NAME THD7 - Perl module providing control to a Kenwood TH-D7 radio via serial port SYNOPSIS use THD7 qw(:constants :functions); $Radio = new THD7 ("/dev/ttyS0"); $Radio->Band(BAND_A); $Radio->DataBand(BAND_A); $Radio->TNC(ON); $Radio->APRS_TransmitInterval(1); $Radio->APRS_Beacon(ON); ABSTRACT This module allows you to perform real-time control over the Kenwood TH-D7 radio via a serial port. In its simplest usage, you can send commands to configure your D7 as if you were entering them on the D7's keypad. By using the more advanced functions such as Polling, you can construct callback functions that will be called whenever the D7 does something (like receive a transmission or is reconfigured via the D7's keypad). The current version of should always be available via CPAN or: DESCRIPTION Before interacting with the radio in any way, an object must be created and tied to the serial port where the D7 is connected. This is done like this: use THD7 qw/:constants :functions/; my $Radio = new THD7 ("/dev/ttyS0"); The ":constants" and ":functions" tags import certain constants and conversion functions described later on. These will be useful and their use is encouraged. BASIC CONTROL Now that you've got your THD7 object opened and connected to a serial port, you can start sending commands to the D7 and querying the D7 settings. Nearly all of the commands listed here are readable and writable. If you call a method without specifying a setting, the current setting will be returned. Unless otherwise noted, the returned values will exactly match the argument list. Most methods have two names. The short name matches the command string sent to the D7 (ARL, BAL, BUF) while the long name is a more descriptive version and should be used to maximize readability. $Radio->Band(); # Returns current band $Radio->Band(BAND_A); # Sets the band to band A $Radio->Band(); # Returns 0 (BAND_A) Here is a list of all control and query functions available: AI [*on_off*] Turns on/off status and reporting notifications. See the section on Polling and callback functions for more information about this. *on_off* can be either ON or OFF. Leave this off unless you're going to be using Poll to retrieve the information. There are no keystrokes available on the D7 to modify this value. $Radio->AI(ON); VHFAIP [*on_off*] (AIP) Turns on/off the Advanced Intercept Point feature. Equivalent to pressing [MENU], [1], [5], [6]. APO [*setting*] Turns on/off the Auto Power-Off feature. *Setting* can take one of three constants: OFF, APO_30, APO_60 (0, 1 or 2). NOTE: An additional argument is returned from this function (or by polling). When the argument is set to ON, the D7 is about to power down because of the APO setting. $Radio->APO(APO_30); # Turn off after 30 minutes. # After 30 minutes, your callback function receives an APO # event with an additional argument, set to 1. (See below for # information about Polling and callback functions): sub APO_callback { my ($name, $APO_setting, $about_to_shut_down) = @_; if ($about_to_shut_down) { print "WARNING! D7 about to shut down!\n"; } else { print "APO setting now: $APO_setting\n"; } } Equivalent to pressing [MENU], [1], [2], [2]. APRS_Beacon [*on_off*] (BCN) Turns on/off the APRS beacon mode. Equivalent to pressing [BCON]. APRS_Comment [*setting*] (POSC) Sets/retrieves the APRS positional comment. The *setting* is an integer from 0 to 7: 0 Off Duty 1 Enroute 2 In Service 3 Returning 4 Committed 5 Special 6 Priority 7 Emergency $Radio->APRS_Comment(1); # We're now enroute! Note that setting this to 5 or greater will cause your call sign to appear with red flashing lights and alarm klaxons with some APRS installations. Equivalent to pressing [MENU], [2], [4]. APRS_Icon [*user_defined* *icon*] (ICO) Sets/retrieves the current icon setting. By default, the D7 has 16 built-in icons (numbered