RT::Extension::SummaryByUser - portlets to show ticket counters per user

    This extension ships with OwnerSummary and RequestorSummary portlets you
    can use in a dashboard and/or RT at glance. Summary can be displayed not
    only by user, but by users' organization or other fields. For example
    RequestorSummary portlet displays summary by requestors' organization.
    Read more about this below in "CONFIGURATION" section.

    This module works on RT 3.8 with patches (see below) or on RT 4.0. It is
    not currently compatible with RT 4.2.

    Installation goes as usual for RT extensions, but for older RT versions
    you have to apply patches. For more correct results and work without
    errors in any version prior to RT 3.8.5 you must apply patches that are
    shipped with this distribution in the patches directory. First of all
    apply RT-3.8.4-chart-improvements.patch then
    RT-3.8-use_distinct_count_for_charts_when_required-2.patch. Also,
    DBIx::SearchBuilder has been updated as well, and you need 1.56 or

    Don't forget to register plugin in the @Plugins config option.

    To make a OwnerSummary or RequestorSummary available in the Web UI you
    must register it in the RT config using $HomepageComponents option. Once
    a portlet is registered in $HomepageComponents it can be added to your
    homepage using the Edit link on RT at a Glance, or added to a Dashboard.

    More portlets can be created using this extension. Look into the
    RequestorSummary file, it just calls OwnerSummary with arguments:

        return $m->comp( 'OwnerSummary', Role => 'Requestor', Field => 'Organization' );

    As you can see there is two arguments: 'Role' and 'Field'. Role can be
    'Owner', 'Creator', 'Requestor', 'Cc' and 'AdminCc'. Field can be any
    column from Users table or empty. The following fields make sence:
    'Organization', 'Country', 'State' or 'City'. Empty value means that the
    report is groupped by particular users.

    You can copy this file into local/html/Elements directory with different
    name, for example with RequestorCountrySummary, change arguments,
    register the new portlet in $HomepageComponents, restart server and use
    new portlet.


        Ruslan Zakirov <>
        Kevin Falcone <>

    Under the same terms as perl itself.