NAME App::assh - A wrapper around autossh. VERSION version 1.1.1 SYNOPSIS A wrapper around autossh. MOTIVATION `autossh` is a nifty little ssh-keepalive-connection-holder. Passing in the ports for the keepalive can be clumsy though: `assh` helps you to avoid that. USAGE assh assh HOSTNAME REQUIREMENTS First, you will need a file `~/.ssh/config`. It looks something like this: Host foo HostName User baz With this, you can already leverage standard `ssh` connections: ssh foo ... instead of ssh Next, generate a file `~/.autossh_rc` with the following format: foo 12345 ... with the first entry on the line representing your `Host` in `~/.ssh/config` and the second item on the line being the port over which to keep the autossh connection alive. Now you can permanently connect using: assh foo ... with the connection kept alive across network switches and computer shutdowns. ATTRIBUTES * hosts: HashRef holding the values HOSTNAME => AUTOSSH_PORT * ports: HashRef holding the values HOSTNAME => "USER => USERNAME, HOST => HOSTNAME" * ssh_config_file: The path to the ssh config file. Default: `~/.ssh/config` * ports_config_file: The path to the ports config (this is what I have chosen): `~/.autossh_rc` SEE ALSO * autossh: <> AUTHOR DBR <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2013 by DBR. This is free software, licensed under: DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 2, December 2004