from 0 to E, hex). You can either set *user_defined* to zero (0) and use this number to specify a built-in icon, or you can set *user_defined* to 1 and specify your own two-byte APRS icon as your *icon*. Equivalent to pressing [MENU], [2], [5]. $Radio->APRS_Icon(0, 8); # A little car APRS_MyCall [*call*] (MYC) Sets/retrieves the call sign for APRS packets. Equivalent to pressing [MENU], [2], [1]. APRS_Path [*path*] (PP) Sets/retrieves the current APRS path (e.g. "RELAY,WIDE"). Equivalent to pressing [MENU], [2], [8]. APRS_PosLimit [*distance*] (ARL) Limit APRS notifications to *distance* miles/kilometers. This value must be divisible by ten (10). Equivalent to pressing [MENU], [2], [B]. $Radio->APRS_PosLimit(500); # 500 mi/km $Radio->APRS_PosLimit(499); # Invalid $Radio->APRS_PosLimit(490); # OK APRS_Status [*text*] (STAT) Sets/retrieves the current APRS status text. Equivalent to pressing [MENU], [2], [6]. APRS_TransmitMode [*setting*] (DTX) Sets/retrieves the current APRS transmit mode. *Setting* can be any of MANUAL, PTT or AUTO. Equivalent to pressing [MENU], [2], [9]. APRS_Unprotocol [*string*] (UPR) Sets/retrieves the current APRS Unprotocol string. Equivalent to pressing [MENU], [2], [A]. AutoOffset [*on_off*] (ARO) Turns on/off automatic repeater offsets. Equivalent to pressing [MENU] + [1], [5], [1]. Balance [*balance*] (BAL) Adjusts the speaker balance between the two bands. Equivalent to pressing [BAL]. Value BAND_A BAND_B ===================== 0 100% 0% 1 75 25 2 50 50 3 25 75 4 0 100 Band [*band*] (BC) Switches the currently selected band. *band* can be either BAND_A or BAND_B. Equivalent to pressing [A/B]. BatterySave [*setting*] (SV) Sets/retrieves the current Battery Save setting. *Setting* is one of the following: 0 Off 1 0.2s 2 0.4 3 0.6 4 0.8 5 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 Equivalent to pressing [MENU], [1], [2], [1]. Beep [*setting*] (BEP) Turns on/off the key/data notification beep. *Setting* can be OFF, KEY, <KEY_DATA> or <ALL>. Equivalent to pressing [MENU], [1] + [5], [3]. Bell *band* [*on_off*] Turns on/off bell notification for the specified band. *Band* must be either BAND_A or BAND_B. Equivalent to pressing [F], [ENT]. Buffer *band* [*frequency*, *step*, *x1*, *reverse*, *tone*, *CTCSS*, *x2*, *tonefreq*, *x3*, *CTCSSfreq*, *offset*, *mode*] (BUF) This function sets or retrieves the current frequency information for the specified band (BAND_A or BAND_B). "Set" is an alias for this method. The specified band must be in VFO mode (via Mode) for this call to succeed. When making changes via this method, ALL arguments are required: *frequency* Integer frequency value in Hz *step* Integer step value; see "HELPER FUNCTIONS" later for information on how to generate this value *reverse* Reverse repeater offset (ON or OFF) *tone* PL tone enabled (ON or OFF) *CTCSS* CTCSS tone enabled (ON or OFF) *tonefreq* PL tone frequency; see "HELPER FUNCTIONS" later for information on how to generate this value *CTCSSfreq* ditto *offset* Repeater offset in Hz *mode* Modulation mode (FM or AM) *x1 x2 x3* Unknown (set to 0?) For an easier method to set/retrieve the current frequency without all of that extra crap, see the Freq method. ChannelMode [*on_off*] (CH) Activates the channel display mode. Effectively places the D7 in a mode where the user may only navigate the channel list. See the D7 manual page 31 ("CHANNEL DISPLAY") for other restrictions. Equivalent to pressing POWER OFF, [A/B]+ POWER ON. Contrast [*setting*] (CNT) Adjust the contrast of the LCD display. Valid settings are integers from 1 to 16. Equivalent to pressing [MENU], [1], [1], [2]. CTCSS [*on_off*] (CT) Enable/disable CTCSS. Equivalent to pressing [F], [3]. CTCSSFreq [*tone*] (CTN) Set/retrieve the CTCSS tone frequency. *Tone* is an integer value from 1 to 39. See the ToTone and FromTone