   Without parentheses, an expression evaluates like this:

if (((sub-expression1) & sub-expression2) & sub-expression3) then...
essentially, sub-expressions that come later or last are more "important"
than ones that come before.  If you have trouble with the idea of using
parentheses to make yourself clear, just put the most important parts of
your rules last and you should do OK.

SO... Our statement before,
if ( ! raining & car will start | can take bus ) go to the store

works out like this, assuming it's raining and the car won't start, but
the bus is available:

! raining ... - is False.  It is raining.
... car will start ... - Also false.  It won't.
... bus is available - True!  The bus is available.

End result: We go to the store!  Why?  Look at it this way:
((( false ) & false ) | true)  representing the three sub-expressions.
((   false & false  ) | true)  -not raining and car will start (both false)
((      false       ) | true)  -neither is true, so that sub-expression
				is false. 
(       false | true        )  -combination of previous two and "bus 
			        is available"
   	    True.	       -End result is true.

If you need more help, the "&" and "|" parts work this way:
  something & something - is true ONLY if both "somethings" are true.
  something | something - is true if either or both somethings are true.

But suppose we meant to say "don't go to the store if it is raining, if it
 isn't raining, go if either the car will start or the bus is available."

We can do that one of two ways.  First, without parentheses:

if ( car will start | bus is available & !raining ) go to store.

Will be true if you can get one vehicle to work and it is not raining.
With parentheses we can use the old expression, just changed a bit:

if ( !raining & (car will start | bus is available) ) go to store.

If you honestly don't know how to use parentheses to separate parts of
a statement you want evaluated first, then I'm sorry, but I don't have 
time or space to explain them to you.  Consult a high-school kid who's
at least in trig or so.  They should have it down by now.  

3.3. Variables

A variable (for our purposes) is a name attached to an unknown value.
The name can be decided arbitrarily, but usually is intended to help
the programmer or reader remember why they are using it.  For example
we can create a variable called "bob" and someone else can assign it
the value "3".  Later, we can test to see what it is with a statement
like this:

if ( bob = 3 ) do this...
if ( bob = 2 ) do this...
if ( bob < 2 ) do this...
if ( bob > 3 ) do this...

So we don't really know what bob is, but we can do different things 
depending on what it is.

The variables used in ZFilter don't usually have just numbers in them.
"sender" is usually a variable that is the e-mail address of the person
who just sent you a letter (like loser@aol.com).  "date" usually has the
date the letter was sent to you (like Tue 13 Jul 1996). 

ZFilter reads it's variables from the header of the message.  For a 
complete list of all the stuff that should be in a message header, go
read the RFC's.  If you look at a header, you'll see lots of lines that
look like this:

From: Jane Schmoe (jschmoe@bong.com)
Date: Tue 18 Jul 1996 12:22:03 +1 GMT

and ZFilter will take everything _before_ the ":" and call it the
variable name, and everything after the ":" and call it the variable's
value.  The above two lines would create two variables- 
 'from' would contain the value 'Jane Schmoe....' and 'date' would
 contain 'Tue 18 ... GMT' 

In general, you're likely to have these variables from every e-mail 

from		- who the sender would like you to think the message came 
to		- hopefully your e-mail address, but can be the address
		  originally used before a cc: or Bcc:
subject		- what the sender thought the message was about
date		- (special case) usually the date the message was sent.

Some messages will have extra variables like these:

sender		- like 'from'
reply-to	- where to direct replies to
precedence	- the class of message (like 'bulk' for large mailings)
errors-to	- where to report errors
x-mailer	- sometimes the program used to send the message

In addition, ZFilter tries to be helpful by giving you these:

date		- Normally, a full date: "Tue 18 Jul 1996 11:23:02 +1 GMT"
		  indicating date, time and relation to GMT.  ZFilter
 		  breaks the date down into two variables:
		  'date' (Tue 18 Jul 1996) and 'time' (11:23:02).
time		- see 'date'
when		- The original, unbroken date
name		- The personal name of the sender (if defined)
email		- The sender's preferred e-mail address
content		- The entire contents of the letter
header 		- The entire header of the message
real_sender	- ZFilter's "best guess" as to where the message came from.
sender		- Equivalent to 'real_sender' when the variable 'sender'
		  is not explicitly stated in the message.
lines		- The number of lines in the letter
signature	- your ".signature" file.
chain		- A special one, Zfilter tries to guess if the incoming
		  message might be a chain letter.  It counts the number
		  of times it appears to have been forwarded, and if
		  it has been forwarded more than a user-defined number
		  of times, it sets the "chain" variable.  Otherwise the
		  variable doesn't exist.
		  See the Zfilter Setup part of the manual for more info
		  on setting the threshold for chain letter alarms.
unique		- Another special one.  This variable is set if the content
		  of the message is unique to your inbox.  If the message
		  is something you have in your inbox already, even if
		  the headers of the message are different, this variable
		  will not exist.  Also see the UNIQUE command.
empty		- This variable is set if the content of the message is
		  made up only of whitespace (i.e. if there is nothing in
		  the message but spaces)
ip		- This variable is set if the hostname of the sender's
		  address can be resolved to it's IP address.  See the
		  miscellanious section for more on how this is done and
		  special cases.

And there are a few internal ones that you probably shouldn't change:

inbox		- Where the mailer thinks your in-box is.
base_dir	- A "reference point" for all your files.
log_file	- The file ZFilter writes it's logs to.
mail_subj	- The subject ZFilter uses when sending mail.
fwd_mail_subj	- The subject ZFilter uses when forwarding mail.

You may define your own variables using the 'set' command for a variable
that doesn't exist.  (using set on a variable that _does_ exist will change
the value of it to whatever you set it to.)

All these variables are 'temporary' variables - that is, they change every
time a letter comes in.  Even variables created with 'set' are temporary,
and are reset every letter.  ZFilter also supports permanent variables 
that don't change or lose their values between letters.  These are ideal
for counters to count the number of messages that meet criteria and 
referring to them in form letters (ie "This is your 10th letter to me...")
You can create permanent variables with 'create', 'pinc' and 'pdec'.  In
addition, there are a number of permanent variables that are kept by ZFilter:
sec, min, hour, day, mon, year.  Representing the number of messages
received as of the current second, minute, hour, day, month and year 
respectively.  To perform xxxx action for the first message of the year,
you can say:
 if ( year = 1 ) xxxx

3.4. Operators

Operators test for a relationship between a variable and a value.  
This is an expression straight out of algebra 101:
  x > 5
there you're asking whether x is greater than 5.  If you didn't know that
you probably shouldn't be reading this.  Go back to high school.  In 
that expression, though, the ">" is the operator.
ZFilter supports the standard math operators for testing values:
 =   (equal to)		
 <   (less than)		
 >   (greater than)
 <=  (less than or equal to)		
 >=  (greater than or equal to)
as well as:
 !=  (not equal to)
and the two word-search functions:
 ?   (case insensitive search)
 #   (case sensitive search)

The last two may need some explanation.  An example should suffice:
 from ? "bozoland"
means "is the word 'bozoland' found anywhere in the variable 'from'?  This
would be true if from was "bingobob@bozoland.com" or "BOZOland@foo.com".
 from # "bozoland"
would only work if "bozoland" (all in lowercase letters) was in the 'from'.

