XML::Config - a simple XML Configuration file reader. Preface: This is stupendously simple. Given a well formed configuration file like this: <Root> <A_variable>A Key</A_variable> </Root> it returns: {A_variable => 'A Key'} I whipped this together for internal use is some of our applications, and it does the trick. It will attempt to parse a .bak file in the same directory as the config file you specify if there is an error. See the manpage for details. CHANGES: 0.2 -> Two new options in load_conf(), allows you to pass a hash ref to be filled by the config reader, instead of the default behaviour of just passing back a hash. As a natural extension to this functionality, you may also pass an array ref to load_conf() containing variable names which you do not want the config reader to over write if it finds them in the config file.