methods described in "HELPER FUNCTIONS" for information on how to generate this value. Equivalent to pressing [F], [4]. DataBand [*band*] (DTB) Sets/retrieves the current data band selection (BAND_A or BAND_B). Equivalent to pressing [MENU], [1], [4], [1]. DCDSense [*setting*] (DS) Sets/retrieves the DCD sense setting. Valid *setting*s are DATA or BOTH. Down (DW) Adjusts the frequency downward by the current step setting. See also: Up DTMF_Name *memory* [*name*] (DMN) Sets/retrieves the DTMF memory name for location *memory*. Equivalent to pressing [MENU], [1], [3], [1]. DTMF_Memory *memory* [*number*] (DM) Sets/retrieves the DTMF string for location *memory*. Equivalent to pressing [MENU], [1], [3], [1]. DTMF_Pause [*setting*] (PT) Sets/retrieves the current DTMF pause setting. *Setting* is an integer representing one of these timings: 0 100ms 1 200 2 500 3 750 4 1000 5 1500 6 2000 Equivalent to pressing [MENU], [1], [3], [4]. DTMF_Speed [*setting*] (TSP) Sets/retrieves the current DTMF speed setting. Valid *setting*s are SLOW or FAST. Equivalent to pressing [MENU], [1], [3], [2]. Dual [*on_off*] (DL) Activate/Deactivate the dual band feature of the HT. Equivalent to pressing [DUAL]. Duplex [*setting*] (DUP) Activates/deactivates full duplex mode. *Setting* can be either FULL (ON) or HALF (OFF). Equivalent to pressing [DUP]. Freq [*frequency* *step*] (FQ) The easy way to set/retrieve the current frequency (as opposed to its big brother, Buffer). *Frequency* is in Hz and *step* should be set via ToStep described under "HELPER FUNCTIONS". FreqList (FL) READ-ONLY Returns four pairs of arguments, the first in the pair being the lower extent for an available band, the second being the upper extent. The values are in MHz (e.g. "00118", though you can treat it numerically). GPS [*on_off*] (GU) Turns on/off support for an attached NMEA-compatible GPS receiver. At the present time, this is a simple boolean ON/OFF setting, but if Kenwood ever adds sport for additional receiver types, you can simply use the appropriate integer offset in place of a constant. NMEA is synonymous with ON. Equivalent to pressing [MENU], [2], [2]. ID (GU) READ-ONLY Returns the ID string associated with the HT, e.g. "TH-D7". Lock [*on_off*] (LK) Lock/unlock the radio keypad. Equivalent to pressing [F] (1 s) Lamp [*on_off*] (LMP) Set/check the status of the LCD display lamp. Momentary lighting of the lamp via the [LAMP] button doesn't count. Equivalent to pressing [F], [LAMP]. Memory *band* [*channel*] (MC) Retrieve or set the current memory channel for the specified band. *Channel* is any valid channel number supported by that band. Equivalent to selecting [MR] mode and entering a channel number. The specified band must be in MEMORY mode (via Mode) for this call to succeed. Whenever this command is issued or received, it will be followed by callbacks to Memory (yes, again, if issued), MemoryLock, MemoryName and Buffer to describe the contents of the channel. Be sure you're calling Poll to catch these if AI is enabled. MemoryLock *band* [*on_off*] (MCL) Turns on/off the "locked" attribute for the displayed memory channel for the specified band. The specified band must be in VFO mode (via Mode for this call/query to succeed. Equivalent to pressing [F], [0]. MemoryName *x1* *channel* [*name*] Set/retrieve the 8-character text name associated with a memory channel. *x1* is unknown and should probably be set to zero or something. Message [*text*] (MES) Set/retrieve power-on message. Equivalent to pressing [MENU], [1], [1], [1]. Mode *band* [*mode*] (VMC) Sets the specified band's mode. Valid *mode*s are VFO, MEMORY and CALL. Modulation [*mod*] (MD) When in the 118MHz band, the D7 can operate in AM or FM mode. Use this method to select. Equivalent to pressing [F], [6]. MemoryRead *x1* *x2* *channel* Returns the contents of memory