DBD::Pg -- a PostgreSQL interface for Perl 5. $Id: README,v 1.33 1999/02/14 20:33:24 mergl Exp $ Copyright (c) 1997,1998,1999 Edmund Mergl Portions Copyright (c) 1994,1995,1996,1997 Tim Bunce You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file. DESCRIPTION: ------------ This is version 0.91 of DBD-Pg. DBD-Pg is a PostgreSQL interface for Perl5 using DBI. For further information about DBI look at: http://www.fugue.com/dbi/ RECENT CHANGES: --------------- - removed restriction for commercial use in copyright - corrected DATA_TYPE in type_info_all() COPYRIGHT: ---------- You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file. HOW TO GET THE LATEST VERSION: ------------------------------ Use the following URL to look for new versions of this module: http://www.perl.com/CPAN/modules/by-module/DBD/ Note, that this request will be redirected automatically to the nearest CPAN site. IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS: --------------------- Please send comments and bug-reports to <dbi-users@fugue.com>> Please include the output of perl -v, and perl -V, the version of PostgreSQL, the version of DBD-Pg, and the version of DBI in your bug-report. REQUIREMENTS: ------------- - build, test and install Perl 5 (at least 5.003) please do not use any version above 5.005_02 ! - build, test and install the DBI module (at least 1.00) - build, test and install PostgreSQL (at least 6.4.2) PLATFORMS: ---------- This release of DBD-Pg has been developed using Linux 2.0 with dynamic loading for the perl extensions. Let me know, if there are any problems with other platforms. INSTALLATION: ------------- The Makefile checks the environment variable POSTGRES_HOME as well some standard locations, to find the root directory of your Postgres installation. 1. perl Makefile.PL 2. make 3. make test 4. make install ( 1. to 3. as normal user, not as root ! ) TESTING: -------- Run 'make test'. Note, that the user running this script must have been created with the access rights to create databases *AND* users ! Do not run this script as root ! If testing fails with the message 'login failed', please check if access to the database template1 as well as pgperltest is not protected in pg_hba.conf. If you are using the shared library libpq.so check if your dynamic loader finds libpq.so. With Linux the command /sbin/ldconfig -v should tell you, where it finds libpq.so. If ldconfig does not find libpq.so, either add an appropriate entry to /etc/ld.so.conf and re-run ldconfig or add the path to the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH. A typical error message resulting from not finding libpq.so is: install_driver(Pg) failed: Can't load './blib/arch/auto/DBD/Pg/Pg.so' for module DBD::Pg: File not found at Some linux distributions have an incomplete perl installation. If you have compile errors like "XS_VERSION_BOOTCHECK undeclared", make a 'find .../lib/perl5 -name XSUB.h -print' If this file is not present, you need to recompile and reinstall perl. SGI users: if you get segmentation faults make sure, you use the malloc which comes with perl when compiling perl (the default is not to). "David R. Noble" <drnoble@engsci.sandia.gov> HP users: if you get error messages like: can't open shared library: .../lib/libpq.sl No such file or directory when running the test script, try to replace the 'shared' option in the LDDFLAGS with 'archive'. Dan Lauterbach <danla@dimensional.com> FreeBSD users: if you get during make test the error message: 'DBD driver has not implemented the AutoCommit attribute' recompile the DBI module and the DBD-Pg module and disable optimization. This error message is due to the broken optimization in gcc- Sun Users: if you get compile errors like: /usr/include/string.h:57: parse error before `]' then you need to remove from pgsql/include/libpq-fe.h the define for strerror, which clashes with the definition in the standard include file. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edmund Mergl <E.Mergl@bawue.de> February 14, 1999 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------