# # This patch takes you from Perl 5.005 to 5.005_01. # # To apply, chdir to a clean perl5.005 source directory # and do: # # patch -p1 -N < this_file # exit Index: patchlevel.h ####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01 *** perl5.005_01/patchlevel.h Wed Jul 22 14:22:01 1998 --- perl5.005_01/patchlevel.h Sun Jul 26 17:15:21 1998 *************** *** 1,6 **** #ifndef __PATCHLEVEL_H_INCLUDED__ #define PATCHLEVEL 5 ! #define SUBVERSION 0 /* local_patches -- list of locally applied less-than-subversion patches. --- 1,6 ---- #ifndef __PATCHLEVEL_H_INCLUDED__ #define PATCHLEVEL 5 ! #define SUBVERSION 1 /* local_patches -- list of locally applied less-than-subversion patches. Index: Changes ####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01 *** perl5.005_01/Changes Wed Jul 22 17:19:33 1998 --- perl5.005_01/Changes Sun Jul 26 19:27:56 1998 *************** *** 14,20 **** To give due honor to those who have made Perl what is is today, here are some of the more common names in the Changes file, and their ! current addresses (as of March 1997): Gisle Aas <gisle@aas.no> Abigail <abigail@fnx.com> --- 14,20 ---- To give due honor to those who have made Perl what is is today, here are some of the more common names in the Changes file, and their ! current addresses (as of July 1998): Gisle Aas <gisle@aas.no> Abigail <abigail@fnx.com> *************** *** 72,77 **** --- 72,177 ---- +> branched (from elsewhere) !> merged changes (from elsewhere) + + ---------------- + Version 5.005_01 First maintenance release of 5.005 + ---------------- + + ____________________________________________________________________________ + [ 1669] By: gsar on 1998/07/26 23:19:02 + Log: update Changes; add sv_*_mg() entries in win32/GenCAPI.pl + Branch: maint-5.005/perl + ! Changes proto.h win32/GenCAPI.pl + ____________________________________________________________________________ + [ 1668] By: gsar on 1998/07/26 21:12:11 + Log: s/TMP_CRLF_PATCH/PERL_STRICT_CR/ with sense reversed, so they + can disable it from config.sh if they want; up patchlevel to 5_01; + little tweaks to pods + Branch: maint-5.005/perl + ! README.win32 patchlevel.h pod/perldelta.pod toke.c + ! win32/Makefile win32/config_H.bc win32/config_H.gc + ! win32/config_H.vc win32/makefile.mk win32/win32.c + ____________________________________________________________________________ + [ 1662] By: gsar on 1998/07/26 05:01:52 + Log: add missing sv_*_mg() prototypes in proto.h, update perlhist.pod + Branch: maint-5.005/perl + ! pod/perlhist.pod proto.h + ____________________________________________________________________________ + [ 1658] By: gsar on 1998/07/26 02:23:46 + Log: VMS patches from Dan Sugalski <sugalskd@osshe.edu> + Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 11:38:25 -0700 + Message-Id: <> + Subject: [PATCH 5.005] version number problem with VMS (Corrected) + -- + Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 12:30:36 -0700 + Message-Id: <> + Subject: [PATCH 5.005]Tweaks to README.vms + -- + Date: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 17:56:55 -0700 (PDT) + Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.96.980725175626.15740D-100000@netserve.ous.edu> + Subject: [PATCH 5.005] Final build cleanup patch + Branch: maint-5.005/perl + ! README.vms vms/descrip_mms.template vms/subconfigure.com + ____________________________________________________________________________ + [ 1657] By: gsar on 1998/07/26 02:19:50 + Log: another platform where pp_sselect() needs a whole fd_set buffer + From: Lupe Christoph <lupe@alanya.m.isar.de> + Date: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 19:49:33 +0200 (MET DST) + Message-Id: <199807251749.TAA22347@alanya.m.isar.de> + Subject: Patch for Not OK: perl 5.005 on i86pc-solaris-thread 2.6 + Branch: maint-5.005/perl + ! pp_sys.c + ____________________________________________________________________________ + [ 1656] By: gsar on 1998/07/26 02:12:46 + Log: fix problem building modules on dos-djgpp + From: Laszlo Molnar <molnarl@cdata.tvnet.hu> + Date: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 00:53:39 +0200 + Message-ID: <19980725005339.C222@cdata.tvnet.hu> + Subject: [PATCH 5.005] dos-djgpp and modules problem + Branch: maint-5.005/perl + ! djgpp/fixpmain + ____________________________________________________________________________ + [ 1655] By: gsar on 1998/07/26 02:11:09 + Log: From: Tom Spindler <dogcow@home.merit.edu> + Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 16:11:07 -0400 + Message-ID: <19980722161107.A16813@home.merit.edu> + Subject: [PATCH 5.005] BeOS tweak + Branch: maint-5.005/perl + ! hints/beos.sh + ____________________________________________________________________________ + [ 1654] By: gsar on 1998/07/26 02:09:29 + Log: various pod tweaks + Branch: maint-5.005/perl + ! Changes pod/perldelta.pod pod/perlmodinstall.pod + ! pod/perltoc.pod + ____________________________________________________________________________ + [ 1653] By: gsar on 1998/07/26 02:05:46 + Log: fix emacs/ptags for PL_* changes + From: Ilya Zakharevich <ilya@math.ohio-state.edu> + Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 03:12:35 -0400 (EDT) + Message-Id: <199807240712.DAA04204@monk.mps.ohio-state.edu> + Subject: [PATCH 5.004_76] Yet better ptags + Branch: maint-5.005/perl + ! emacs/ptags + ____________________________________________________________________________ + [ 1652] By: gsar on 1998/07/26 02:03:01 + Log: fix behavior of <=> on bigints + From: "M.J.T. Guy" <mjtg@cus.cam.ac.uk> + Message-Id: <E0yzlfF-0004kz-00@taurus.cus.cam.ac.uk> + Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 18:29:53 +0100 + Subject: [PATCH] Re: Math::BigInt <=> op is not correct. + Branch: maint-5.005/perl + ! lib/Math/BigInt.pm t/lib/bigintpm.t + ____________________________________________________________________________ + [ 1649] By: gsar on 1998/07/24 03:56:56 + Log: create maint-5.005 branch + Branch: maint-5.005/perl + +> (branch 1079 files) + ____________________________________________________________________________ + [ 1648] By: gsar on 1998/07/24 03:36:35 + Log: un-checked-in 5.005 Changes (this is 5.005 *exactly*) + Branch: perl + ! Changes ------------- Version 5.005 Production release Index: README.vms ####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01 *** perl5.005_01/README.vms Wed Jul 22 04:23:06 1998 --- perl5.005_01/README.vms Sat Jul 25 22:28:39 1998 *************** *** 177,195 **** your DCL$PATH (if you're using VMS 6.2 or higher). 4) Optionally define the command PERLDOC as ! PERLDOC :== $PERL_ROOT:[000000]PERL PERL_ROOT:[LIB.POD]PERLDOC.COM -T Note that if you wish to use most as a pager please see ftp://space.mit.edu/pub/davis/ for both most and slang. 5) Optionally define the command PERLBUG (the Perl bug report generator) as ! PERLBUG :== $PERL_ROOT:[000000]PERL PERL_ROOT:[LIB]PERLBUG.COM" 6) Optionally define the command POD2MAN (Converts POD files to nroff source suitable for converting to man pages. Also quiets complaints during module builds) as DEFINE/NOLOG POD2MAN PERL_ROOT:[LIB.POD]POD2MAN.COM ! POD2MAN :== $PERL_ROOT:[000000]PERL POD2MAN * Installing Perl into DCLTABLES --- 177,205 ---- your DCL$PATH (if you're using VMS 6.2 or higher). 4) Optionally define the command PERLDOC as ! PERLDOC :== "$PERL_ROOT:[000000]PERL PERL_ROOT:[LIB.POD]PERLDOC.COM -T" Note that if you wish to use most as a pager please see ftp://space.mit.edu/pub/davis/ for both most and slang. 