SMS::Send::TMC - SMS::Send driver to send messages via TMC

    version 0.01

      use SMS::Send;

      # Create a sender
      my $sender = SMS::Send->new(
          _login    => 'tmc_username',
          _password => 'tmc_password',

      # Send a message
      my $sent = $sender->send_sms(
          text => 'This is a test message',
          to   => '+61 (4) 1234 5678',

      if ($sent) {
          print "Message sent ok\n";
      else {
          print "Failed to send message\n";

    A driver for SMS::Send to send SMS text messages via TMC (Text Messaging
    Centre) - <>

    This is not intended to be used directly, but instead called by
    SMS::Send (see synopsis above for a basic illustration, and see
    SMS::Send's documentation for further information).

    The driver uses the TMC HTTP GET API mechanism. This is documented at

    Constructor, takes argument pairs passed by SMS::Send, returns an
    SMS::Send::TMC object. See usage synopsis for example, and see SMS::Send
    documentation for further info on using SMS::Send drivers.

    Additional arguments that may be passed include:-

        The HTTP API endpoint. Defaults to

        The timeout in seconds for HTTP operations. Defaults to 20 seconds.

        Whether debugging information is output.

        The reference used on sent messages - this will show up in the web
        interface. For details of this see the "reference" parameter in the
        API documentation. Defaults to "Message".

        The source identifier or number attached to the message. This has a
        number of possible values - "Mobile", "CompanyName", "NickName",
        "Signature" or "InboundNumber". For details of this see the "source"
        parameter in the API documentation. The default is "InboundNumber"

        What form of confirmation should be sent. Binary or of the values 2
        (for Mobile confirmation) and 4 (for Email confirmation). For
        details of this see the "confirm" parameter in the API
        documentation. Defaults to 0.

        Whether the message is in Unicode (a "true" value) or ASCII (a
        "false" value). For details of this see the "unicode" parameter in
        the API documentation. Defaults to "true".

    Send the message - see SMS::Send for details. Additionally the following
    options can be given - these have the same meaning as they do in the
    "new" method:-

    *   _reference

    *   _source

    *   _confirm

    *   _unicode

    See perlmodinstall for information and options on installing Perl

    You can make new bug reports, and view existing ones, through the web
    interface at

    The project homepage is <>.

    The latest version of this module is available from the Comprehensive
    Perl Archive Network (CPAN). Visit <> to find a
    CPAN site near you, or see

    Nigel Metheringham <>

    This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Nigel Metheringham.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.