location *channel*. The format of the returned values are identical to the arguments to MemoryWrite below, except there's an additional argument at the beginning of the list (*x1*, whatever that is). I don't know what *x2* is either. MemoryWrite *x1* [*channel*, *frequency*, *step*, *x2*, *reverse*, *tone*, *CTCSS*, *x3*, *tonefreq*, *x4*, *CTCSSfreq*, *offset*, *mode*, *x5*] (BUF) This function writes a frequency to memory channel *channel*. When making changes via this method, ALL arguments are required: *channel* Memory channel *frequency* Integer frequency value in Hz *step* Integer step value; see "HELPER FUNCTIONS" later for information on how to generate this value *reverse* Reverse repeater offset (ON or OFF) *tone* PL tone enabled (ON or OFF) *CTCSS* CTCSS tone enabled (ON or OFF) *tonefreq* PL tone frequency; see "HELPER FUNCTIONS" later for information on how to generate this value *CTCSSfreq* ditto *offset* Repeater offset in Hz *mode* Modulation mode (FM or AM) *x1 x2 x3 x4 x5* Unknown (set to 0?) Monitor [*on_off*] (MON) Behaves exactly like pressing the [MONI] button. Similar in behavior to Squelched, but it uses the currently selected band. When AI is on, this is immediately followed by a Squelched (BY) callback. Offset *offset* (OS) Sets/retrieves the current repeater offset. *Offset* is specified in Hz. Equivalent to pressing [F], [5]. $Radio->Offset(600000); # 600kHz offset Packet *on_off* (TS) WRITE-ONLY Places the TNC in/out of packet mode. This command is an odd one, since you can't read the current setting from it, and internally, ON and OFF are reversed (you don't have to worry about this though). It's also the only "command" available while in packet mode. Another peculiarity about it is that the callback is actually sent with the command "TS", but we compensate for that in the callback code and return "TC". This might change in the future. See the section "PACKET USE" below for information on using and the D7 with packet mode. Position [*posit*] (MP) Set/receive current GPS position. The *posit* is a string of 17 numbers arranged like this: AABBBBBCDDDEEEEEF A Latitude degrees B Latitude minutes without decimal point (12.34 -> 1234) C 0=north, 1=south D Longitude degrees E Longitude minutes without decimal point F 0=east 1=west You probably want to use the ToPosit and FromPosit methods described under "HELPER FUNCTIONS" to convert between this format and a readable format automatically. Equivalent to pressing [POS]. ProgrammableVFO *VFO* [*low* *high*] (PV) Sets/retrieves frequency ranges for the VFO's in the HT. You can set a programmable VFO via this method by specifying the low and high frequencies in MHz. Available VFO's are: 1 Air 2 VHF A 3 VHF B 6 UHF Equivalent to pressing [F], [7]. Receive (RX) Issuing this command causes the transceiver to stop transmitting. The D7 returns this when switching out of Transmit/TX mode. No arguments are sent or returned. See Transmit. Reverse [*on_off*] (EV) Sets reverse mode ON or OFF. Equivalent to pressing [REV]. ScanResume [*setting*] (SCR) Sets/retrieves the current Scan Resume setting. Possible *setting*s are TIME, CARRIER and SEEK. Equivalent to pressing [MENU], [1], [5], [2]. Shift [*setting*] (SFT) Sets/adjusts the current repeater shift setting. Valid *setting*s are OFF, NEGATIVE or POSITIVE. Equivalent to pressing [F], [MHz]. SignalMeter *band* (SM) Check/report the current signal meter on the specified *band*. The returned arguments will be *band* and the reported signal, which ranges from 0 (no signal) to 5. Whenever the squelch is opened or closed, the SignalMeter callback function is called with the signal level of the received transmission. Sky_CommanderCall [*call*] (SCC) Sets/retrieves the SkyCommand Commander Call. Equivalent to [MENU], [4], [1]. Sky_TransporterCall [*call*] (SCT) Sets/retrieves the SkyCommand