NAME Device::Chip::NoritakeGU_D - chip driver for Noritake GU-D display modules SYNOPSIS use Device::Chip::NoritakeGU_D; use Future::AsyncAwait; my $chip = Device::Chip::NoritakeGU_D->new( interface => "UART" ); await $chip->mount( Device::Chip::Adapter::...->new ); await $chip->text( "Hello, world!" ); DESCRIPTION This Device::Chip subclass provides communication to a display module in the GU-D family by Noritake. The reader is presumed to be familiar with the general operation of this chip; the documentation here will not attempt to explain or define chip-specific concepts or features, only the use of this module to access them. CONSTRUCTOR new $chip = Device::Chip::NoritakeGU_D->new( interface => $iface, ... ) Constructs a new driver instance for the given interface type. The type must be one of UART, I2C or SPI. METHODS The following methods documented in an await expression return Future instances. text await $chip->text( $str ); Draw text at the cursor position. cursor_left cursor_right cursor_home await $chip->cursor_left; await $chip->cursor_right; await $chip->cursor_linehome; await $chip->cursor_home; Move the cursor left or right one character position, to the beginning of the line, or to the home position (top left corner). cursor_goto await $chip->cursor_goto( $x, $y ); Moves the cursor to the $x'th column of the $y'th line (zero-indexed). linefeed await $chip->linefeed; Move the cursor down to the next line. clear $chip->clear Clear the display. select_window await $chip->select_window( $win ); Select the main window (when $win is 0), or one of the four numbered sub-windows. initialise $chip->initialise Reset all settings to their default values. set_cursor_visible await $chip->set_cursor_visible( $bool ); Set whether the cursor is visible. set_brightness await $chip->set_brightness( $val ); Set the display brightness, from 1 to 8. set_reverse await $chip->set_reverse( $bool ); Sets whether subsequent text will be rendered in "reverse video" (clear pixels on a set background) effect. set_write_mixture_display_mode await $chip->set_write_mixture_display_mode( $mode ); Set the combining mode for newly-added display content. $mode must be one of set or and xor set_font_size await $chip->set_font_size( $size ); Set the font size. $size must be one of 5x7 8x16 set_font_width await $chip->set_font_width( $width ); Set the font width. $width must be one of fixed fixed2 prop prop2 set_font_magnification await $chip->set_font_magnification( $xscale, $yscale ); Set the font scaling factor. $xscale must be between 1 to 4, and $yscale must be 1 or 2. realtime_image_display_columns await $chip->realtime_image_display_columns( @columns ); Sends a bitmapped image to the display, at the cursor position. The cursor is not moved. @columns should be a list of strings of equal length, containing bytes of pixel data to represent each vertical column of the image content. set_gpio_direction await $chip->set_gpio_direction( $dir ); Configure the GPIO pins for input or output. $dir is bitmask of four bits. Low bits correspond to input, high bits to output. set_gpio_output await $chip->set_gpio_output( $value ); Write the value to the GPIO pins. read_gpio $value = await $chip->read_gpio; Returns the current state of the GPIO pins. read_touchswitches $switches = await $chip->read_touchswitches; Reads the status of the panel touch switches. Returns a hash reference whose keys are the names of the touch areas (SW1, SW2, ...) and values are booleans indicating whether that area currently detects a touch. AUTHOR Paul Evans <>