NAME cpan-get - Script to fetch module from CPAN archive. SYNOPSIS cpan-get [-h] [--version] module_name DESCRIPTION Vision of this module is: * intuitive name for script which fetching module from CPAN * intuitive caching mechanism (switch for source) * simple dependencies to modules, which doing one thing (not CPAN module) SIC! * testable and tested distribution ARGUMENTS * "-h" Print help. * "--version" Print version of script. * "module_name" Perl module name. e.g. App::Pod::Example EXAMPLE cpan-get App::Pod::Example SEE ALSO cpan easily interact with CPAN from the command line "cpan -g Some::Module" cpanspec Generate a spec file for a CPAN module "cpanspec -D App::Pod::Example" sourcepan fetch source archives from CPAN "sourcepan --git App::Pod::Example" REPOSITORY <> AUTHOR Michal Josef ��pa��ek <> <> ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Paul Evans for notes about usage. LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT �� 2021 Michal Josef ��pa��ek BSD 2-Clause License VERSION 0.02