# NAME Mojolicious::Plugin::Facets - Multiple facets for your app. # SYNOPSIS package MyApp; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious'; sub startup { my $app = shift; # set default static/renderer paths, routes and namespaces $app->plugin('Facets', backoffice => { host => 'backoffice.example.com', setup => \&_setup_backoffice } # or a path-based facet # request URL gets rebased to the facet path (for that path only) # backoffice => { # path => '/backoffice', # setup => \&_setup_backoffice # } ); } sub _setup_backoffice { my $app = shift; # set default static/renderer paths, routes and namespaces @{$app->static->paths} = ($app->home->child('backoffice/static')->to_string); @{$app->renderer->paths} = ($app->home->child('backoffice/template')->to_string); # setup session $app->sessions->cookie_name('backoffice'); $app->sessions->default_expiration(60 * 10); # 10 min # setup routes my $r = $app->routes; @{$r->namespaces} = ('MyApp::Backoffice'); $r->get(...); } # DESCRIPTION Mojolicious::Plugin::Facets allows you to declare multiple facets on a Mojolicious app. A Facet is a way to organize your app as if it were multiple apps. Each facet can declare its own routes, namespaces, static paths and renderer paths. A common use case is to create a facet for the backoffice application. # HELPERS ## facet\_do Run a subroutine in the context of a facet. Any code related to sessions, routes, template rendering and static files works as if you were on that facet. # Example: get backoffice facet session when the facet shares the same host (i.e. path-based facet) my $backoffice_session = $c->facet_do(backoffice => sub { shift->session }); ## has\_facet if ($c->has_facet('foo')) { ... } # LICENSE Copyright (C) Carlos Fernando Avila Gratz. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Carlos Fernando Avila Gratz <cafe@kreato.com.br>