Now we can look at expressions again.  An expression has one of two forms:

 (!) variable
 (!) variable relationship value

It's "value" that we need to spend a little bit of time on.
Value can be one of three things.  Text, a number, or another variable.
This is how ZFilter differentiates them all:

If it's "text" (like when you're using ? or # to search for something in
 a text-variable, or when you want to see if a text-variable is or isn't
 a certain word or phrase) the text needs to be _quoted_.  That is, it
 needs to have quotes (") around it.  For example, if I want to see if
 the phrase "have a nice day" appears anywhere in the letter I'm looking 
 at, I would use:

if( content ? "have a nice day" ) do_some_action

It MUST have quotes.  Trust me.  
If the "value" part is a number, just type it in.  Don't use quotes unless
you want it treated as text.  That's usually a bad idea.  So, to see if
the message has more than 50 lines, you would use:

if( lines > 50 ) do_some_action

Lastly, if the value is another variable, type it in without quotes again.
So, if you want to see if the variable "lines" is smaller than the variable
"words", (assuming there is a variable called "words"), you would use:

if( lines < words ) do_some_action

Or to see if the text in the "from" variable is contained anywhere else in
the message body, you could use:

if( content ? from ) do_some_action

I think figuring this part out will probably be the only tricky part for
new Unix users.  Pros should get this one in no time.  ;)

3.5. Actions

Actions are evaluated when the expression has been determined to be true.
So, for the statement

if ( from ? "bozoland" ) canned bozoland_acknowledgement

if the expression "from ? bozoland" turns out to be true for the message
currently being evaluated, (that is, if the message you just received
had the word "bozoland" somewhere in the from field) then the action
"canned bozoland_acknowledgement" would be taken.

Multiple actions on the same line are possible, but must be separated
by semi-colons (;).  Actions may also be placed on the next lines before
the next "if" statement.  Therefore, these are all different ways to
do the same set of actions:


if ( from ? "bozoland" ) canned ack; forward jimbob@bozoland.org; stop


if ( from ? "bozoland" ) canned ack
forward jimbob@bozoland.org


if ( from ? "bozoland" ) canned ack
forward jimbob@bozoland.org; stop

And so on...

That said, here are a list of all the actions and how to use them.

NOTE: Some commands take several arguments.  To have several words
 (separated by spaces) considered as one argument, you must put them
 in quotation marks.  For example, the "replace" command replaces one
 set of text with another set of text.  To replace every occurence of
 the text "aabbccd" with "bbaaddc" in a variable, you would use:
 'replace variable aabbccd bbaaddc'.  To replace "once upon a time"
 with "a long time ago in a land far, far away" (since you want to
 replace multiple words) you must use this:
 'replace "once upon a time" "a long time ago in a land far, far away"'
 (the two arguments are quoted).  For convenience, some commands which
 often take multiple words as an argument don't require this.  Wherever
 the "Usage:" line says "value", quotation marks are optional for 
 whatever you use for "value".  For example, since addheader's usage line
 says "addheader variable value", 
  addheader subject The latest subject
 is a perfectly acceptable equivalent to
  addheader subject "The latest subject"
 (Note that if you wanted "subject" to be "the subject", it must still be
  quoted like this:  addheader "the subject" The latest subject )

TIP: Whenever ZFilter sees a word beginning with "?" that isn't inside
 a pair of quotes (for example ?what, but not "?what" or "now ?what"),
 it replaces the word with the variable that comes after the "?".  So...
 if you say "page Message from ?sender", you would get a page that looked
 something like this: "Message from killer.dentist@pain.com".  This even
 works on commands; if the subject was, for some reason, "page", you
 could say "$subject Incoming Mail", and ZFilter would act as if you'd
 said "page Incoming Mail".

Action list:

  As an action, this is a synonym for "comment".
 Usage: # value
 Example: # T-I-M-B-E-R !!

  Adds the variable and value to the header of the message you have
 just received.  This can be used prior to forwarding or saving.
 It is not reccomended that you use Addheader for common variables 
 like Sender or From...  It acts as it's name suggests: it _Adds_
 the header line.  If there was a prior variable with the same name,
 now you will have two.  Use Setheader instead.  
 Usage: addheader variable value
 Example: addheader X-Came-From Bob's House O' Email

  Adds the sender of the message to the given list.
 Read the section on lists for more info.  Addresses can be removed
 from the command line, or with the action "remlist"
 Usage: addlist listname
 Example: addlist boating

  A synonym for "page".
 Usage: annoy value
 Example: annoy You have spam!

  A synonym for "page".
 Usage: biff value
 Example: biff Incoming spam!

  Forwards the message to another e-mail address, or multiple e-mail      
 addresses (separated by commas, no spaces).  The message is then
 marked to be deleted.  Using Bounce and Leave is the equivalent of the
 forward command.
 Usage: bounce address,address2,address3....
 Example: bounce bob@bozoworld.com,loser@aol.com

  Canned sends a "canned" response (i.e. a form letter) to the sender of
 the current message.  For more on preparing a canned response and how to
 use them, see a later section.
 Usage: canned filename
 Example: canned standard_acknowledgement

  Make a comment in the log file (and to wherever you have redirected logs
 if you're doing that).  Useful only for making comments to yourself.
 Usage: comment value
 Example: comment Hope this works...

