NAME Chart::GGPlot - ggplot2 port in Perl VERSION version 0.002003 STATUS At this moment this library is experimental and still under active development (at my after-work time). It's still quite incomplete compared to R's ggplot2 library, but the core features are working. SYNOPSIS use Chart::GGPlot qw(:all); use Data::Frame::Examples qw(mtcars); my $plot = ggplot( data => mtcars(), mapping => aes( x => 'wt', y => 'mpg' ) )->geom_point(); # show in browser $plot->show; # export to image file $plot->save('mtcars.png'); # see "examples" dir of this library's distribution for more examples. DESCRIPTION This Chart-GGPlot library is an implementation of ggplot2 <> in Perl. It's designed to be possible to support multiple plotting backends. And it ships a default backend which uses Chart::Plotly. This Chart::GGPlot module is the function interface of the Perl Chart-GGPlot library. Example exported image files: See the examples dir in the library's distribution for more examples. Document Conventions Function signatures in docs of this library follow the Function::Parameters conventions, for example, myfunc(Type1 $positional_parameter, Type2 :$named_parameter) FUNCTIONS ggplot ggplot(:$data, :$mapping, %rest) This is same as Chart::GGPlot::Plot->new(...). See Chart::GGPlot::Plot for details. qplot qplot((Piddle1D|ArrayRef) :$x, (Piddle1D|ArrayRef) :$y, Str :$geom='auto', :$xlim=undef, :$ylim=undef, Str :$log='', Maybe[Str] :$title=undef, Str :$xlab='x', Str :$ylab='y', %rest) Arguments: * $x, $y Data. Supports either 1D piddles or arrayrefs. When arrayref is specified, it would be converted to either a numeric piddle or a PDL::SV piddle, guessing by its contents. * $geom Geom type. "auto" is treated as 'point'. It would internally call a geom_${geom} function. * $xlim, $ylim Axes limits. * $log Which axis use logarithmic scale? One of '', 'x', 'y', 'xy'. * $title Plot title. Default is undef, for no title. * $xlabel, $ylabel Axes labels. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES CHART_GGPLOT_TRACE A positive integer would enable debug messages. SEE ALSO ggplot2 <> Chart::GGPlot::Plot Data::Frame AUTHOR Stephan Loyd <> CONTRIBUTOR Pablo Rodr��guez (pablrod) COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2019-2023 by Stephan Loyd. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.