5) Optionally define the command PERLBUG (the Perl bug report generator) as ! PERLBUG :== "$PERL_ROOT:[000000]PERL PERL_ROOT:[LIB]PERLBUG.COM" 6) Optionally define the command POD2MAN (Converts POD files to nroff source suitable for converting to man pages. Also quiets complaints during module builds) as DEFINE/NOLOG POD2MAN PERL_ROOT:[LIB.POD]POD2MAN.COM ! POD2MAN :== "$PERL_ROOT:[000000]PERL POD2MAN" ! ! 7) Optionally define the command POD2TEXT (Converts POD files to text, ! which is required for perldoc -f to work properly) as ! ! DEFINE/NOLOG POD2TEXT PERL_ROOT:[LIB.POD]POD2TEXT.COM ! POD2TEXT :== "$PERL_ROOT:[000000]PERL POD2TEXT" ! ! In all these cases, if you've got PERL defined as a foreign command, you ! can replace $PERL_ROOT:[000000]PERL with ''perl'. If you've installed perl ! into DCLTABLES, replace it with just perl. * Installing Perl into DCLTABLES Index: README.win32 ####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01 *** perl5.005_01/README.win32 Wed Jul 22 14:54:22 1998 --- perl5.005_01/README.win32 Sun Jul 26 17:04:47 1998 *************** *** 70,76 **** shell. The Makefile also has known incompatibilites with the "command.com" shell that comes with Windows95, so building under Windows95 should be considered "unsupported". However, there have been reports of successful ! build attempts using 4DOS/NT version 3.00 under Windows95, using dmake, but your mileage may vary. The surest way to build it is on WindowsNT, using the cmd shell. --- 70,76 ---- shell. The Makefile also has known incompatibilites with the "command.com" shell that comes with Windows95, so building under Windows95 should be considered "unsupported". However, there have been reports of successful ! build attempts using 4DOS/NT version 6.01 under Windows95, using dmake, but your mileage may vary. The surest way to build it is on WindowsNT, using the cmd shell. Index: djgpp/fixpmain ####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01 *** perl5.005_01/djgpp/fixpmain Sat Jul 11 14:48:32 1998 --- perl5.005_01/djgpp/fixpmain Sat Jul 25 22:19:23 1998 *************** *** 15,24 **** $badname=join ("__",map {lc substr ($_,0,8)} split /:+/); # dosify $perlmain =~ s/^.*boot_$badname.*$//gm if $badname; # delete bad lines ! @exts=split (" ",$Config{known_extensions}); ! for $realname (@exts,'DynaLoader') { ! $dosname=substr (lc $realname,0,8); $perlmain =~ s/\bboot_$dosname/boot_$realname/gm; $perlmain =~ s/\b$dosname(::bootstrap)/$realname$1/gm; } --- 15,25 ---- $badname=join ("__",map {lc substr ($_,0,8)} split /:+/); # dosify $perlmain =~ s/^.*boot_$badname.*$//gm if $badname; # delete bad lines ! @exts=('DynaLoader',split (" ",$Config{known_extensions})); ! for $realname (@exts) { ! $dosname=join ("__",map {lc substr ($_,0,8)} split /\//,$realname); ! $realname =~ s!/!__!g; $perlmain =~ s/\bboot_$dosname/boot_$realname/gm; $perlmain =~ s/\b$dosname(::bootstrap)/$realname$1/gm; } Index: emacs/ptags ####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01 *** perl5.005_01/emacs/ptags Tue Jul 7 18:17:00 1998 --- perl5.005_01/emacs/ptags Sat Jul 25 22:03:34 1998 *************** *** 14,28 **** # Use Hallvard's scan for XS files - since he processes the "C" part too - # but with a lot of improvements: now it is no worse than CPerl's one. ! # Avoid builitin on OS/2: if test ! -z "$OS2_SHELL"; then alias find=gnufind; fi # Insure proper order (.h after .c, .xs before .c in subdirs): ! topfiles="`echo ' ' *.y *.c *.h ' ' | sed 's/ embed.h / /' | sed 's/ globals.c / /'`" subdirfiles="`( find ./*/* -name '*.[cy]' -print | sort ; find ./*/* -name '*.