  Create explicitly makes a permanent variable.  See the discussion on
 variables for more information.  Variables created with "Create", "Pinc"
 and "Pdec" maintain their values through different mail messages.  Specify 
 a value for the new variable.  "Create"d variables can be made non-permanent
 with "zap".
 Usage: create variable_name value
 Example: create bob 1

  Decrement a variable by 1.  (i.e. subtract 1).  Obviously, this only makes
 sense for variables that are numbers.  If a variable is set to "2" it will
 become "1".  If it's "1" it will become "0" and so on.  The opposite of DEC
 is "inc".  DECing a variable that does not exist will create one and give
 it the value "-1".  Like INC, "dec" won't create permanent variables, pdec
 will, though.
 Usage: dec variable_name 
 Example: dec bob

  Delete removes the message, preventing it from appearing in your inbox.
 A delete command will be negated if it is followed by a "leave" or "ignore"
 command.  If "delete" follows a "leave" or "ignore" command, it will cancel
 THEM and the message will be deleted.
 Usage: delete

  Run an internal perl routine with the arguments specified.  You may
 either run a ZFilter routine (not reccomended.  All the routines you
 can safely use are accessible via other commands.  Only use one if you
 know what you're doing) or you may run a routine previously loaded by
 Usage: do routine arguments...
 Example: do secret_routine aaa bbb ccc

  Runs another program.  The output of the program is captured by the
 variable "result" and can be used in later expressions. 
 Usage: execute command_name
 Example: execute bin/ls

  A synonym for "xmessage".
 Usage: feed program program_arguments...
 Example: feed /bin/cat

  Forwards the mail to the given addresses and the message is left in
 your inbox (unless there was a prior command to delete it).  Using
 Forward and Leave after each other sets the message to be sent to your
 inbox.  Using Forward and Delete is the equivalent to using the Bounce
 Usage: forward address,address2,address3....
 Example: forward bob@bozoworld.com,loser@aol.com

  A synonym for "load".
 Usage: get filename
 Example: get cgi-lib.pl

  Save the message to your inbox.  This command is usually used for clarity,
 since the message is saved to your inbox by default anyway.  If you follow
 a "delete" command with an "ignore" or "leave" command, the delete command
 will be canceled, and the message will be left in your inbox.  If you
 follow an "Ignore" command or "Leave" command with "delete", the message
 will be deleted anyway.
 Usage: ignore

  Increment a variable by 1.  Obviously, this only makes sense for variables
 that are numbers.  If the variable is "1" it will go to "2".  If it's "2"
 it will go to "3" and so on.  The opposite of "inc" is "dec".  INCing a 
 variable that does not exist will create one and give it the value "1".
 "Inc" won't create permanent variables (but "Pinc" will).  
 Usage: inc variable
 Example: inc bob

  A synonym for "keepheader" (below)
 Usage: keep variable1 variable2 ...
 Example: keep subject from

  Strips the message header of everything but the variables you
 specify.  Good for saving space in your inbox, or for trimming the
 headers before you "post" the message.  A "keepheader" with no
 arguments at all will zap the entire header.  Keepheader doesn't
 affect existing variables.
 Usage: keepheader variable1 variable2
 Example: keep subject from

  A synonym for "Ignore"
 Usage: leave

  Load in a perl library.  This can be a standard one, like cgi-lib.pl
 or you may load in any of your own.  ZFilter uses "require" to load
 the library.  There are no consistency checks performed on your library
 before doing this.  If there is any problem loading the library, require
 will cause the program to immediately abort, without saving whatever
 message it is currently processing.  Use extreme caution with this 
 Usage: load filename
 Example: load /var/www/cgi-lib.pl

  Like "canned", lets you mail a canned response file to a user (a 
 combination of forward & canned in a sense).  Note that it mails the
 same canned response file to the same user every time.
 Usage: mail canned_file email_address
 Example: mail acknowledgement loser@aol.com

  Mails the message to everyone on the list given.  Senders can be
 added to a list with "addlist" and deleted with "remlist" or via
 the command line for both adding and deleting. 
 Usage: maillist listname
 Example: maillist boating

  Mails the output of the last program that was run to the eMail address
 Usage: mailresult email_address
 Example: mailresult loser@aol.com

  The mode to leave files in when you're done saving to them.  (this
 is modified by the umask, which defaults to 0).  Mode is by default
 0700.  Prefix the mode with 0 to make it octal, 0x to make it hex.
 Usage: mode permissions
 Example: mode 0700
  "Tags" the message as coming from a name you specify.  This is for
 people who send you a message, but haven't specified their full name
 so that all you see is their e-mail address.  This command has purely
 aesthetic effects.  It only affects mail readers that look to see
 if a real name is on the "From" line, like PINE and ELM.  It will
 change an e-mail entry that looks like this:
 N 3 bingobob@whop.com 12 Bingobob's subject
 to this:
 N 3 Dr. Bingobob      12 Bingobob's subject
 It will also change the existing name if there is one to whatever you
 specify.  It doesn't affect anything else.  Even the "Name" variable,
 which contains the real name of the sender (if there is one) isn't
 changed, so if you want it to be changed, you'll have to set it with
 the "set" command.
 Usage: name value
 Example: name Dr. Bingobob

  Tries to send a message to you if you're logged on to the same system
 that is getting mail.  If you are on multiple times, it will try to
 send the page to all of the sessions.  Like any command, you may refer
 to variables by putting a "?" in front of them.
 Usage: page value
 Example: page Mail from ?sender about ?subject

  A synonym for "xcontent".  
 Usage: pass program program_arguments...
 Example: pass /bin/cat 

  Like "dec", but creates a permanent variable if one doesn't exist.
 Usage: pdec variable_name
 Example: pdec bob

  Like "inc", but creates a permanent variable if one doesn't exist.
 Usage: pinc variable_name
 Example: pinc bob

  Runs another program (like Execute) and "pipes" the current message to
 it.  This is wonderful for running the message to other programs that are
 expecting e-mail, like "mail", the old "filter", "vacation", etc.. 
 despite the fact that you can usually do what you want with ZFilter.
 Usage: pipe command_name
 Example: pipe /bin/filter

  Runs another program and "pipes" the current message to it (like Pipe) 
 but only sends the content of the message, not the message headers.  
 This is good for text-filters, unix commands expecting standard text and
 other programs along those lines.  Like execute and pipe, whatever the
 command prints to the screen is stored in the variable "result".
 Usage: pipecontent command_name
 Example: pipecontent /bin/cat

  Tries to post the message to the newsgroup specified.  It removes 
 extraneous header information, adds Keyword and Summary lines (it
 tries to make the Keyword line by stripping prepositions, pronouns and
 articles from the subject line) if they aren't in the message and posts
 it via Inews.  If Inews isn't configured correctly or you have specified
 it as being in the wrong place, the posting will fail and whatever you
 tried to post will disappear into the great void.  Separate multiple
 newsgroups you wish to post to with commas, no spaces.
 Usage: post group1,group2,group3,...
 Example: post alt.test,alt.aol.sucks

  Reads another rules file and takes actions from it if they apply to the
 current message.  When done reading the other rules file, processing
 returns to the command immediately following the "process" command.  You
 could theoretically have two rules file each set to process each other.
 That would lock up ZFilter until the combined internal pressures of
 stack overflow and out-of-control demands on swap space would explode 
 with enough force to knock the earth out of it's orbit and send it
 hurtling into the sun.  If we're lucky.  We might just as easily knock
 the earth the _other_ way out of orbit so we'd get farther away from the
 sun until we all slowly froze to death.  Either way, don't try it.
 Usage: process rules_file
 Example: process secondary.rules

