# CSV::Reader - CSV reader class

Easy to use Perl CSV file/handle reader class that's meant for reading typical CSV files having a CSV header row.
This was designed with the idea of using an iterator interface, but Perl does not support interators (nor interfaces) yet :(

use CSV::Reader ();
use open OUT => ':locale'; # optional; make perl aware of your terminal's encoding
# Create reader from file name:
my $reader = new CSV::Reader('/path/to/file.csv');

# Create reader from a file handle (GLOB):
open(my $h, '<', $filename) || die("Failed to open $filename: $!");
# or preferred method that can handle files having a UTF-8 BOM:
open(my $h, '<:via(File::BOM)', $filename) || die("Failed to open $filename: $!");
my $reader = new CSV::Reader($h);

# Create reader from an IO::Handle based object:
my $io = IO::File->new(); # subclass of IO::Handle
$io->open($filename, '<:via(File::BOM)') || die("Failed to open $filename: $!");
my $reader = new CSV::Reader($io);

# Show the field names found in the header row:
print "Field names:\n" . join("\n", $reader->fieldNames()) . "\n";

# Iterate over the data rows:
while (my $row = $reader->nextRow()) {
    # It's recommended to validate the $row hashref first with something such as Params::Validate.
    # Now do whatever you want with the (validated) row hashref...    
    require Data::Dumper; local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
    print Data::Dumper::Dumper($row);

Public static methods

### new($file, %options)


```$file``` can be a string file name, an open file handle (GLOB), or an IO::Handle based object (e.g. IO::File or IO::Scalar).
If a string file name is given, then the file is opened via File::BOM.

The following ```%options``` are supported:

- ```debug```: boolean, if true, then debug messages are emitted using warn().
- ```field_aliases```: hashref of case insensitive alias (in file) => real name (as expected in code) pairs.
- ```field_normalizer```: optional callback that receives a field name by reference to normalize (e.g. make lowercase).
- ```include_fields```: optional arrayref of field names to include. If given, then all other field names are excluded.
- ```delimiter```: string, default ','
- ```enclosure```: string, default '"'
- ```escape```: string, default backslash

Public object methods

### fieldNames()

Returns the field names as an array.

### current()

Returns the current row.

### linenum()

Returns the current row index.

### nextRow()

Reads the next row.

### eof()

Returns boolean

### rewind()

Rewinds the file handle.

- File::BOM (recommended; not required)
- Params::Validate
- Text::CSV
- Tie::IxHash

Installation using cpan
CSV::Reader may be installed through the CPAN shell in the usual manner:
# perl -MCPAN -e 'install CSV::Reader'
or you can install the component from the CPAN prompt:
cpan> install CSV::Reader

Installation using make
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install

Craig Manley

All of the code in this library is licensed under the MIT license as included in the LICENSE file.