NAME Object::InterfaceType - the Go lang Interface style duck type checker SYNOPSIS use Object::InterfaceType; # create interface type check function interface_type stringify => ['as_string']; is_stringify(URI->new) ? 'ok' : 'ng'; # get interface type code reference my $is_stringify = interface_type ['as_string']; $is_stringify->(URI->new) ? 'ok' : 'ng'; DESCRIPTION Object::InterfaceType is Go lang Interface style duck type checker. This module export is interface_type function. It is useful when you receive an object with a specific method. you can the recyclable duck type check can be performed. Object::InterfaceType is using Exporter, export of interface_type can be controlled. use Object::InterfaceType (); Object::InterfaceType::interface_type stringify => ['as_string']; is_stringify(URI->new) ? 'ok' : 'ng'; FUNCTION SPEC interface_type $typename => \@methods $typename added prefix "is_" is the function name, it creates to current package. interface_type stringify => [qw/ new as_string /]; This created function is used as follows. my $uri = URI->new; if (is_stringify($uri)) { say '$uri is stringify object'; } 1 is returned by an object with "new" and "is_stringify" method. "undef" returns in the other object. my $check_code_reference = interface_type \@methods $typename is omissible. in that case, the reference of the code to check is returned, without performing creation of a function. my $is_stringify = interface_type [qw/ new as_string /]; my $uri = URI->new; if ($is_stringify->($uri)) { say '$uri is stringify object'; } TODO includable interface is unsupported. specification proposal interface_type stringify => [qw/ as_string /]; my $is_dump = interface_type [qw/ as_dump /]; # including stringify and $is_dump interface_type dump_with_syringify => [ 'new', \&is_stringify, $is_dump ]; AUTHOR Kazuhiro Osawa <yappo <at> shibuya <d��t> pl> SEE ALSO <> LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.