SYNOPSIS my $git = Cogit->new( directory => '/path/to/git/' ); $git->master->committer; $git->master->comment; $git->get_object($git->master->tree); HERE BE DRAGONS This module's API is not yet battle tested. Feel free to try it out, but don't depend on it for serious stuff yet. Comments regarding the API very welcome. DESCRIPTION This module is a Pure Perl interface to Git repositories. It was mostly based on Grit METHODS master get_object get_object_packed get_object_loose create_object all_sha1s FORK This module was forked from Git::PurePerl for a couple reasons. First and foremost, Git::PurePerl is based on Moose, which is not pure perl. Secondarily the API was very weird, with differentiations made based on whether or not an object was in the repo or not. CONTRIBUTORS Alex Vandiver Chris Reinhardt Dagfinn Ilmari Manns��ker Dan (broquaint) Brook Leon Brocard Tomas (t0m) Doran