  A synonym for "mode".
 Usage: protect permissions
 Example: protect 0700

  A synonym for "xheader".  
 Usage: purify program program_arguments...
 Example: purify /bin/cat 

  Adds "> " to the beginning of every line of the variable given.  For
 example, if the variable "foo" looked like this:
    Greetings from the world of foo.
    Have a nice day.
 doing "quote foo" would turn it into:
    > Greetings from the world of foo.
    > Have a nice day.
 Usage: quote variable
 Example: quote foo

  Removes the variable from the header of the message received.  This
 can be used prior to a forward or save if you want to remove private or
 extraneous information.  Use Keep for better stripping of everything  
 except what you want.
 Usage: remheader variable1 variable2 variable3 ....
 Example: remheader from sender to cc

  Removes the sender from the mailing list given.  Senders can be added
 via the command line, or with the command "addlist".  More information
 is available under the section about "lists"
 Usage: remlist listname
 Example: remlist boating

  Replace every occurence of the first element with the second one in
 the given variable.  For example, if you said
 "replace var aaa bbb", every time "aaa" appeared in the variable "var",
 it would be replaced with "bbb".  This differs from "xlate" which will
 only replace one letter or character, but works with ranges of letters.
 Saying "xlate var aaa bbb" will replace every letter "a" with the letter
 "b".  You may only have one-word text for now.
 Usage: replace variable_name text1 text2
 Example: replace var fred bob

  A synonym for "load".
 Usage: require library_name
 Example: require cgi-lib.pl

  A synonym for "mailresult".
 Usage: result email_address
 Example: result loser@aol.com

  A synonym for "mailresult".
 Usage: result email_address
 Example: resultto loser@aol.com

  Save appends the message to a file just as the "savecopy" command does.
 It then removes it from your inbox.  This is used as a way to keep your
 inbox clear of potential junk mail, but allows you to review it later.
 Usage: save filename
 Example: save Mail/bob

  Savecopy appends the message to a file, usually a message folder such
 as those used by PINE and ELM.  
 Usage: savecopy filename
 Example: savecopy Mail/bob

  Saveover clears the message folder before saving the current message to
 it.  Good for keeping the latest status update in it's own folder and
 deleting the old one when a new one comes in.
 Usage: saveover filename
 Example: saveover Mail/bob

  Set a variable to the value specified.  If you "set" a variable that 
 doesn't exist, a new one will be created with the value specified. You
 may only create one-word variables, although you may separate multiple
 words with an underscore (_) for readability.  So don't use "new mail",
 use "new_mail" instead.
 PROGRAMMER TYPES: Don't use quotes around the arguments to set unless you
 want them in the actual value.
 Usage: set variable value
 Example: set mail_subj HamsterMan's new mail system

  Sets the header variable of the message received to the value specified.
 If one doesn't exist, it will be created.  This can be used prior to a 
 forward or save.  If the variable exists already it will be replaced, so
 if you simply want your header to appear as well (like Received-by lines)
 you must use Addheader instead
 Usage: setheader variable value
 Example: set From The Incredible Dr. Bozo

  Stop processing the rule file.  Normally, ZFilter will continue reading the
 rule file to see if other expressions are true, and taking actions on the
 ones that are.  Stop will immediately stop processing with whatever has been
 done so far.  Note that it stops *immediately* and other commands, even ones
 on the same line, are ignored.
 Usage: stop

  A synonym for "xlate".  See below.
 Usage: tr variable range1 range2

  A synonym for "xlate".  See below.
 Usage: translate variable range1 range2

  Set the process umask for people who know what umasks are.  To specify
 an octal number, prefix the number with "0", to specify a hex number, 
 prefix the number with "0x".  0700 is octal, 0x700 is hex.
 Usage: umask mask
 Example: umask 0077

  Save the message to the folder only if the message content is not  
 already in the folder.  In all other respects, this command acts like
 the "savecopy" command.  This is useful if someone is mail-bombing you
 with the same message over and over.  This command ignores message 
 headers, and only looks to see if the incoming message content is unique
 to the folder specified (because some mail-bomb programs have header that
 changes with time).  As a shortcut, the variable "unique" is set if the
 incoming message is unique to your inbox so you do not need to check it.
 Usage: unique folder_name
 Examples: unique Mail/incoming

  A synonym for "saveover".
 Usage: write folder_name
 Example: write Mail/newfolder

  Passes the contents of the message to the program you specify.  Takes
 the output of the program as the new message body.
 Usage: xcontent program program_arguments...
 Example: xcontent /bin/cat new.msg.body

  Passes the header to the program you specify.  Takes the output of
 the program as the new header.  NOTE: variables are NOT changed after this
 action.  You must use "resync" to re-synchronize the variables and the
 Usage: xheader program program_arguments...
 Example: xheader /bin/cat replace.msg

  Translates all occurences of one set of characters in a variable to a
 different set.  Xlate takes two sets of characters.  Each is a list.
 If Xlate sees, for example, the sixth letter in set 1, it will be replaced
 by the sixth letter in set 2.  For example, you may say 
 "xlate var 1234 5678".  Xlate would look through the variable "var", and
 replace all 1s with 5s, all 2s with 6s and so on.  You may specify a
 range of characters with "-".  This would be another way to do the same
 thing as above: "xlate var 1-4 5-8".  This turns all uppercase letters
 into lowercase ones: "xlate var A-Z a-z".  Alternatively, you may separate
 the two ranges with a "/".
 Usage: xlate var range1 range2
   	xlate var range1/range2
 Example: xlate var A-Z a-z
 	  xlate var A-Z/a-z 

  Passes the message to the program you specify.  Takes the output of 
 the program as the new message.  As with Xheader, variables are NOT
 changed after this action.  You must use "resync" to re-synchronize the
 variables and the header.
 Usage: xmessage program program_arguments...
 Example: xmessage /bin/cat replace.mesg

  Make a variable non-permanent.  The variable will still retain it's value
 for the duration of the message being processed, but will not be defined as
 anything for the next message.  Use "set variable 0" to delete the variable
 for the present.
 Usage: zap variable_name
 Example: zap bob

4. How do I write form letters?

The "Canned" command will send a form letter (a standard text file) to 
whoever sent you the last message.  However ZFilter does support a special
format for messages... you can use curly braces ( { and } ) to refer to
variables from the messages, or ones that you have "set" or "create"d.  So,
for example, to refer to the variable "date" (the date the message was sent)
you would say {date} in the text of the message.  The { and } will be removed
from the message.  So, this sample form letter:

Dear {name},
  I was enraptured by your recent mail about {subject}, 
 so much so, in fact, that I scarcely noticed that it was sent on {date}
 and had {lines} lines.  Thank you so much!
					Many Thanks

Will end up looking something like this:

Dear Jacob Smith,
  I was enraptured by your recent mail about interoffice memo 1023
 so much so, in fact, that I scarcely noticed that it was sent on 18 Jun 1996
 and had 112 lines.  Thank you so much!
					Many Thanks
 Bob Wesley
 Acting Department Chairperson: Engineering

There are one or two more tricks you may find useful; If you have a 
variable that is a number, you can put either a comma (,) or a hash (#),
or both after the name (but still inside the {}s) to have the number
printed differently.  If you use a "#", the number will have "st","nd",
"rd" or "th" after it as appropriate.  If you use a ",", the number will
have commas every three numbers.  For example, assuming the variable
"number" has the value "10303", {number#} will come out as "10303rd",
{number,} will come out as "10,303" and {number#,} (or {number,#}) will
come out as "10,303rd".

