# This is a patch for Dist-Zilla-5.046.orig to update it to Dist-Zilla-5.046 # # To apply this patch: # STEP 1: Chdir to the source directory. # STEP 2: Run the 'applypatch' program with this patch file as input. # # If you do not have 'applypatch', it is part of the 'makepatch' package # that you can fetch from the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network: # http://www.perl.com/CPAN/authors/Johan_Vromans/makepatch-x.y.tar.gz # In the above URL, 'x' should be 2 or higher. # # To apply this patch without the use of 'applypatch': # STEP 1: Chdir to the source directory. # STEP 2: Run the 'patch' program with this file as input. # #### End of Preamble #### #### Patch data follows #### diff -c 'Dist-Zilla-5.046.orig/META.json' 'Dist-Zilla-5.046/META.json' Index: ./META.json *** ./META.json Fri Apr 22 16:50:41 2016 --- ./META.json Thu Apr 13 11:38:53 2017 *************** *** 80,86 **** "Log::Dispatchouli" : "1.102220", "Mixin::Linewise::Readers" : "0.100", "Module::CoreList" : "0", ! "Moose" : "0.92", "Moose::Role" : "0", "Moose::Util::TypeConstraints" : "0", "MooseX::LazyRequire" : "0", --- 80,86 ---- "Log::Dispatchouli" : "1.102220", "Mixin::Linewise::Readers" : "0.100", "Module::CoreList" : "0", ! "Moose" : "2.1806", "Moose::Role" : "0", "Moose::Util::TypeConstraints" : "0", "MooseX::LazyRequire" : "0", diff -c 'Dist-Zilla-5.046.orig/META.yml' 'Dist-Zilla-5.046/META.yml' Index: ./META.yml *** ./META.yml Fri Apr 22 16:50:41 2016 --- ./META.yml Thu Apr 13 11:39:20 2017 *************** *** 75,81 **** Log::Dispatchouli: '1.102220' Mixin::Linewise::Readers: '0.100' Module::CoreList: '0' ! Moose: '0.92' Moose::Role: '0' Moose::Util::TypeConstraints: '0' MooseX::LazyRequire: '0' --- 75,81 ---- Log::Dispatchouli: '1.102220' Mixin::Linewise::Readers: '0.100' Module::CoreList: '0' ! Moose: '2.1806' Moose::Role: '0' Moose::Util::TypeConstraints: '0' MooseX::LazyRequire: '0' diff -c 'Dist-Zilla-5.046.orig/Makefile.PL' 'Dist-Zilla-5.046/Makefile.PL' Index: ./Makefile.PL *** ./Makefile.PL Fri Apr 22 16:50:41 2016 --- ./Makefile.PL Thu Apr 13 11:41:08 2017 *************** *** 68,74 **** "Log::Dispatchouli" => "1.102220", "Mixin::Linewise::Readers" => "0.100", "Module::CoreList" => 0, ! "Moose" => "0.92", "Moose::Role" => 0, "Moose::Util::TypeConstraints" => 0, "MooseX::LazyRequire" => 0, --- 68,74 ---- "Log::Dispatchouli" => "1.102220", "Mixin::Linewise::Readers" => "0.100", "Module::CoreList" => 0, ! "Moose" => "2.1806", "Moose::Role" => 0, "Moose::Util::TypeConstraints" => 0, "MooseX::LazyRequire" => 0, *************** *** 174,180 **** "Log::Dispatchouli" => "1.102220", "Mixin::Linewise::Readers" => "0.100", "Module::CoreList" => 0, ! "Moose" => "0.92", "Moose::Role" => 0, "Moose::Util::TypeConstraints" => 0, "MooseX::LazyRequire" => 0, --- 174,180 ---- "Log::Dispatchouli" => "1.102220", "Mixin::Linewise::Readers" => "0.100", "Module::CoreList" => 0, ! "Moose" => "2.1806", "Moose::Role" => 0, "Moose::Util::TypeConstraints" => 0, "MooseX::LazyRequire" => 0, diff -c 'Dist-Zilla-5.046.orig/cpanfile' 'Dist-Zilla-5.046/cpanfile' Index: ./cpanfile *** ./cpanfile Fri Apr 22 16:50:41 2016 --- ./cpanfile Thu Apr 13 11:40:46 2017 *************** *** 39,45 **** requires "Log::Dispatchouli" => "1.102220"; requires "Mixin::Linewise::Readers" => "0.100"; requires "Module::CoreList" => "0"; ! requires "Moose" => "0.92"; requires "Moose::Role" => "0"; requires "Moose::Util::TypeConstraints" => "0"; requires "MooseX::LazyRequire" => "0"; --- 39,45 ---- requires "Log::Dispatchouli" => "1.102220"; requires "Mixin::Linewise::Readers" => "0.100"; requires "Module::CoreList" => "0"; ! requires "Moose" => "2.1806"; requires "Moose::Role" => "0"; requires "Moose::Util::TypeConstraints" => "0"; requires "MooseX::LazyRequire" => "0"; diff -c 'Dist-Zilla-5.046.orig/t/00-report-prereqs.dd' 'Dist-Zilla-5.046/t/00-report-prereqs.dd' Index: ./t/00-report-prereqs.dd *** ./t/00-report-prereqs.dd Fri Apr 22 16:50:41 2016 --- ./t/00-report-prereqs.dd Thu Apr 13 11:40:20 2017 *************** *** 59,65 **** 'Log::Dispatchouli' => '1.102220', 'Mixin::Linewise::Readers' => '0.100', 'Module::CoreList' => '0', ! 'Moose' => '0.92', 'Moose::Role' => '0', 'Moose::Util::TypeConstraints' => '0', 'MooseX::LazyRequire' => '0', --- 59,65 ---- 'Log::Dispatchouli' => '1.102220', 'Mixin::Linewise::Readers' => '0.100', 'Module::CoreList' => '0', ! 'Moose' => '2.1806', 'Moose::Role' => '0', 'Moose::Util::TypeConstraints' => '0', 'MooseX::LazyRequire' => '0', *************** *** 126,129 **** } }; $x; ! } \ Pas de fin de ligne �� la fin du fichier --- 126,129 ---- } }; $x; ! } diff -c 'Dist-Zilla-5.046.orig/t/diagnostics/plugin-fail.t' 'Dist-Zilla-5.046/t/diagnostics/plugin-fail.t' Index: ./t/diagnostics/plugin-fail.t *** ./t/diagnostics/plugin-fail.t Fri Apr 22 16:50:41 2016 --- ./t/diagnostics/plugin-fail.t Thu Apr 13 12:16:12 2017 *************** *** 43,50 **** my $error = exception { mkconfig( 'corpus/dist/DZT', [ 'BrokenPlugin4' => {} ] ) }; ok( $error, "Failure occurs when a plugin is broken" ); ! like( $error, qr{Can't locate}, "Exception explains that it couldn't load the plugin 2-layers down" ); ! like( $error, qr{Some/Package/That/Does/Not/Exist/}, "Exception reports the original problem" ); }; subtest "Not::A::Plugin" => sub { --- 43,50 ---- my $error = exception { mkconfig( 'corpus/dist/DZT', [ 'BrokenPlugin4' => {} ] ) }; ok( $error, "Failure occurs when a plugin is broken" ); ! like( $error, qr{You can only consume roles}, "Exception explains that it couldn't load the plugin 2-layers down" ); ! like( $error, qr{Some::Package::That::Does::Not::Exist::}, "Exception reports the original problem" ); }; subtest "Not::A::Plugin" => sub { #### End of Patch data #### #### ApplyPatch data follows #### # Data version : 1.0 # Date generated : Thu Apr 13 12:17:35 2017 # Generated by : makepatch 2.05 # Recurse directories : Yes # Excluded files : (\A|/).*\~\Z # (\A|/).*\.a\Z # (\A|/).*\.bak\Z # (\A|/).*\.BAK\Z # (\A|/).*\.elc\Z # (\A|/).*\.exe\Z # (\A|/).*\.gz\Z # (\A|/).*\.ln\Z # (\A|/).*\.o\Z # (\A|/).*\.obj\Z # (\A|/).*\.olb\Z # (\A|/).*\.old\Z # (\A|/).*\.orig\Z # (\A|/).*\.rej\Z # (\A|/).*\.so\Z # (\A|/).*\.Z\Z # (\A|/)\.del\-.*\Z # (\A|/)\.make\.state\Z # (\A|/)\.nse_depinfo\Z # (\A|/)core\Z # (\A|/)tags\Z # (\A|/)TAGS\Z # p 'META.json' 29234 1492076333 0100644 # p 'META.yml' 19792 1492076360 0100644 # p 'Makefile.PL' 6992 1492076468 0100644 # p 'cpanfile' 3992 1492076446 0100644 # p 't/00-report-prereqs.dd' 7546 1492076420 0100644 # p 't/diagnostics/plugin-fail.t' 2691 1492078572 0100664 #### End of ApplyPatch data #### #### End of Patch kit [created: Thu Apr 13 12:17:35 2017] #### #### Patch checksum: 196 7534 28471 #### #### Checksum: 214 8233 20731 ####