[hH]' -print | sort )`" xsfiles="`find . -name '*.xs' -print | sort`" ! # etags -d : process defineds too (default now) # These are example lines for global variables and PP-code: ## IEXT SV * Iparsehook; --- 14,31 ---- # Use Hallvard's scan for XS files - since he processes the "C" part too - # but with a lot of improvements: now it is no worse than CPerl's one. ! # Avoid builtin on OS/2: if test ! -z "$OS2_SHELL"; then alias find=gnufind; fi # Insure proper order (.h after .c, .xs before .c in subdirs): ! # Move autogenerated less-informative files to the end: ! # Hard to do embed.h and embedvar.h in one sweep: ! ! topfiles="`echo ' ' *.y *.c *.h ' ' | sed 's/ \(embed\(var\|\)\.h\|obj\(pp\|XSUB\)\.h\|globals\.c\) \(\(embedvar\|objpp\).h \|\)/ /g'`" subdirfiles="`( find ./*/* -name '*.[cy]' -print | sort ; find ./*/* -name '*.[hH]' -print | sort )`" xsfiles="`find . -name '*.xs' -print | sort`" ! # etags -d : process defines too (default now) # These are example lines for global variables and PP-code: ## IEXT SV * Iparsehook; *************** *** 32,41 **** ## PERLVARI(Grsfp, PerlIO *, Nullfp) ## PERLVAR(cvcache, HV *) set x -d -l c \ -r '/[dI]?EXT\(CONST\)?[ \t*]+\([a-zA-Z_0-9]+[ \t*]+\)*\([a-zA-Z_0-9]+\)[ \t]*\($\|;\|\[\|[ \t]I+NIT[ \t]*(\|\/\*\)/\3/' \ -r '/IEXT[ \t][^\/]*[ \t*]I\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*\)[\[; \t]/\1/' \ ! -r '/PERLVAR[a-zA-Z_0-9]*[ \t]*([ \t]*[GIT]?\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*\)[ \t]*,/\1/' \ -r '/PP[ \t]*([ \t]*\([^ \t()]*\)[ \t]*)/\1/' shift --- 35,46 ---- ## PERLVARI(Grsfp, PerlIO *, Nullfp) ## PERLVAR(cvcache, HV *) + # Putting PL_\1 in the substitution line makes etags dump core + # Thus we do it later (but 20.2.92 does it OK). set x -d -l c \ -r '/[dI]?EXT\(CONST\)?[ \t*]+\([a-zA-Z_0-9]+[ \t*]+\)*\([a-zA-Z_0-9]+\)[ \t]*\($\|;\|\[\|[ \t]I+NIT[ \t]*(\|\/\*\)/\3/' \ -r '/IEXT[ \t][^\/]*[ \t*]I\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*\)[\[; \t]/\1/' \ ! -r '/PERLVAR[a-zA-Z_0-9]*[ \t]*([ \t]*[GIT]?\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*\)[ \t]*[\[,]/\1/' \ -r '/PP[ \t]*([ \t]*\([^ \t()]*\)[ \t]*)/\1/' shift *************** *** 47,54 **** -l none -r '/#\(\$[a-zA-Z_0-9]+\|define\)[ \t]+\([a-zA-Z_0-9]+\)/\2/' \ config_h.SH etags -o TAGS.tmp -a "$@" $topfiles etags -o TAGS.tmp -a -D -l none -r '/#define.*\t\(Perl_.*\)/\1/' embed.h ! etags -o TAGS.tmp -a globals.c perl -w014pe 'if (s/^( [^\n\x7F\x1]*\b # 1: TAG group (\w+) # 2: word --- 52,75 ---- -l none -r '/#\(\$[a-zA-Z_0-9]+\|define\)[ \t]+\([a-zA-Z_0-9]+\)/\2/' \ config_h.SH etags -o TAGS.tmp -a "$@" $topfiles + + # Now add these PL_: + perl -w014pe 'if (s/^( .* PERLVAR I? # 1: TAG group + \s* \( \s* [GIT] # + .* # + \x7F # End of description + ) + ( .* \x1 ) # 2: Exact group + /${1}PL_$2/mgx) { # Add PL_ + $chars = chomp; + s/^((\n.+,)\d+)/ $2 . (length($_) - length($1) - 1) /e; + $_ .= ("\f" x $chars); + }' TAGS.tmp > TAGS.tm1 && mv TAGS.tm1 TAGS.tmp + + + etags -o TAGS.tmp -a -D -l none -r '/#define.*\t\(Perl_.*\)/\1/' embed.h ! etags -o TAGS.tmp -a globals.c embedvar.h objXSUB.h objpp.h perl -w014pe 'if (s/^( [^\n\x7F\x1]*\b # 1: TAG group (\w+) # 2: word Index: hints/beos.sh Prereq: 1.1 ####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01 *** perl5.005_01/hints/beos.sh Thu May 14 17:57:14 1998 --- perl5.005_01/hints/beos.sh Sat Jul 25 22:17:47 1998 *************** *** 1,7 **** # BeOS hints file # $Id: beos.sh,v 1.1 1998/02/16 03:51:45 dogcow Exp $ ! if [ ! -f ../beos/nm ]; then mwcc -w all -o ../beos/nm ../beos/nm.c; fi prefix="/boot/home/config" --- 1,7 ---- # BeOS hints file # $Id: beos.sh,v 1.1 1998/02/16 03:51:45 dogcow Exp $ ! if [ ! -f beos/nm ]; then mwcc -w all -o beos/nm beos/nm.c; fi prefix="/boot/home/config" Index: lib/Math/BigInt.pm ####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01 *** perl5.005_01/lib/Math/BigInt.pm Mon Jun 29 01:49:32 1998 --- perl5.005_01/lib/Math/BigInt.pm Sat Jul 25 22:08:46 1998 *************** *** 82,89 **** # Negate input value. sub bneg { #(num_str) return num_str local($_) = &bnorm(@_); ! vec($_,0,8) ^= ord('+') ^ ord('-') unless $_ eq '+0'; ! s/^H/N/; $_; } --- 82,89 ---- # Negate input value. sub bneg { #(num_str) return num_str local($_) = &bnorm(@_); ! return $_ if $_ eq '+0' or $_ eq 'NaN'; ! vec($_,0,8) ^= ord('+') ^ ord('-'); $_; } *************** *** 106,112 **** } elsif ($y eq 'NaN') { undef; } else { ! &cmp($x,$y); } } --- 106,112 ---- } elsif ($y eq 'NaN') { undef; } else { ! &cmp($x,$y) <=> 0; } } *************** *** 393,399 **** =head1 Autocreating constants After C<use Math::BigInt ':constant'> all the integer decimal constants ! in the given scope are converted to C<Math::BigInt>. This convertion happens at compile time. In particular --- 393,399 ---- =head1 Autocreating constants After C<use Math::BigInt ':constant'> all the integer decimal constants ! in the given scope are converted to C<Math::BigInt>. This conversion happens at compile time. In particular Index: pod/perldelta.pod ####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01 *** perl5.005_01/pod/perldelta.pod Wed Jul 22 17:01:39 1998 --- perl5.005_01/pod/perldelta.pod Sun Jul 26 17:14:05 1998 *************** *** 135,141 **** Perl has a new Social Contract for contributors. See F<Porting/Contract>. The license included in much of the Perl documentation has changed. ! See L<perl> and the individual perl man pages listed therein. =head1 Core Changes --- 135,146 ---- Perl has a new Social Contract for contributors. See F<Porting/Contract>. The license included in much of the Perl documentation has changed. ! Most of the Perl documentation was previously under the implicit GNU ! General Public License or the Artistic License (at the user's choice). ! Now much of the documentation unambigously states the terms under which ! it may be distributed. Those terms are in general much less restrictive ! than the GNU GPL. See L<perl> and the individual perl man pages listed ! therein. =head1 Core Changes *************** *** 299,304 **** --- 304,339 ---- This should improve reliability of cached stack pointers in the internals and in XSUBs. + =head2 More generous treatment of carriage returns + + Perl used to complain if it encountered literal carriage returns in + scripts. Now they are mostly treated like whitespace within program text. + Inside string literals and here documents, literal carriage returns are + ignored if they occur paired with newlines, or get interpreted as newlines + if they stand alone. This behavior means that literal carriage returns + in files should be avoided. You can get the older, more compatible (but + less generous) behavior by defining the preprocessor symbol + C<PERL_STRICT_CR> when building perl. Of course, all this has nothing + whatever to do with how escapes like C<\r> are handled within strings. + + Note that this doesn't somehow magically allow you to keep all text files + in DOS format. The generous treatment only applies to files that perl + itself parses. If your C compiler doesn't allow carriage returns in + files, you may still be unable to build modules that need a C compiler. + + =head2 Memory leaks + + C<substr>, C<pos> and C<vec> don't leak memory anymore when used in lvalue + context. Many small leaks that impacted applications that embed multiple + interpreters have been fixed. + + =head2 Better support for multiple interpreters + + The build-time option C<-DMULTIPLICITY> has had many of the details + reworked. Some previously global variables that should have been + per-interpreter now are. With care, this allows interpreters to call + each other. See the C<PerlInterp> extension on CPAN. + =head2 Behavior of local() on array and hash elements is now well-defined See L<perlsub/"Temporary Values via local()">. *************** *** 591,601 **** =head1 Utility Changes ! h2ph and related utilities have