-*- org -*- : ________ ________ ________ __ __ _______ _______ ______ : | | | | | | | | | |__|__| _ | | | __ \ : | | | | | | | | | |__ __| | | | < : |________|________|________|__|__|___|___|_______|___|__| : WWW::AUR - API for the Archlinux User Repository website. * Background The Archlinux User Repository is a relatively simple website that houses user-submitted packages for ArchLinux. These "source packages" merely contain what is required to build the package, unlike Archlinux's official repository which house binary packages. * Requirements The following modules are required for the use of WWW::AUR and friends. I provide this information in case you are wondering about lots of dependencies or maybe you aren't lucky enough to use a CPAN shell. Instead of listing each module used, I list each distribution (aka package) that you need to install from CPAN. This makes more sense to me and is more succinct. - libwww-perl - URI - JSON Logins to the AUR connect using the https port and are encrypted to protect your password and session cookie. In order to use WWW::AUR::Login you will also need the LWP-Protocol-https distribution installed. This brings in its own set of requirements for using SSL connections. ** Core Modules These distributions are included with perl (as of version 5.10) so you probably won't need to download them: - Archive-Tar - Carp - Fctnl - File-Path (2.06) - PathTools (for File::Spec and Cwd) * Install To install this module follow these steps. If you have already downloaded and extracted the distribution tarball (WWW-AUR-<version>.tar.gz) in order to read this README file skip to step 4. 1) Download the distribution tarball from CPAN. 2) Extract the tarball. 3) *cd* into the extracted directory (WWW-AUR-<version>) 4) Run *perl Makefile.PL* to create a *Makefile* 5) Run *make* to build the module using the *Makefile* 6) (Optional) Run *make test* to run automated self-tests. 7) Run *make install* to install the perl module into a system directory. #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE curl -O http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/J/JU/JUSTER/WWW-AUR-X.XX.tar.gz tar xf WWW-AUR-X.XX.tar.gz cd WWW-AUR-X.XX perl Makefile.PL make make test sudo make install #+END_EXAMPLE Or better yet use a CPAN shell to do it for you! Cpanminus is available on CPAN under the name "App-cpanminus". * Purpose WWW::AUR has two basic purposes: 1) Interacting with the AUR webpage (http://aur.archlinux.org) 2) Building source packages by calling the makepkg script. (http://www.archlinux.org/pacman/makepkg.8.html) ** Web Page This module provides an interface for the straight-forward AUR user as well as for package author and trusted user. The (unmet) goal is to be able to do anything with this module that you could with a web browser. ** Package Building The WWW::AUR::Package module also allows the module user to download and build source packages using makepkg. Installation is left up to the module user and is not implemented in this module. * Testing The automated testing (by using 'make test') can only succeed if there is an internet connection available. I suppose the tests would also fail if the AUR website is down... * See also ** Source code repository http://github.com/juster/perl-www-aur ** ArchLinux User Repository http://aur.archlinux.com ** Online makepkg manpage http://www.archlinux.org/pacman/makepkg.8.html * Author Justin Davis <juster at cpan dot org> * Support Send me an e-mail if you have any questions or need help. If you run into any bugs please e-mail any information about them. * License and Copyright Copyright 2014 Justin Davis. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See http://dev.perl.org/licenses/ for more information.