Transporter Call. Equivalent to [MENU], [4], [2]. Sky_Tone [*tone*] (SKTN) Sets/retrieves the Sky Command Access Tone. As with the Tone and CTCSS methods, you probably want to make use of the ToTone and FromTone methods below to get the correct arguments. Squelch *band* [*setting*] (SQ) Set the squelch for the specified band (BAND_A or BAND_B. Valid *setting*s are integers from 0 to 5, with 0 being open. Equivalent to pressing [F], [MONI]. Squelched *band* [*open_closed*] (BY) Open or close the squelch on the specified band (BAND_A or BAND_B). You may use the constants OPEN or CLOSED to set this value. Equivalent to pressing [MONI]. See also: Monitor SSTV_CallColor [*color*] (MAC) Sets/retrieves the current color of your call sign as it appears with SSTV images. The *color* argument is an integer from 0 to 7, but fortunately, we have the constants BLACK, BLUE, RED, MAGENTA, GREEN, CYAN, YELLOW and WHITE defined. Equivalent to pressing [MENU], [3], [2]. SSTV_Message [*message*] (SMSG) Sets/retrieves the current SSTV message. Equivalent to pressing [MENU], [3], [3]. SSTV_MessageColor [*color*] (SMC) Sets/retrieves the current SSTV message color. Uses the same color constants listed under SSTV_CallColor. Equivalent to pressing [MENU], [3], [4]. SSTV_MyCall [*call*] (SMY) Sets/retrieves the current SSTV call sign. Equivalent to pressing [MENU], [3], [1]. SSTV_RSVMessage [*message*] (RSV) Sets/retrieves the current SSTV RSV message. Equivalent to pressing [MENU], [3], [5]. SSTV_RSVColor [*color*] (RSC) Sets/retrieves the current SSTV RSV message color. Uses the same color constants listed under SSTV_CallColor. Equivalent to pressing [MENU], [3], [6]. SSTV_Shutter [*on_off*] (VCS) Activates/deactivates the SSTV VC shutter. Equivalent to pressing [MENU], [3], [9]. SSTV_Superimpose [*call* *x1*] (STC) Presumably, superimposes *call* over the SSTV image. I don't know what *x1* is. Equivalent to pressing [MENU], [3], [7]. SSTV_Mode (STS) Presumably queries the VC for the current SSTV transmit mode. Returned values are unknown. Equivalent to pressing [MENU], [3], [8]. Step [*step*] (ST) Sets/retrieves the current frequency step. *Step* is an integer representing the following values: 0 5 kHz 1 6.25 2 10 3 12.5 4 15 5 20 6 25 7 30 8 50 9 100 You may wish to use the ToStep and FromStep methods described below under "HELPER FUNCTIONS" to do the conversions automatically. TNC [*on_off*] Activate/deactivate the TNC (APRS mode only). There is no way to activate or deactivate TNC packet mode except by pressing the [TNC] button on the D7 keypad. APRS is an alias for TNC. Equivalent to pressing [TNC]. Tone [*on_off*] Enable/disable PL tone. Equivalent to pressing [F], [1]. ToneFreq [*freq*] Set/retrieve current PL tone frequency. As with most all tone values, you might want to make use of the ToTone and FromTone methods described below to determine the correct argument. Equivalent to pressing [F], [2]. Transmit [*band*] (TX) Begin transmitting on the specified band. BAND_A is assumed if no band is specified. The RX command must be issued to cease transmitting. Equivalent to pressing [PTT]. TransmitInhibit [*on_off*] (TXS) Enables/disables the TX Inhibit function, preventing transmissions. Equivalent to pressing [MENU], [1], [5], [5]. TuneEnable [*on_off*] (ELK) Activate/deactivate the Tune Enable feature. Equivalent to pressing [MENU], [1], [5], [4]. Unit [*setting*] (UNIT) Set/retrieve the current English/metric setting. Valid *setting*s are ENGLISH or METRIC. Equivalent to pressing [MENU], [2], [C]. Up (UP) Adjusts the frequency up by the current step setting. See also: Down VFORead *vfo* (VR) Reads the currently set frequency for the VFO in question. See the ProgrammableVFO method for a list of valid VFO's. Second and further arguments follow the argument list of Buffer starting with the frequency in