NAME Author::Daemon - daemon's helpful creations SYNOPSIS use Author::Daemon; my $util = Author::Daemon->new(); $util->read_the_docs(); DESCRIPTION A place to store my things! Over the years I realized I was in the habbit of rewriting a lot of common functionalities that on there own did not warrent a fully fledged module, simply due to them requiring expansion of functionality, more git repositories, more tests ... more work than just re-writing the snippets when they was required. However, when I worked out just how much time I had likely wasted re-writing loose odds and ends, I decided something must be done, but what? Well after some thought I decided that I would slowly add all my little tidbits into one singular module nicely packed in git with dzil with some form of generic interface so it was easy to add other bits of code here and there with no more cost than what it would cost me to once again re-write those snippets. I could not see or find an actual reference to how a pause/perl user should really go about such a thing while still keeping the ease of a published module, there seems to be no particular Author who has ever done what I am attempting (could be wrong though!); so after even more thought. I come to the conclusion the ideal solution would be A namespace providing the previously stated single interface that could not collide with fully fledged modules, almost a 'users unreleased'. I found that Author::__PAUSEID__ seemed to hit the nail on the head, at the time of writing is not reserved in anyway infact I could not see any modules using the prefix at all. Though I am hoping one or two module authors like the idea to hopefully push the idea forwards. From what I can see, it is a benefit to everyone - the authors have a nice public place to fetch their favorite play things and possible others will find the odd 'never made a module but still a cool function' enough to develop them further into actual modules. Let me know how you feel if you do stumble over this module (either message me on irc or nickname 'daemon' or drop me an issue against the repository for this module on github) INDEX Below is all functionality offered via the suite of modules under the namespace though some may require other modules to be availible (this will be noted). * Nothing yet working on it! AUTHOR Paul G Webster <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2022 by Paul G Webster. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.