README for Palm::ListDB This is a handler class for ListDB PDB database files. It is a subclass for the Palm::PDB framework. ListDB is a lightweight database for PalmOS(tm) handhelds from Andrew Low <>. INSTALLATION Palm::ListDB can be installed easily by using the CPAN module. perl -MCPAN -e"install Palm::ListDB" or manually by untarring the archive and running the following commands. perl Makefile.PL make make test make install (test won't really test that much so far...) REQUIREMENTS Palm::PDB Palm::StdAppInfo Those are part of the p5-Palm-1.2.4 package from Andrew Arensburger <> DOCUMENTATION For documentation about this package, read POD documentation of the module perldoc Palm::ListDB or check the manpage. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2002 R�diger Peusquens. All rights This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. AUTHOR This module was written by Ruediger Peusquens <> SEE ALSO listDB - Palm::PDB, Palm::StdAppInfo