That's all there is to it!  Other than the {}s, the file used for a canned
response is an ordinary text file.  If you didn't put {}s in it, everyone
who got it would get exactly the same thing.  You can use the variable       
{result} to refer to the output of some previously-run program.

Note: Any spaces inside the {}s will cause ZFilter to ignore it and leave
it as it stands.  For example:  "{bob's program}" will NOT be replaced
with the variable.  Which makes sense, since variables can't be longer than
one word anyway.

5. How do I handle lists?

ZFilter can act as a simple listerver with the appropriate commands and
rules in the rules file.  For those unfamiliar with mailing lists and
listservers, a list is simply a list of eMail addresses.  Whenever someone
on a list sends a message to whoever maintains the list, everyone on the
list gets a copy of it.  A simple example should suffice... 

bob@wherever.org is keeping a list with five people on it.  They are:

Whenever _any_one_ of those five people send a message to bob and indicate
that they want to use the mailing list, all the other people get a copy of 
the message (except the person who sent it).  

ZFilter let's you maintain multiple lists.  Each list will have it's own
name to separate it from the others.  There are three "rules" actions to
work with, and four command-line options that you can use to maintain
your lists.  The three actions are 

addlist (to add the sender of the message to the list you specify)
remlist (to delete the sender of the message from the specified list)
maillist (to remail the message to the specified list)

Examples are given under the entry for the command in the action-list.
The (CASE SENSITIVE!) command-line options to zfilter are:

-A list address : add the eMail address given to the list specified
-D list address : remove the eMail address from the list specified
-P list         : prints out all the people who are on the list specified
-W address      : prints all the lists that contain the address specified

So, for example, to add "bob@somewhere.org" to the list "boating", you
would type (on the command line)

zfilter -A boating bob@somewhere.org

And to remove him from the list "boating", you would type:

zfilter -D boating bob@somewhere.org 

To see who else is on the boating list, you would type:

zfilter -P boating

And to see all the lists bob is on, you would type:

zfilter -W bob@somewhere.org

eMail addresses are NOT case sensitive, but the names of lists are.  So, 
"boating", "Boating" and "bOAtIng" are three different lists.

For the actions, you can only add or remove the current sender from a list.
That is, people can't put other people on lists, only themselves.  Using
the action: 

if ( ... ) addlist boating

is the equivalent of typing 

zfilter -A boating (address or person who sent the letter)

and the same goes for remlist and -D.        

To be helpful, whenever ZFilter gets mail, it checks the various lists
to see which ones (if any) the sender is on.  It sets a variable called
"list.name_of_list" for each one it finds.  For example, if the sender
was on the lists boating, cars and dachsunds, the variables "list.boating",
"list.cars" and "list.dachsunds" would be created.  You could check for
this, and take an action like this:

if ( list.boating ) maillist boating

Mostly for unix techies:
With these commands, you can emulate several of the functions of a full
listerver like majordomo.  If you created a mail alias for a user, say-
boating@yourhost.domain you could add a line like this to your rules file:

if( to = "boating@yourhost.domain" & list.boating ) maillist boating
if( to = "listserv@yourhost.domain" & subject ? "join boating" ) 
addlist boating
if( to = "listserv@yourhost.domain" & subject ? "quit boating" ) 
remlist boating

Which (assuming "listserv@yourhost.domain" is also aliased) would add a 
user to the boating list if they have the words "join boating" in the
subject of the letter, remove the user if they have the words "quit boating"
in the subject of the letter, or mail the letter out to the boating list
if the letter was mailed to the list.

You can easily do file-requests:

if( subject ? "send help.txt" ) canned help.txt

ZFilter was never meant to replace full-featured listservs like majordomo,
but (with a lot of rules and some external programs) can be forced to act
like one.  Use at your own risk.  ZFilter uses DBM files to maintain lists
for quick checking and removal.  Maybe in the future, if requested, ZFilter  
will have more listserver applications.  The majordifference at the moment
(ha ha) is that for each list, you have to add the three or so lines for
it manually, and that ZFilter doesn't parse the subject line and content 
looking for stuff it understands.

One application of these functions is to start a list for people who
junk-mail you and won't stop.  You can add them from the command line
with -A, and then do something like this:

if( list.junk_mailers ) maillist junk_maillers; delete

which will keep all the junk mailers mailing each other, and delete them
from your inbox!  As Tai-Chi teaches, use the force of your opponents 
against them.  :) 

NOTE: All folders MUST be given _single_word_ names for now.

6. How can I change the default settings?

Some of the default settings, like the rules file, the subject line for
messages being forwarded or canned messages, the default logging file,
and the location of your inbox can all be set using ZFilter's configuration
mode.  Invoke it by typing "zfilter -C" (capital c).  It will prompt you
for all of the above information.

Normally, the defaults information is stored in a file called ".zfdefaults"
in your home directory.  If a file named that exists, or you would prefer
that it use a different file name, you may use the "-F" option to change
it (see a later section about changing options).

7. How can I change the default files, see summaries, logs, rules, etc..?

ZFilter supports a range of command-line options.  Here's the list and what
they do.  If you wonder why some of the option letters are a bit odd, I
tried to keep as many of them as possible the same as the ones the old
filter program used.  Blame the guy who did the old filter, not me.

