HealthCheck - A health check for your code


    version v1.5.3


        use HealthCheck;
        # a check can return a hashref containing anything at all,
        # however some values are special.
        # See the HealthCheck Standard for details.
        sub my_check {
            return {
                anything => "at all",
                id       => "my_check",
                status   => 'WARNING',
        my $checker = HealthCheck->new(
            id     => 'main_checker',
            label  => 'Main Health Check',
            tags   => [qw( fast cheap )],
            checks => [
                sub { return { id => 'coderef', status => 'OK' } },
                'my_check',          # Name of a method on caller
        my $other_checker = HealthCheck->new(
            id     => 'my_health_check',
            label  => "My Health Check",
            tags   => [qw( cheap easy )],
            other  => "Other details to pass to the check call",
            'My::Checker',       # Name of a loaded class that ->can("check")
            My::Checker->new,    # Object that ->can("check")
        # It's possible to add ids, labels, and tags to your checks
        # and they will be copied to the Result
        $other_checker->register( My::Checker->new(
            id    => 'my_checker',
            label => 'My Checker',
            tags  => [qw( cheap copied_to_the_result )]
        ) );
        # You can add HealthCheck instances as checks
        # You could add a check to itself to create an infinite loop of checks.
        $checker->register( $other_checker );
        # A hashref of the check config
        # This whole hashref is passed as an argument
        # to My::Checker->another_check
        $checker->register( {
            invocant    => 'My::Checker',      # to call the "check" on
            check       => 'another_check',    # name of the check method
            tags        => [qw( fast easy )],
            more_params => 'anything',
        } );
        my @tags = $checker->tags;    # returns fast, cheap
        my %result = %{ $checker->check( tags => ['cheap'] ) };
           # OR run the opposite checks
           %result = %{ $checker->check( tags => ['!cheap'] ) };
        # A checker class or object just needs to have either
        # a check method, which is used by default,
        # or another method as specified in a hash config.
        package My::Checker;
        # Optionally subclass HealthCheck::Diagnostic
        use parent 'HealthCheck::Diagnostic';
        # and provide a 'run' method, the Diagnostic base class will
        # pass your results through the 'summarize' helper that
        # will add warnings about invalid values as well as
        # summarizing multiple results.
        sub run {
            return {
                id     => ( ref $_[0] ? "object_method" : "class_method" ),
                status => "WARNING",
        # Any checks *must* return a valid "Health Check Result" hashref.
        # You can add your own check that doesn't call 'summarize'
        # or, overload the 'check' helper in the parent class.
        sub another_check {
            my ($self, %params) = @_;
            return {
                id     => 'another_check',
                label  => 'A Super custom check',
                status => ( $params{more_params} eq 'fine' ? "OK" : "CRITICAL" ),

    %result will be from the subset of checks run due to the tags.

        $checker->check(tags => ['cheap']);
        id      => "main_checker",
        label   => "Main Health Check",
        tags    => [ "fast", "cheap" ],
        status  => "WARNING",
        results => [
            {   id     => "coderef",
                status => "OK",
                tags   => [ "fast", "cheap" ]  # inherited
            {   anything => "at all",
                id       => "my_check",
                status   => "WARNING",
                tags     => [ "fast", "cheap" ] # inherited
            {   id      => "my_health_check",
                label   => "My Health Check",
                tags    => [ "cheap", "easy" ],
                status  => "WARNING",
                results => [
                    {   id     => "class_method",
                        tags   => [ "cheap", "easy" ],
                        status => "WARNING",
                    {   id     => "object_method",
                        tags   => [ "cheap", "easy" ],
                        status => "WARNING",
                    {   id     => "object_method",
                        label  => "My Checker",
                        tags   => [ "cheap", "copied_to_the_result" ],
                        status => "WARNING",


    Allows you to create callbacks that check the health of your
    application and return a status result.

    There are several things this is trying to enable:

      * A fast HTTP endpoint that can be used to verify that a web app can
      serve traffic.

      * A more complete check that verifies all the things work after a

      * The ability for a script, such as a cronjob, to verify that it's
      dependencies are available before starting work.

      * Different sorts of monitoring checks that are defined in your

    Results returned by these checks should correspond to the GSG Health
    Check Standard <>.

    You may want to use HealthCheck::Diagnostic to simplify writing your
    check slightly.



        my $checker = HealthCheck->new( id => 'my_checker' );



      An arrayref that is passed to "register" to initialize checks.


      An arrayref used as the default set of tags for any checks that don't
      override them.

    Any other parameters are included in the "Result" hashref returned.

    Some recommended things to include are:


      The unique id for this check.


      A human readable name for this check.


            invocant => $class_or_object,
            check    => $method_on_invocant_or_coderef,
            more     => "any other params are passed to the check",

    Takes a list or arrayref of check definitions to be added to the

    Each registered check must return a valid GSG Health Check response,
    either as a hashref or an even-sized list. See the GSG Health Check
    Standard (linked in "DESCRIPTION") for the fields that checks should

    Rather than having to always pass in the full hashref definition,
    several common cases are detected and used to fill out the check.


      If passed a coderef, this will be called as the check without an


      If a blessed object is passed in and it has a check method, use that
      for the check, otherwise throw an exception.


      If a string is passed in, check if it is the name of a loaded class
      that has a check method, and if so use it as the invocant with the
      method as the check. Otherwise if our caller has a method with this
      name, the caller becomes the invocant and this becomes the check,
      otherwise throws an exception.

    full hashref of params

      The full hashref can consist of a check key that the above heuristics
      are applied, or include an invocant key that is used as either an
      object or class name. With the invocant specified, the now optional
      check key defaults to "check" and is used as the method to call on

      All attributes other than invocant and check are passed to the check.


        my %results = %{ $checker->check(%params) }

    Calls all of the registered checks and returns a hashref of the results
    of processing the checks passed through "summarize". Passes the "full
    hashref of params" as an even-sized list to the check, without the
    invocant or check keys. This hashref is shallow merged with and
    duplicate keys overridden by the %params passed in.

    If there is both an invocant and check in the params, it the check is
    called as a method on the invocant, otherwise check is used as a
    callback coderef.

    If only a single check is registered, the results from that check are
    merged with, and will override the "ATTRIBUTES" set on the object
    instead of being put in a results arrayref.

    Throws an exception if no checks have been registered.


    Main implementation of the checker is here.


    These methods may be useful for subclassing, but are not intended for
    general use.


        my $bool = $checker->should_run( \%check, tags => ['apple', '!banana'] );

    Takes a check definition hash and paramters and returns true if the
    check should be run. Used by "check" to determine which checks to run.

    Supported parameters:


      Tags can be either "positive" or "negative". A negative tag is
      indicated by a leading !. A check is run if its tags match any of the
      passed in positive tags and none of the negative ones. If no tags are
      passed in, all checks will be run.

      If the invocant can('tags') and there are no tags in the "full
      hashref of params" then the return value of that method is used.

      If a check has no tags defined, will use the default tags defined
      when the object was created.


    Perl 5.10 or higher.





    The GSG Health Check Standard


    Grant Street Group <>


    This software is Copyright (c) 2017 - 2020 by Grant Street Group.

    This is free software, licensed under:

      The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)