CBOR::Free - Fast CBOR for everyone


    $cbor = CBOR::Free::encode( $some_data_structure );

    $thing = CBOR::Free::decode( $cbor )

    my $tagged = CBOR::Free::tag( 1, '2019-01-02T00:01:02Z' );

Also see [CBOR::Free::Decoder](https://metacpan.org/pod/CBOR::Free::Decoder) for an object-oriented interface
to the decoder.


This library implements [CBOR](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7049)
via XS under a license that permits commercial usage with no ���strings


This distribution is an experimental effort. Its interface is still
subject to change. If you decide to use CBOR::Free in your project,
please always check the changelog before upgrading.


## $cbor = encode( $DATA, %OPTS )

Encodes a data structure or non-reference scalar to CBOR.
The encoder recognizes and encodes integers, floats, byte and character
strings, array and hash references, [CBOR::Free::Tagged](https://metacpan.org/pod/CBOR::Free::Tagged) instances,
[Types::Serialiser](https://metacpan.org/pod/Types::Serialiser) booleans, and undef (encoded as null).

The encoder currently does not handle any other blessed references.

%OPTS may be:

- `canonical` - A boolean that makes the encoder output
CBOR in [canonical form](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7049#section-3.9).
- `preserve_references` - A boolean that makes the encoder encode
multi-referenced values via [CBOR���s ���shared references��� tags](https://www.iana.org/assignments/cbor-tags/cbor-tags.xhtml). This allows encoding of shared
and circular references. It also incurs a performance penalty.

    (Take care that any circular references in your application don���t cause
    memory leaks!)

- `scalar_references` - A boolean that makes the encoder accept
scalar references
(rather than reject them) and encode them via
[CBOR���s ���indirection��� tag](https://www.iana.org/assignments/cbor-tags/cbor-tags.xhtml).
Most languages don���t use references as Perl does, so this option seems of
little use outside all-Perl IPC contexts; it is arguably more useful, then,
for general use to have the encoder reject data structures that most other
languages cannot represent.

Notes on mapping Perl to CBOR:

- The internal state of a defined Perl scalar (e.g., whether it���s an
integer, float, byte string, or character string) determines its CBOR
- Perl hash keys become CBOR binary strings.
- [Types::Serialiser](https://metacpan.org/pod/Types::Serialiser) booleans are encoded as CBOR booleans.
Perl undef is encoded as CBOR null. (NB: No Perl value encodes as CBOR
- Scalar references (including references to other references) are
unhandled by default, which makes them trigger an exception. You can
optionally tell CBOR::Free to encode them via the `scalar_references` flag.
- Via the optional `preserve_references` flag, circular and shared
references may be preserved. Without this flag, circular references cause an
exception, and other shared references are not preserved.
- Instances of [CBOR::Free::Tagged](https://metacpan.org/pod/CBOR::Free::Tagged) are encoded as tagged values.

An error is thrown on excess recursion or an unrecognized object.

## $data = decode( $CBOR )

Decodes a data structure from CBOR. Errors are thrown to indicate
invalid CBOR. A warning is thrown if $CBOR is longer than is needed
for $data.

Notes on mapping CBOR to Perl:

- CBOR text strings become Perl character strings. CBOR binary strings
become Perl byte strings. (This may become configurable later.)

    Note that invalid UTF-8 in a CBOR text string is considered
    invalid input and will thus prompt a thrown exception.

- The only map keys that `decode()` accepts are integers and strings.
An exception is thrown if the decoder finds anything else as a map key.
- CBOR booleans become the corresponding [Types::Serialiser](https://metacpan.org/pod/Types::Serialiser) values.
Both CBOR null and undefined become Perl undef.
- [CBOR���s ���indirection��� tag](https://www.iana.org/assignments/cbor-tags/cbor-tags.xhtml) is interpreted as a scalar reference. This behavior is always
active; unlike with the encoder, there is no need to enable it manually.
- `preserve_references()` mode complements the same flag
given to the encoder.
- This function does not interpret any other tags. If you need to
decode other tags, look at [CBOR::Free::Decoder](https://metacpan.org/pod/CBOR::Free::Decoder). Any unhandled tags that
this function sees prompt a warning but are otherwise ignored.

## $obj = tag( $NUMBER, $DATA )

Tags an item for encoding so that its CBOR encoding will preserve the
tag number. (Include $obj, not $DATA, in the data structure that
`encode()` receives.)


`CBOR::Free::true()` and `CBOR::Free::false()` are defined as
convenience aliases for the equivalent [Types::Serialiser](https://metacpan.org/pod/Types::Serialiser) functions.
(Note that there are no equivalent scalar aliases.)


Floating-point numbers are encoded in CBOR as IEEE 754 half-, single-,
or double-precision. If your Perl is compiled to use anything besides
IEEE 754 double-precision to represent floating-point values (e.g.,
���long double��� or ���quadmath��� compilation options), you may see rounding
errors when converting to/from CBOR. If that���s a problem for you, append
an empty string to your floating-point numbers, which will cause CBOR::Free
to encode them as strings.


CBOR handles up to 64-bit positive and negative integers. Most Perls
nowadays can handle 64-bit integers, but if yours can���t then you���ll
get an exception whenever trying to parse an integer that can���t be
represented with 32 bits. This means:

- Anything greater than 0xffff\_ffff (4,294,967,295)
- Anything less than -0x8000\_0000 (2,147,483,648)

Note that even 64-bit Perls can���t parse negatives that are less than
\-0x8000\_0000\_0000\_0000 (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808); these also prompt an
exception since Perl can���t handle them. (It would be possible to load
[Math::BigInt](https://metacpan.org/pod/Math::BigInt) to handle these; if that���s desirable for you,
file a feature request.)


Most errors are represented via instances of subclasses of
[CBOR::Free::X](https://metacpan.org/pod/CBOR::Free::X), which subclasses [X::Tiny::Base](https://metacpan.org/pod/X::Tiny::Base).


CBOR::Free is pretty snappy. I find that it keeps pace with or
surpasses [CBOR::XS](https://metacpan.org/pod/CBOR::XS), [Cpanel::JSON::XS](https://metacpan.org/pod/Cpanel::JSON::XS), [JSON::XS](https://metacpan.org/pod/JSON::XS), [Sereal](https://metacpan.org/pod/Sereal),
and [Data::MessagePack](https://metacpan.org/pod/Data::MessagePack).

It���s also quite light. Its only ���heavy��� dependency is
[Types::Serialiser](https://metacpan.org/pod/Types::Serialiser), which is only loaded when you actually need it.
This keeps memory usage low for when, e.g., you���re using CBOR for
IPC between Perl processes and have no need for true booleans.


[Gasper Software Consulting](http://gaspersoftware.com) (FELIPE)


This code is licensed under the same license as Perl itself.


[CBOR::PP](https://metacpan.org/pod/CBOR::PP) is a pure-Perl CBOR library.

[CBOR::XS](https://metacpan.org/pod/CBOR::XS) is an older CBOR module on CPAN. It���s got more bells and
whistles, so check it out if CBOR::Free lacks a feature you���d like.
Note that [its maintainer has abandoned support for Perl versions from 5.22
onward](http://blog.schmorp.de/2015-06-06-stableperl-faq.html), though,
and its GPL license limits its usefulness in
commercial [perlcc](https://metacpan.org/pod/distribution/B-C/script/perlcc.PL)