 -A list email	- Add email address specified to list specified
 -C 		- Engage Config Mode, prompt for default settings for most
 -c		- Clear the log file.  Log files will be summarized and
		  condensed so that your running-totals and summaries won't
		  be affected.
 -D list email	- Remove email address specified from the list specified
 -f filename	- Use the specified rules file.
 -F filename	- Use the specified defaults file.
 -i 		- Ignore "reply-to" field of the message, and use the
		  address the message came from for the "canned" command.
 -I		- Ignore the next argument.  You can have as many of these
		  as you like.  
 -l		- Actions-only (don't log the sender and subject)
 -L directory	- Use the specified directory to store logs
 -n		- Not-really, display the logs to the screen and take no
 -o filename	- redirect where verbose messages are printed to.
 -p filename 	- Use the specified file to hold the permanent variables
		  (normally ".zfprmnt" in your home directory)
 -P list	- Display all the eMail addresses in the list specified
 -q		- "Quiet" mode.  Don't print to the logs. 
 -r		- View the rules file
 -s		- Display a summary of actions taken and who mail came from.
 -S		- View the log file.
 -t filename	- Use the specified file for temporary information
 -u 		- Usage.  Display a summary of command-line arguments
 -v		- Verbose- print logs to the screen or specified place.
		  change where messages are printed to with -o.  Logging
		  to the log file is unchanged.
 -V		- Print the version and release date of your copy of ZFilter
 -W address	- Display all lists that contain the address specified
 -x		- Completely reset the summary data
 -X		- Completely reset _everything_, including all permanent

 -? -H -h /?    - All print usage help.  Like -u
NOTE: When the description mentions the 'specified file', place the file
 name after the option like this:
zfilter -p .myzfprmnt -F .myzfdflt

to set the "permanent" file to ".myzfprmnt" and the "defaults" file
to ".myzfdflt".

ZFilter ignores any arguments it doesn't understand.

8. What does ZFilter do if there's a problem with mail?  

ZFilter takes the following steps...

- If it ever can't lock or open a file, it aborts opening it.
- If it was trying to write to a mail folder, it gives up and tries
 to write to the inbox instead.
- If it can't write to the inbox, it tries to save the message as a file
 in your home directory called "dead_letter.####" (where #### is the 
 process ID for ZFilter at the time, a semi-random number)
- If it can't save the dead letter file, it sends the message (with an
 error report) to the local postmaster, sends just the error report
 and message headers to the postmaster at the sending site, then sends
 the message (no error report) back to the sender, and mails you an
 error report and message header in hopes that it will eventualy get
 through.  (If it encounters the same error when trying to save the
 error report, it just keeps sending it back to you)

9. Miscellanious

- Normally, ZFilter logs it's actions to a file called "filter-log". 
 You may change this in the course of processing by changing the
 variable 'log_file' to reflect the new file to log to.  This is useful
 for logging certain mail to a different file for whatever purposes you
 may intend it.

- The variable "base_dir" is a shortcut that refers to the default
 directory for files that don't start with "/".  For example, if    
 base_dir is set to "/var/home/bob" and you change the log file from
 "filter-log" to "myfilter.log", the full path for "myfilter.log" 
 will be "/var/home/bob/myfilter.log".  If you wanted to log to
 "myfilter.log" in the root directory, you would need to change it
 to "/myfilter.log".  By default, base_dir is set to your home directory.

- To prevent "mail-loops" of two filters e-mailing each other, ZFilter
 adds the header "X-Filtered-By" to the message, and will not respond to
 any message containing an "X-Filtered-By" in the message header.  Just
 to be paranoid, ZFilter will also not respond to any message containing
 the words "automated", "filter" or "server" in the subject line.  You
 (or whoever maintains the source for ZFilter) can easily change this by
 editing the first few lines of the source (the part to change is
 clearly marked)

- Your inbox is (by default) /var/mail/YOUR_LOGIN_NAME .  Don't change
 it in the defaults file unless you are sure what it is.  Consult a 
 Unix techie if you don't know.

- As a special shortcut, actions that appear in the rules file prior
 to any "if" statements are taken for every e-mail letter (as if the
 first line had been an "if (always)" )

- You may imbed comments in your rules file.  Any line starting with the
 "#" character will be ignored.

- When configuring ZFilter, you may define a "local host".  This is 
 appended to all mail that arrives from your local machine.  (ie mail
 from "bob" or "jim" NOT "bob@bozoland.com").  You will probably only
 need this if mail sent to just "bob" doesn't work correctly.

- When configuring ZFilter, it will ask what the "chain_threshold"
 should be.  This is the number of times a letter should look like it
 has been forwarded before being flagged a "chain" letter.

- Unix Hacks: the "?" and "#" operators do a perl regex on the variable
 they work on.  "?" does an insensitive "/whatever/i" and "#" does it
 without the "i".  SOO... you can put any regex perl stuff in it you 
 like, say  if( bob ? ^foo$ ) to match "foo" only case-insensitive.  

- When you use the save, or savecopy commands, they save to whatever the
 "base_dir" location is, unless you specify a relative or full path as
 the folder name.  Since most people's mail is in the directory "Mail" or
 "mail", you will need to say "savecopy mail/foldername" or 
 "savecopy Mail/foldername" if you don't change the base_dir.

 Using ANY of these options on ZFilter's invocation line will cause
 ZFilter to quit without actually processing a message:
  -A -C -c -D -L -P -r -s -S -u -V -x -X
 All of these options are for managing files, or setting up ZFilter.
 They are meant to be run by calling zfilter directly, like this:
 zfilter -C -x -X

 And will cause all your mail to dissapear if you use them in your 
 .forward file.

- Whenever ZFilter opens a file that it intends to write to, it creates
 a file called "filename.lock" (where "filename" is the name of the file
 that it is trying to write to).  It also locks the file using the flock(2)
 system call.  If you create a file called "filename.lock" and do not
 remove it, ZFilter will never write to the file.  If your system does not
 support the flock system call, you may disable it by editing ZFilter and 
 setting "$USE_FLOCK" to "0".  

- ZFilter takes the following actions based on incoming signals:
 SIGALRM - Abort file-locking attempt.  Follow failed-to-open-file procedures.
 SIGQUIT, SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGTERM - Remove existing file locks, try to save
   the message in memory to "dead_letter.####" (where #### is the process ID).
 SIGABRT - Remove existing file locks.  Vaporize message in memory.
 SIGKILL - Die a nasty, miserable death.  No chance to remove file locks.
   They must be deleted later manually.

- ZFilter sets the "ip" variable in the following manner:  If it looks
 like the message came from your local system, it sets "ip" to the word
 "LOCAL" (all in caps).  If the message looks like it came from UUCP at
 some point (in which case it would be useless to try to resolve the host)
 the 'ip' variable is set to "UUCP".  In all other cases, ZFilter tries to
 determine the IP address of the host and sets the 'ip' variable to it.
 If the IP address cannot be determined, then the 'ip' variable will be
 empty.  You could test the message like this:
   if( ! ip ) save Mail/spam; 
   if( ip = "UUCP" ) save Mail/uucp;  
   if( ip = "LOCAL" ) canned getbacktoya; savecopy Mail/localmail

10. Examples:

TASK: I would like to acknowledge all e-mail received with a form letter.
 I would also like all mail coming from harry@somewhere.outhere.com to
 be saved to a folder called "harry".  The form letter is saved as a file
 called "ack".