Hz. VFOWrite *vfo* ... (VW) See Buffer for the full argument list (*band* is replaced with *vfo*. *Vfo* is the VFO you want to adjust. See ProgrammableVFO for a list of valid VFO's. CONSTANTS Quite a lot of constants have been defined to make your job a bit easier. These constants are only available if you use the ":constants" import argument: use THD7 qw/:constants/; This is a complete list of constants. Use them where appropriate (as defined in the method's documentation above). See the source code for the definitions to these constants if, for whatever reason, you can't use them. BAND_A BAND_B ON OFF KEY KEY_DATA ALL TIME CARRIER SEEK DATA BOTH SLOW FAST APO_30 APO_60 ENGLISH METRIC MANUAL PTT AUTO NMEA BLACK BLUE RED MAGENTA GREEN CYAN YELLOW WHITE HIGH LOW EL OPEN CLOSED FULL HALF AIR VHF_A VHF_B UHF HELPER FUNCTIONS Some methods like ToneFreq and Step take an indexed value from 0 to n to mean any of a range of discreet values. To aid in one's sanity, a few helper functions were written to make the process of converting between known values to their appropriate integer offset. These functions are made available to your namespace if you used the ":functions" import argument: use THD7 qw/:functions/; $tone = ToTone(88.5); However, they're always available as methods or if you qualify them with the package name: use THD7; ... $tone = $Radio->ToTone(88.5); $tone = &THD7::ToTone(88.5); ToTone and FromTone These functions convert between PL/CTCSS tone frequencies and their appropriate integer offsets for sending to the D7. Example: $Radio->ToneFreq(ToTone(88.5)); # Set 88.5Hz tone return FromTone($Radio->ToneFreq); # returns 88.5 ToStep and FromStep These functions convert between the frequency steps and their appropriate integer counterparts. Example: $Radio->Step(ToStep(10)); # Set 10kHz steps return FromStep($Radio->Step); # returns 10 ToPosit and FromPosit These functions convert between "readable" GPS longitude/latitude coordinates and the numeric string used to set/retrieve position from the D7 (via Position (MP)). Example: # Set a position of 12'34.56"N 98'54.32"W (west = negative) $Radio->Position(ToPosit(12, 34.56, -98, 54.32)); # Print our position in a readable fashion: printf("%d'%2.2f\" %d'%3.2f\"", FromPosit($Radio->Position)); POLLING AND CALLBACK FUNCTIONS The D7 is capable of sending messages whenever something changes, either via the keypad or if some internal state changes (like when receiving a transmission). The AI method enables such notifications. In order to handle these messages, you need to set up a callback function for every method you want to listen for. Every control method described above can alternatively accept a single argument, a code reference to a callback function. A special value, NOCALLBACK is used to clear the callback function for a method. For example: sub BandSwitch { my ($self, $command, $argument) = @_; printf("The band was just switched to band %s!\n", $argument == BAND_A ? "A" : "B"); } $Radio->Band(\&BandSwitch); # Do something, Poll perhaps (see below) $Radio->Poll; $Radio->Band(NOCALLBACK); # Clear the callback function The arguments sent to your callback function will consist of *$self*, a reference to the THD7 object in question, *$command*, the actual D7 command being reported and *@args*, a list of arguments (if any) being reported for that command. Unless otherwise noted, the argument list will exactly match the argument list of the method in question. E.g., the first argument to the Band method is *band*, which is what you'll see as the first (well, third) argument to your callback function. Now you just know how to set and clear callback functions. In order for the script to actually wait for something to happen, you can call the Poll method to check for an incoming event. The following methods are used: Poll [*timeout*] Checks for