Tk-MK version 0.17

Files in Tk-MK are my personal favorite Tk-add-ons. developed in the
past as a side effect of several huge perl projects.


	Tk::Buttonplus      - extended Tk::Button with ability to show a bitmap/image AND a text label
	Tk::HListplus       - extended Tk::HList with movable columns based on
	Tk::DHList          - extended Tk::HList with data column and ability of sorting, ...  
	Tk::DTree           - extended Tk::Tree widget with data column and ability of sorting, ... 
	Tk::Checkbox        - a nice alternative to the standard check-button widget
	Tk::Optionbox       - a nice alternative to the default MenuButton (multi-level selection)
	Tk::PopUpSelectBox  - a dialog based selectionlist alternative to Tk::Optionbox (multi-level selection)
	Tk::Statusbox       - a view-a-status-by-colors widget with flashing ,...
	Tk::BootSplash      - an improved Splash screen based on Stephen.O.Lidie's
implicitely used widgets:
	Tk::HdrResizeButton - an reworked alternative HList-Header-Button (based on Tk::ResizeButton) for resizing
	Tk::ProgressBarPlus - A clone of the std. Progressbar that supports percentage display (was send to Nick-Ing S.,
						  but for time reasons he did not manage to put it in the Tk 805.027 release.
						  Thus as a work-around we have here a renamed clone to avoid namespace conflicts.


To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install


This module requires Tk800.x preferable Tk804.027


This package is free software and is provided "as is"
without expressed or implied warranty.  It may be used,
redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Perl
(see Perls Artistic License for details).

Copyright (C) 2002 - 2009 Michael Krause KrauseM_AT_gmx_DOT_net


 Version 0.01 Initial release

	o modules are running, initial pod is done

 Version 0.02 Update release

	o 2 new modules added Tk::ExtTree, Tk::ExtHList

 Version 0.03 Update release

	o renamed Tk::ExtTree -> Tk::DTree, Tk::ExtHList -> Tk::DHList
	  for making the names more intuitive
	o added 2 new modules added Tk::HListplus, Tk::BootSplash,
	   (and the stand-alone Tk::ResizeButton for completeness)

 Version 0.04 Update release

	o 1 new module added Tk::Buttonplus - Button with Text AND Image

 Version 0.05 Update release

	o enhanced Tk::Checkbox to support user-customizable size

 Version 0.06 Update release

	o enhanced Tk::Optionbox - added second hierarchy for the options

 Version 0.07 Bugfix release

	o fixed Tk::HListplus - was complaining with Tk
	o fixed inconsistency in buttonplus-demo

 Version 0.08 Update release

	o Update the POD docs

 Version 0.09 Update release

	o Update Tk::Optionbox - added TRUE multilevel-selection and validating support

 Version 0.10 Update release

	o Update Tk::Optionbox - added loop invocation detection to avoid segviolations
	o Update Tk::HListplus - based on feedback from Rob Seegel (Thx a lot!) added 'auto-blank last column'
	o Update Tk::BootSplash - see note below

	o Added the ProgressBarPlus Widget to make 'BootSplash' work for users not using a patched Tk 804 ProgressBar

 Version 0.11 Update release
	o resolved some CPAN issues
	o enhanced Tk::Buttonplus - added side default based on option-database	

 Version 0.12 Update release
	o enhanced Tk::Optionbox - added quick-popup for non-changed options
	o 1 new module added Tk::PopUpSelectBox - A scrolled pop-up selection-widget (with MULTI-level selections)
		useful where a Tk::Optionbox would have too many entries

 Version 0.13 Update release
	o Renamed DataHList and DataTree to DHList and DHTree to avoid name-space conflicts in CPAN
	o Bugfix for Tk::DHList - Deleting the FIRST entry in a DHList messed up the reverse function.

0.14 Fri Oct 24 13:50:23 CEST 2008
	o resolved some CPAN checker issues

0.15 Mon Apr  6 20:19:01 CEST 2009
	o resolved issue on ListHeader-Bttn: Double-Click for column resizing should NOT invoke Single-Click-CB

0.16 Mon Apr  6 20:53:44 CEST 2009

	o replacement release for 0.15 (which was incomplete)

0.17 Tue Apr  7 12:26:14 CEST 2009

	o update release - added configuration option forClosedColumnWidth and ResizerAreaWidth