The rules file would look like this:

canned ack
if ( sender ? "harry@somewhere.outhere.com" ) save Mail/harry 

Or alternately (for the picky)

if (always) canned ack 
if ( sender ? "harry@somewhere.outhere.com" ) save Mail/harry

Or for people using the alternate form ( *sigh* )

if always then canned ack
if sender ? "harry@somewhere.outhere.com" then save Mail/harry

TASK: I would like all incoming mail backed-up to a file called "received"
 I want all mail that mentions the phrase "I need help" in the text of
 the message to be mailed the file "help-response".  If the subject of
 the letter contains the word "meeting", send the canned response file
 "vacation" and delete the letter.

Here is the rules file:

savecopy Mail/received
if ( content ? "I need help" ) canned help-response
if ( subject ? "meeting" ) canned vacation; delete

NOTE: Mail containing the word "meeting" in the subject line AND the
 phrase "I need help" in the content of the message, it would generate
 the response file "help-response", AND get the canned message "vacation"
 (that's two messages) and be deleted.

TASK: I am currently being mail-bombed by someone who keeps flooding
 my incoming mailbox with the same message, over and over.  I would like
 to have messages saved only if they contain unique content.  I would
 also like to delete messages if they have no actual content.

Here is the rules file:

if( ! unique | empty ) delete

NOTE: this only works for the inbox, since the "unique" variable is a
 shortcut.  See the "unique" command for information about saving the
 message to a folder if it is unique.

TASK: I would like to delete chain letters before I see them

Here is the rules file:
if( chain ) delete

Easy, huh?

TASK: I have moved to another e-mail address.  I was previously 
 loser@aol.com   and now I'm   I_have_a_life_now@somewhere.else .  I would
 like all mail at loser@aol.com to be forwarded to my new address, and
 anyone sending mail to loser@... should get a response that I've moved.
 (assuming AOL would let you get a shell account.. :) )

Here is the rules file for loser@aol.com
forward I_have_a_life_now@somewhere.else; canned Ive_moved

One line!  Easy, huh?  Just make sure the file "Ive_moved" exists.

11. How does ZFilter compare to other filter programs?

I only know of three other programs that try to filter mail, so I'm sorry
if I don't compare it to your favorite one.  Perhaps you can compare it
yourself and tell me what you think?  I'd love to know... my eMail address
is at the top and bottom of this README.

The other progams I know of are: "filter", "mailagent" and "procmail".
Here's how I think I stack up against them:

filter: ZFilter was intended to replace filter.  I hated that program.  :)
	The old filter was clunky, and had an atrocious man page.  
	ZFilter's action set is a superset of the old filter's.  Any thing
	the old filter could do, ZFilter can do, and probably better.
	ZFilter is written in PERL and is more customizable than filter,
	which is written in C.  ZFilter can take as many actions as you
	like to any expression.  Filter would let you take one.

procmail: Procmail places more emphasis on reliability and delivering mail
	under miserable conditions.  ZFilter works best when the operating
	system isn't overloaded, the file system has enough space to hold
	incoming mail, etc..  ZFilter is heading in the direction of 
	better reliability, but for the moment, new features are a higher 
	priority than delivering mail under very adverse conditions.
	ZFilter offers many more actions, and abilities.

mailagent: I like mailagent.  If I had known about mailagent when I first
	tried to find a better filter, I might never have written ZFilter.
	ZFilter differs in several ways.  First, the rules file for
 	Mailagent follows a lex style, ZFilter's is more like a shorthand
	C style that should be easily grokked by C and PASCAL programmers.
	It also accepts old BASIC style rules.  I hope this makes ZFilter
	easy to use for beginners and people unfamiliar to programming and
	the UNIX environment.

	Mailagent comes with a separate configuration program.  ZFilter's
	config mode is internal.

	Mailagent can run as a daemon process and work on an existing
	mail queue and mail folders.  ZFilter only deals with mail as it
	comes in.

 	Both are written in perl, although mailagent comes with C source.
	ZFilter is tiny.  Mailagent's package is nearly 500k gzipped and
	has over 20 directories.  ZFilter takes up about 30k gzipped
	and contains only two files.  

	Both programs probably have much different styles of displaying
	summaries, but I've never seen mailagent's, so I don't know what
	the differences are specifically.

	Mailagent doesn't have commands for adding/removing people from
	lists per se, but has a server to process message bodies for
	commands.  ZFilter can search message bodies for whatever you
	like, but is much clunkier than Mailagent about it.
	Mailagent doesn't have commands for dealing with counters and
	permanent variables.

	There are numerous subtle differences and minor features in both
	programs that are not supported in the other.  I haven't made a
	serious effort to catalog these, but they will become apparent
	over time to anyone who switches.  If there is a feature of any
	other program that you especially like and would like to see
	in ZFilter, please eMail me and I'll see what I can do.  

	Here is a short Mailagent <-> Zfilter command set showing what
	command equivalents are.  ZFilter does not go into different
	"states" during message processing, nor does it act as a daemon
	process, so some of Mailagent's commands are not applicable to
	ZFilter.  They are marked with n/a and a comment is made for them.

	There are often command aliases/synonyms to let you use Mailagent
	commands in ZFilter if you came from that background.  They are 
	in parentheses under the command name.
	Items marked with a "-" are not directly supported.
	ZFilter and Mailagent treat the output of commands differently.
	Mailagent mails it to the owner of the program, ZFilter stores it
	in a variable called "result" and it is lost unless you explicitly 
	do something with it.

	Mailagent	Zfilter		Notes
	-		addlist		Add to list.  Can be emulated in 
					Mailagent by server commands in
					the message body if present.
	annotate	addheader	
			(or annotate)	
	after		-		Runs a process after (x) time
	apply		process		
	assign		set
	back		run + take	Runs a program & takes actions
				     	based on it's output
	beep		page 		(as an argument; also annoy, or biff)
	begin		n/a		Enters a new state
	biff		page		(or annoy, or biff)
	bounce		bounce
	-		create
	-		comment
	do		do  		
	-		dec
	delete		delete
	feed		xmessage	(or feed)
	forward		forward		
	give		pipecontent
	-		inc	
	leave		leave/ignore	
	-		maillist	see "addlist"
	macro		-		Lets you create a macro
	message		canned
	-		name
	nop		(leave empty)	No-operation.  To not take 
					actions to an "if" statement, 
					simply do not put any after it.
	notify		mail
	once		(default)	Only take the command once
	pass		xcontent	(or pass)
	-		pdec
	-		pinc
	pipe		pipe
	post		post
	process		n/a		Process and execute Mailagent
	protect		mode		(or protect)
	purify		xheader		(or purify)
	-		remlist		See "addlist"
	queue		n/a		Re-Queue the message to process
	record		n/a		Record message, switch to SEEN
					mode if it has been recorded before.
	reject		-		Abort the current action and
					reset to default action.
	require		load		(or get, or require)
	restart		-		Restart rule file
	resync		resync
	run 		execute		(or run)
	save		save
	select		-		Execute command only within given
					time period.
	server		n/a		Treat message body as server
	split		-		Split up the message into several
	store		savecopy	
	strip		remheader
	subst		subst
	tr		xlate
	umask		umask		Changes process's umask
	unique		unique		(and the var. "unique" as a shortcut)
	vacation	set,canned	Turns vacation mode on and off
					(when on, tells people who write
					to you that you're on vaction)
	write		saveover	
	-		zap
12. Modification history