waiting events from the D7. If *timeout* is undefined, this method will block indefinitely until something is heard from the D7. Set it to 0 to ensure it returns immediately. In a scalar context, it returns undef if there was a timeout, 0 if an event was received but no callback function defined to handle it, or 1 if an event was received and handled. In a list context, the method also returns the command name and arguments returned by the HT. This method automatically activates the AI mode if it's not already activated. PollOnResult [*on_off*] This is off by default, but if turned on, will cause ALL response messages will be routed through the Polling mechanism, including return values from other methods. Adding to the Band example above: $Radio->Band(BAND_A); # Doesn't activate BandSwitch $Radio->PollOnResult(ON); $Radio->Band(BAND_A); # BandSwitch is called before return Callback [*coderef*] Establishes a "default" callback function. If we can't find a specific callback function for a particular event, we'll try this one instead. If *coderef* is undefined, NOCALLBACK is assumed (which clears it). PACKET USE By enabling packet mode via the Packet method, you're free to communicate with the TNC using your own functions. There are no methods here to do that for you. See the Kenwood D7 manual for information on the TNC commands. Some methods of interest are: BinaryMode [*on_off*] Places the module in "binary" mode (ON), meaning reads/writes are done in a binary friendly way (via syswrite(), select() and sysread()). I don't really know if this makes much of a difference, but in "text" mode (OFF), normal Perl conventions are used to read single lines from the TNC, which is probably perfectly adequate. This is off by default, because it's tons more efficient. You probably want to turn this off after you're done using it and want to return the D7 to a normal command state. RawReceive [*timeout*] Reads a chunk (line in "text" mode) of data from the D7. Returns the data/line read. When reading data from the TNC in "binary" mode, there will always be a very slight delay, since RawReceive uses the select() timeout to determine when enough data's been read. That *timeout* is by default 0.3 seconds. In "text" mode, the *timeout* argument is ignored and can be undefined. RawSend *data* Sends the *data* to the TNC. In "text" mode, this is done via print(). In "binary" mode, it's done via syswrite(). If you don't trust these methods, or desire much greater control over the socket/filehandle used here, the GetSocket method will return the D7's Perl filehandle. BUGS * Several fields in the BUF and MW argument lists are still unknown. * The following commands are implemented, but their function is unknown. Please send any protocol additions, hints or help to either of the addresses below. CR CW GC GM PC SR TH TT CIN CTD LAN MIN MNF MSH NSFT RBN TXN TYD ULC * The following commands are implemented and APPEAR to have something to do with SSTV via the Kenwood VC. If someone has a VC and would care to do a bit of research into these commands, it would be much appreciated: STM STR STP STS STT * The serial port code needs some work. Occasionally it fails to open the port properly if the serial port's been used for something else recently. Maybe I should make use of some IO modules. * In the HTML version of this documentation, the text in this section is bold. I have no idea why. AUTHOR was written by David Nesting, WL7RO, <>. Please send any bug reports, patches and comments to that address. The D7 protocol was reverse engineered by Darryl Smith, VK2TDS, <> and David Nesting, WL7RO, <>. The latest version of the protocol should be available from . The home page is at . COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 1999, David Nesting, WL7RO, <> This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.