NAME isbn-check - Tool for ISBN checking. SYNOPSIS isbn-check [-h] [--version] file_with_isbns DESCRIPTION The tool checks the ISBN written in the file. ARGUMENTS * "-h" Print help. * "--version" Print version of script. * "file_with_isbns" File with ISBN strings, one per line. EXAMPLE cat /tmp/foo 978-80-253-4336-4 9788025343363 9788025343364 978802534336 isbn-chec /tmp/foo # Output: # 9788025343363: Different after format (978-80-253-4336-4). # 9788025343364: Different after format (978-80-253-4336-4). # 978802534336: Cannot parse. REPOSITORY <> AUTHOR Michal Josef ��pa��ek <> <> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT �� 2024 Michal Josef ��pa��ek BSD 2-Clause License VERSION 0.01