ISO::639\_1 - ISO 639-1 Language informations


    use ISO::639_1;
    print get_iso639_1('zu')->{'639-1'};    # zu
    print get_iso639_1('zu')->{'639-2'};    # zul
    print get_iso639_1('zu')->{family};     # Niger���Congo
    print get_iso639_1('zu')->{name};       # Zulu
    print get_iso639_1('zu')->{nativeName}; # isiZulu
    print get_iso639_1('zu')->{wikiUrl};    # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zulu_language

    print get_iso639_1('fr')->{nativeName};    # Fran��ais
    print get_iso639_1('fr-BE')->{nativeName}; # Fran��ais (BE)
    print get_iso639_1('ur')->{nativeName};    # ��������

    print get_iso639_1_from_639_2('fra')->{nativeName};     # Fran��ais
    print get_iso639_1_from_name('french')->{nativeName};   # Fran��ais
    print get_iso639_1_from_native_name('fran��ais')->{name} # French


ISO::639\_1 provides informations about a language from its ISO639-1 code.

It differs from [ISO::639](https://metacpan.org/pod/ISO::639) which is about ISO639-2.

The informations are extracted from [https://github.com/haliaeetus/iso-639/](https://github.com/haliaeetus/iso-639/) (MIT license).


ISO::639\_1 exports the following methods:

## get\_iso639\_1

    Usage    : get_iso639_1('zu')
    Returns  : a hashref providing the informations described below. May return undef if no language is found.
                  "639-1"      => "zu",          # ISO 639-1 code
                  "639-2"      => "zul",         # ISO 639-2 code
                  "family"     => "Niger���Congo", # family of language
                  "name"       => "Zulu",        # english name of the language
                  "nativeName" => "isiZulu",     # native name of the language
                  "wikiUrl"    => "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zulu_language" # wikipedia URL about the language
    Argument : an ISO639-1 code with or without localization code.
               If a localization code is provided, (think "fr-BE", or "fr_BE"), the localization is
               appended to the name and nativeName informations (like "Fran��ais (BE)").
               Localization must be separated from the language code by "-" or "_".

## get\_iso639\_1\_from\_639\_2

    Usage    : get_iso639_1_from_639_2('fra')
    Returns  : a hashref providing the informations described below. May return undef if no language is found.
                  "639-1"      => "zu",          # ISO 639-1 code
                  "639-2"      => "zul",         # ISO 639-2 code
                  "family"     => "Niger���Congo", # family of language
                  "name"       => "Zulu",        # english name of the language
                  "nativeName" => "isiZulu",     # native name of the language
                  "wikiUrl"    => "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zulu_language" # wikipedia URL about the language
    Argument : an ISO639-2 code (case insensitive)

## get\_iso639\_1\_from\_name

    Usage    : get_iso639_1_from_name('French')
    Returns  : a hashref providing the informations described below. May return undef if no language is found.
                  "639-1"      => "zu",          # ISO 639-1 code
                  "639-2"      => "zul",         # ISO 639-2 code
                  "family"     => "Niger���Congo", # family of language
                  "name"       => "Zulu",        # english name of the language
                  "nativeName" => "isiZulu",     # native name of the language
                  "wikiUrl"    => "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zulu_language" # wikipedia URL about the language
    Argument : the english name of a language (case insensitive)

## get\_iso639\_1\_from\_native\_name

    Usage    : get_iso639_1_from_native_name('Fran��ais')
    Returns  : a hashref providing the informations described below. May return undef if no language is found.
                  "639-1"      => "zu",          # ISO 639-1 code
                  "639-2"      => "zul",         # ISO 639-2 code
                  "family"     => "Niger���Congo", # family of language
                  "name"       => "Zulu",        # english name of the language
                  "nativeName" => "isiZulu",     # native name of the language
                  "wikiUrl"    => "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zulu_language" # wikipedia URL about the language
    Argument : the native name of a language (case insensitive)


After getting the tarball on [https://metacpan.org/release/ISO::639\_1](https://metacpan.org/release/ISO::639_1), untar it, go to the directory and:

    perl Build.PL
    ./Build test
    ./Build install


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc ISO::639_1

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The latest source code can be browsed and fetched at:

    git clone https://framagit.org/fiat-tux/perl-modules/iso-639_1.git

Source code mirror:


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Copyright (C) Luc Didry.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.

The full text of the license can be found in the
LICENSE file included with this module.




Luc Didry <luc@didry.org>