XML::RSS::Feed - Persistant XML RSS Encapsulation


    A quick and dirty non-POE example that uses a blocking sleep. The magic
    is in the late_breaking_news method that returns only headlines it
    hasn't seen.

        use XML::RSS::Feed;
        use LWP::Simple qw(get);

        my $feed = XML::RSS::Feed->new(
            url    => "",
            name   => "jbisbee",
            delay  => 10,
            debug  => 1,
            tmpdir => "/tmp", # optional caching

        while (1) {
            print $_->headline . "\n" for $feed->late_breaking_news;

    ATTENTION! - If you want a non-blocking way to watch multiple RSS
    sources with one process use POE::Component::RSSAggregator.

  XML::RSS::Feed->new( url => $url, name => $name )
    Required Params

        * name
            Identifier and hash lookup key for the RSS feed.

        * url
            The URL of the RSS feed

    Optional Params

        * delay
            Number of seconds between updates (defaults to 600)

        * tmpdir
            Directory to keep a cached feed (using Storable) to keep
            persistance between instances.

        * debug
            Turn debuging on.

        * headline_as_id
            Boolean value to use the headline as the id when URL isn't
            unique within a feed.

        * hlobj
            A class name sublcassed from XML::RSS::Headline

        * max_headlines
            The max number of headlines to keep. (default is unlimited)

  $feed->parse( $xml_string )
    Pass in a xml string to parse with XML::RSS and then call process to
    process the results.

  $feed->process( $items, $title, $link )
  $feed->process( $items, $title )
  $feed->process( $items )
    Calls pre_process, process_items, post_process, title, and link methods
    to process the parsed results of an RSS XML feed.

    * $items
        An array of hash refs which will eventually become
        XML::RSS::Headline objects. Look at XML::RSS::Headline->new() for
        acceptable arguments.

    * $title
        The title of the RSS feed.

    * $link
        The RSS channel link (normally a URL back to the homepage) of the
        RSS feed.

    Mark all headlines from previous run as seen.

  $feed->process_items( $items )
    Turn an array refs of hash refs into XML::RSS::Headline objects and
    added to the internal list of headlines.

    Post process cleanup, cache headlines (if tmpdir), and debug messages.

  $feed->create_headline( %args)
    Create a new XML::RSS::Headline object and add it to the interal list.
    Check XML::RSS::Headline->new() for acceptable values for %args.

    Returns the number of headlines for the feed.

  $feed->seen_headline( $id )
    Just a boolean test to see if we've seen a headline or not.

    Returns an array or array reference (based on context) of
    XML::RSS::Headline objects

    Returns an array or the number of elements (based on context) of the
    latest XML::RSS::Headline objects.

    If tmpdir is defined the rss info is cached.

  $feed->set_last_updated( Time::HiRes::time )
    Set the time of when the feed was last processed. If you pass in a value
    it will be used otherwise calls Time::HiRes::time.

    The time (in epoch seconds) of when the feed was last processed.

    The time (in epoch seconds and milliseconds) of when the feed was last

  $feed->title( $title )
    The title of the RSS feed.

  $feed->debug( $bool )
    Turn on debugging messages

  $feed->init( $bool )
    init is used so that we just load the current headlines and don't return
    all headlines. in other words we initialize them. Takes a boolean

  $feed->name( $name )
    The identifier of an RSS feed.

  $feed->delay( $seconds )
    Number of seconds between updates.

  $feed->link( $rss_channel_url )
    The url in the RSS feed with a link back to the site where the RSS feed
    came from.

  $feed->url( $url )
    The url in the RSS feed with a link back to the site where the RSS feed
    came from.

  $feed->headline_as_id( $bool )
    Within some RSS feeds the URL may not always be unique, in these cases
    you can use the headline as the unique id. The id is used to check
    whether or not a feed is new or has already been seen.

  $feed->hlobj( $class )
    Ablity to use a subclass of XML::RSS::Headline. (See Perl Jobs example
    in XML::RSS::Headline::PerlJobs). This should just be the name of the

  $feed->tmpdir( $tmpdir )
    Temporay directory to store cached RSS XML between instances for

  $feed->max_headlines( $integer )
    The maximum number of headlines you'd like to keep track of. (0 means

    This should was deprecated because, the object shouldn't really know
    anything about fetching, it just processes the results. This method
    currently will always return false

    This method was deprecated because, $feed->parse now returns a bool
    value. This method will always return false

    Jeff Bisbee, "<jbisbee at>"

    Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-xml-rss-feed at", or through the web interface at
    <>. I will be
    notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your
    bug as I make changes.

    You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

        perldoc XML::RSS::Feed

    You can also look for information at:

    * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation

    * CPAN Ratings

    * RT: CPAN's request tracker

    * Search CPAN

    Special thanks to Rocco Caputo, Martijn van Beers, Sean Burke, Prakash
    Kailasa and Randal Schwartz for their help, guidance, patience, and bug
    reports. Guys thanks for actually taking time to use the code and give
    good, honest feedback.

    Copyright 2006 Jeff Bisbee, all rights reserved.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.

    XML::RSS::Headline, XML::RSS::Headline::PerlJobs,
    XML::RSS::Headline::Fark, XML::RSS::Headline::UsePerlJournals,