# MD5Check =head1 NAME MD5Check - Use it for init Web files's md5 values of your site(or other dir), and check if it changed. =head1 SYNOPSIS use MD5Check; my $mydir=shift; md5init($mydir); use MD5Check; my $mydir=shift; md5check($mydir); # oneliner $ perl -MMD5Check -e 'md5init("/web")' >file $ perl -MMD5Check -e 'md5check(file)' =head1 DESCRIPTION MD5Check - Use it for init Web files's md5 values of your site(or other dir), and check if it changed. MD5Check is not standardized. This module is far from complete. =head2 IMPLEMENTATION use MD5Check; my $mydir=shift; md5init($mydir); use MD5Check; my $mydir=shift; md5check($mydir); =head1 Git repo L<http://github.com/a3f/MD5Check> =head1 AUTHOR orange C<< <linzhe@ijz.me> >>, L<http://ijz.me> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2016 linzhe This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut