SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION This module formats enveloped result to YAML, JSON, etc. It uses Data::Format::Pretty for the backend. It is used by other Perinci modules like Perinci::CmdLine and Perinci::Access::HTTP::Server. The default supported formats are: * json Using Data::Format::Pretty::CompactJSON. * json-pretty Using Data::Format::Pretty::JSON. * text-simple Using Data::Format::Pretty::SimpleText. * text-pretty Using Data::Format::Pretty::Text. * text Using Data::Format::Pretty::Console. * yaml Using Data::Format::Pretty::YAML. * perl Using Data::Format::Pretty::Perl. * phpserialization Using Data::Format::Pretty::PHPSerialization. * ruby Using Data::Format::Pretty::Ruby. VARIABLES %Perinci::Result::Format::Formats => HASH Contains a mapping between format names and Data::Format::Pretty::* module names + MIME type. $Enable_Decoration => BOOL (default: 1) Decorations include color or other markup, which might make a data structure like JSON or YAML string become invalid JSON/YAML. This should be turned off if one wants to send the formatting over network. $Enable_Cleansing => BOOL (default: 0) If enabled, cleansing will be done to data to help make sure that data does not contain item that cannot be handled by formatter. for example, JSON format cannot handle circular references or complex types other than hash/array. FUNCTIONS None is currently exported/exportable. format($res, $format[ , $is_naked=0 ]) => STR Format enveloped result $res with format named $format. Result metadata ($res->[3]) is also checked for key named format_options. The value should be a hash like this { FORMAT_NAME => OPTS, ... }. FORMAT_NAME can be any to mean any format. This way, function results can specify the details of formatting. An example enveloped result: [200, "OK", ["foo", "bar", "baz"], { format_options => { "text" => {list_max_columns=>1}, "text-pretty" => {list_max_columns=>1}, } }] The above result specifies that if it is displayed using text or text-pretty format, it should be displayed in one columns instead of multicolumns. RESULT METADATA * property: format_options => HASH FAQ How to list supported formats? Simply: my @supported_formats = keys %Perinci::Result::Format::Formats; How to add support for new formats? First make sure that Data::Format::Pretty::<FORMAT> module is available for your format. Look on CPAN. If it's not, i't also not hard to create one. Then, add your format to %Perinci::Result::Format::Formats hash: use Perinci::Result::Format; # this means format named 'xml' will be handled by Data::Format::Pretty::XML $Perinci::Result::Format::Formats{xml} = ['XML', 'text/xml']; SEE ALSO Data::Format::Pretty