ver. 2.7: Experimental "-U (user)" command.  This will obviously only work
          if you're running as root (short of serious security holes in your
	  system).  Added the "ip" variable and resolving the IP address of
	  of the sender's hostname.  Added "quote" and "mailresult".
ver. 2.6: More bugfixes, adding or removing from lists shouldn't abort
	  the entire program if there's a problem.  Canned should be 
	  fixed, I accidentally trashed it when I was neatening up from
	  2.4.  How embarassing!  ZFilter practices safe file-locking
	  via it's own method & flock(2).  Zfilter tries to figure out
	  if you can use flock(2) during config mode and warns the user
	  if it doesn't look like your system supports it.
	  ZFilter has signal handling, (most notably, it tries to save
	  the letter in memory to disk before dying).  ZFilter is better 
          about failed attempts to lock files or save mail.  If it can't
	  save the message to the mail folder, inbox or a "dead letter"
	  file in the user's home directory, it sends panic email to
	  the appropriate postmasters, the sender and the user (it will
	  keep re-queueing the error message until it eventually gets through
	  or someone explicity deletes the error message from the sendmail
	  incoming mail queue).  Fixed the bug in "unique" that flagged
	  messages with no content.  Added the "empty" variable so you can
	  delete them explicitly if you want to.  
          There is an explicit "Ignore" argument for the command line.  
          For what it's worth, you can now use a single "-" to prefix multiple 
          arguments to zfilter that don't need any additional information.  
          Like, you can now say "zfilter -sr" on the command line because 
          neither option "s" nor option "r" need to know anything else.  
ver. 2.5: The "Bugfix" version.  :)  But there's new stuff too.
          Fix for "addlist" and "remlist" when used internally.
	  Improved Xlate a bit to take "/"s between vars.
	  A bit more paranoid about "xcontent" and programs that
	  might not return what we're hoping for.  The command parser
	  now accepts multiple-word arguments (if they're quoted).
	  Fix for file permission problems.  Fixed potential problem to 
	  "canned" and "mail" which might have started "filter fights".  
          ZFilter now uses "sendmail" instead of "mail" for actual delivery
	  of outbound mail.  Tightened up internal code for better
	  efficiency and easier readability.  ZFilter now logs when it
	  won't respond to a message that's come from another filter.
	  Zfilter won't let you process a rules file that's already 
	  being processed.  
	  Added "do" and "require" to help people load their own modules.
	  Added "comment", "unique" command and variable.  Added some
	  cool new abilities to form letters.  You can now interpolate
	  variables as commands or command arguments.  Added the "page"
ver. 2.4: Reorganized several of ZFilter's commands and functions
	  for better readability.  Minor bugfixes, mostly some
	  applications of "post".  Revision to some parts of this README
	  to make them more understandable.
ver. 2.3: Added xheader, xcontent, xmessage, resync, umask and mode
	  Bugfixes for all the 2.2 commands.  :)
ver. 2.2: Added bounce, xlate, addheader, remheader, setheader, take
	  keepheader, post, process, saveover and "bounce" as a separate
	  command.  Bugfixes.
ver. 2.1: ZFilter no longer cares whether "filter" is in the subject
	  line of forwarded or canned messages.  It now plays with the
	  message headers to identify the message as having been filtered.
	  It still doesn't respond to messages with the word "filter" in
	  the subject line for backward-compatibility and common sense.
	  Bugfix to saving mail to a folder that should _hopefully_ clear
	  up any wierd problems with "phantom mail" that messes with the
	  minds of "You have new mail" alarms.  You might have either  
	  gotten "You have new mail" messages when you didn't, or not
	  gotten any messages when you did.
ver. 2.0: Added minor listserv functions.  ZFilter can now add and
	  delete email addresses from lists, both "on-the-fly" in a
	  rules file and from the command line.  Also supports displaying
	  lists from the command line and searching lists for a user.
	  Added -u for syntax help.  Added -? -h -H and /? as synonyms
	  for -u just in case.  Did I mention I'm paranoid? :)
ver. 1.9: Minor bugfix for log-clearing.  Added "bounce" as a synonym
	  for "forward".  Added the "name" command.  ZFilter now sets
	  the status of all the messages it parses to "N" (so that if
	  you save to a folder, your messages still are flagged as being
ver. 1.8: Clear logs becomes "summarize and clear logs".  Zfilter now
	  uses DBM files to summarize old logs before deleting them.
	  The end result uses about 1/3 the disk space of keeping large
	  logs around.  Summaries are not affected if you tell Zfilter
	  to clear the logs any more since old summaries are stored.
	  Also added command-line options to completely reset the logs
	  and the summaries.
ver. 1.6: Scrapped the old expression parser and did a new one.
	  It's tighter, won't allow "or" and "and" instead of (| and &)
	  BUT it will take sub-expressions in parentheses, and it fixed
          one or two bugs in the old one dealing with "never" and "always"
	  (so embarrasing too... they were supposed to be easy!)
	  And it's marginally more idiot-proof.  BIG CHANGE: The parser
	  allows you to compare variables like this: "if ( a > b ) ..."
	  which can be nice, BUT it also means that when you do a 
	  regex search ( like when you use ? or # in an "if" statement)
	  you MUST put quotes around text you want to find if it isn't
	  another variable.  Like so:

	  if( a ? b ) ...     - Searches to see if the contents of variable
				"b" appear in variable "a".
	  if( a ? "b" ) ...   - Searches to see if the letter "b" appears
				in the variable "a".
ver. 1.41: Precious little.  Bugfix, added "chain-detection".
prior to ver. 1.41: Whatever I did is lost to history...

(C) 1996, 1997 Steve Zeck (viper@kuentos.guam.net)
Free software, anyone may modify and re-distribute as much as they wish
without express consent from me as long as I am still attributed in the
source as the original author and the notice at the beginning of the 
script is left unchanged.  Modifiers must also put their eMail address
in the source for Zfilter in the place reserved for that purpose.