NAME CAD::Drawing::IO::Tk - GUI I/O methods for CAD::Drawing NOTICE This module is considered extremely pre-ALPHA and its use is probably deprecated by the time you read this. AUTHOR Eric L. Wilhelm ewilhelm at sbcglobal dot net COPYRIGHT This module is copyright (C) 2003 by Eric L. Wilhelm and A. Zahner Co. LICENSE This module is distributed under the same terms as Perl. See the Perl source package for details. You may use this software under one of the following licenses: (1) GNU General Public License (found at (2) Artistic License (found at NO WARRANTY This software is distributed with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. The author and his employer will in no way be held liable for any loss or damages resulting from its use. Modifications The source code of this module is made freely available and distributable under the GPL or Artistic License. Modifications to and use of this software must adhere to one of these licenses. Changes to the code should be noted as such and this notification (as well as the above copyright information) must remain intact on all copies of the code. Additionally, while the author is actively developing this code, notification of any intended changes or extensions would be most helpful in avoiding repeated work for all parties involved. Please contact the author with any such development plans. SEE ALSO CAD::Drawing::IO Tk Changes 0.02 First public release 0.03 Fighting with Fonts (time to abandon Tk) Methods There is no constructor for this class, its methods are inherited via CAD::Drawing::IO Thoughts Need to re-structure the entire deal to have its own object which belongs to the drawing object (or does the drawing object belong to this object?) Either way, we need to be able to build-up into interactive commands (possibly using eval("\$drw->$command"); ?) Ultimately, the focus here will likely drift toward supporting perlcad and enabling use of perlcad from within CAD::Drawing scripts. However, the nature of lights-out scripting vs the nature of on-screen drafting is quite different, so there will be some tricks involved. Once each entity has its own class, the ability to install callbacks and the resolution of notifications should get easier. But, there will still be the issue that a debug popup does not know it will appear when the entities are created, while a drafting viewport does (or does it?) Possibly, adding a list of tk-id's to each $obj as it is drawn would be a good starting point. show Creates a new window (no options are required.) $drw->show(%options); Available Options forkokay => bool -- Attempt to fork the new window window => MainWindow -- Use the pre-existing Tk object stl => Message -- Use pre-existing Message widget size => [W,H] -- Specify window size in pixels width => W -- alias to size height => H -- ditto center => [X,Y] -- Center the drawing at (X,Y) scale => factor -- Zoom by factor (default to fit) bgcolor => color -- defaults to "white" hang => boolean -- if not, you just get the canvas widget items => \@list -- sorry, not compatible with select_addr :( Draw Draws geometry on the Tk canvas $cnv. List of items to draw must be specified via addresses stored in $options{items}. The newest fad (:e) is the $options{tag} argument, which uses addr_to_tktag() to tag the item. $drw->Draw($cnv, %options); tkbindings Setup the keybindings. $drw->tkbindings($mw, $cnv); text_size_reset text_size_reset($cnv); free_dist free_dist(); windowzoom Creates temporary bindings to drawing a rubber-band box. windowzoom($cnv); tksetview No longer used $drw->tksetview($cnv, %options); scalebox Returns the scaling required to create a view which most closely matches @ext to @size of canvas. $scale = $drw->scalebox(\@size, \@ext); dsp subroutine refs each of these should do everything necessary to draw the item on the canvas (but they might like to have a few options available?) and then return a list of the Tk id's of the created items. Caller will then assign identical tags to each id which is returned by each per-entity call. tkpoint Returns only the first and second element of an array reference as a list. @xy_point = tkpoint(\@pt); addr_to_tktag Returns a stringified tag of form: <layer>###<type>###<id> my $tag = $drw->addr_to_tktag($addr); tktag_to_addr Returns an anonymous hash reference which should serve as an address, provided that $tag is a valid <layer>###<type>###<id> tag (and that the entity exists in the $drw object (check this yourself.) my $addr = $drw->tktag_to_addr($tag);