NAME Graph::Reader::TGF - Perl class for reading a graph from TGF format. SYNOPSIS use Graph::Reader::TGF; my $obj = Graph::Reader::TGF->new; my $graph = $obj->read_graph($tgf_file); METHODS "new" my $obj = Graph::Reader::TGF->new; Constructor. This doesn't take any arguments. Returns Graph::Reader::TGF object. "read_graph" my $graph = $obj->read_graph($tgf_file); Read a graph from the specified file. The argument can either be a filename, or a filehandle for a previously opened file. Returns Graph object. TGF FILE FORMAT TGF = Trivial Graph Format TGF file format is described on L<English Wikipedia - Trivial Graph Format|> Example: 1 First node 2 Second node # 1 2 Edge between the two ERRORS new(): Parameter 'edge_callback' isn't reference to code. Parameter 'vertex_callback' isn't reference to code. EXAMPLE1 use strict; use warnings; use File::Temp qw(tempfile); use Graph::Reader::TGF; use IO::Barf qw(barf); # Example data. my $data = <<'END'; 1 First node 2 Second node # 1 2 Edge between the two END # Temporary file. my (undef, $tempfile) = tempfile(); # Save data to temp file. barf($tempfile, $data); # Reader object. my $obj = Graph::Reader::TGF->new; # Get graph from file. my $g = $obj->read_graph($tempfile); # Print to output. print $g."\n"; # Clean temporary file. unlink $tempfile; # Output: # 1-2 EXAMPLE2 use strict; use warnings; use File::Temp qw(tempfile); use Graph::Reader::TGF; use IO::Barf qw(barf); # Example data. my $data = <<'END'; 1 Node #1 2 Node #2 3 Node #3 4 Node #4 5 Node #5 6 Node #6 7 Node #7 8 Node #8 9 Node #9 10 Node #10 # 1 2 1 3 1 5 1 6 1 10 3 4 6 7 6 8 6 9 END # Temporary file. my (undef, $tempfile) = tempfile(); # Save data to temp file. barf($tempfile, $data); # Reader object. my $obj = Graph::Reader::TGF->new; # Get graph from file. my $g = $obj->read_graph($tempfile); # Print to output. print $g."\n"; # Clean temporary file. unlink $tempfile; # Output: # 1-10,1-2,1-3,1-5,1-6,3-4,6-7,6-8,6-9 DEPENDENCIES Encode, Error::Pure, Graph::Reader. SEE ALSO Graph::Reader base class for Graph file format readers Task::Graph::Reader Install the Graph::Reader modules. REPOSITORY <> AUTHOR Michal Josef ��pa��ek <> <> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT �� Michal Josef ��pa��ek 2014-2023 BSD 2-Clause License VERSION 0.04