been vastly overhauled. ! perlcc, a new experimental front end for the compiler is available. ! The crude GNU configure emulator is now called configure.gnu. =head1 Documentation Changes --- 626,642 ---- =head1 Utility Changes ! C<h2ph> and related utilities have been vastly overhauled. ! ! C<perlcc>, a new experimental front end for the compiler is available. ! The crude GNU C<configure> emulator is now called C<configure.gnu> to ! avoid trampling on C<Configure> under case-insensitive filesystems. ! C<perldoc> used to be rather slow. The slower features are now optional. ! In particular, case-insensitive searches need the C<-i> switch, and ! recursive searches need C<-r>. You can set these switches in the ! C<PERLDOC> environment variable to get the old behavior. =head1 Documentation Changes Index: pod/perlhist.pod Prereq: 1.41 ####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01 *** perl5.005_01/pod/perlhist.pod Tue Jul 14 04:44:06 1998 --- perl5.005_01/pod/perlhist.pod Sun Jul 26 01:08:15 1998 *************** *** 289,294 **** --- 289,297 ---- 5.004_72 1998-Jul-12 5.004_73 1998-Jul-13 5.004_74 1998-Jul-14 + 5.004_75 1998-Jul-15 + 5.004_76 1998-Jul-21 + 5.005 1998-Jul-22 =head2 SELECTED RELEASE SIZES Index: pod/perlmodinstall.pod ####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01 *** perl5.005_01/pod/perlmodinstall.pod Wed Jul 22 13:32:04 1998 --- perl5.005_01/pod/perlmodinstall.pod Sat Jul 25 22:02:23 1998 *************** *** 24,31 **** --- 24,34 ---- =over 5 =item B<DECOMPRESS> the file + =item B<UNPACK> the file into a directory + =item B<BUILD> the module (sometimes unnecessary) + =item B<INSTALL> the module. =back Index: pod/perltoc.pod ####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01 *** perl5.005_01/pod/perltoc.pod Wed Jul 22 17:05:56 1998 --- perl5.005_01/pod/perltoc.pod Sat Jul 25 22:14:35 1998 *************** *** 898,903 **** --- 898,909 ---- =item Reliable stack pointers + =item More generous treatment of carriage returns + + =item Memory leaks + + =item Better support for multiple interpreters + =item Behavior of local() on array and hash elements is now well-defined =item C<%!> is transparently tied to the L<Errno> module *************** *** 1493,1501 **** =item PREAMBLE ! B<DECOMPRESS> the file=item B<UNPACK> the file into a directory ! =item B<BUILD> the module (sometimes unnecessary) ! =item B<INSTALL> the module =back --- 1499,1506 ---- =item PREAMBLE ! B<DECOMPRESS> the file, B<UNPACK> the file into a directory, B<BUILD> the ! module (sometimes unnecessary), B<INSTALL> the module =back Index: pp_sys.c ####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01 *** perl5.005_01/pp_sys.c Tue Jul 21 00:51:53 1998 --- perl5.005_01/pp_sys.c Sat Jul 25 22:24:31 1998 *************** *** 755,761 **** #if BYTEORDER == 0x1234 || BYTEORDER == 0x12345678 /* XXX Configure test needed. */ ! #if defined(__linux__) || defined(OS2) || defined(NeXT) || defined(__osf__) growsize = sizeof(fd_set); #else growsize = maxlen; /* little endians can use vecs directly */ --- 755,761 ---- #if BYTEORDER == 0x1234 || BYTEORDER == 0x12345678 /* XXX Configure test needed. */ ! #if defined(__linux__) || defined(OS2) || defined(NeXT) || defined(__osf__) || defined(sun) growsize = sizeof(fd_set); #else growsize = maxlen; /* little endians can use vecs directly */ Index: proto.h ####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01 *** perl5.005_01/proto.h Tue Jul 21 03:21:09 1998 --- perl5.005_01/proto.h Sun Jul 26 18:57:03 1998 *************** *** 74,80 **** VIRTUAL char * get_no_modify _((void)); VIRTUAL U32 * get_opargs _((void)); VIRTUAL I32 cxinc _((void)); ! VIRTUAL void deb _((const char* pat,...)) /*__attribute__((format(printf,1,2)))*/; VIRTUAL void deb_growlevel _((void)); VIRTUAL void debprofdump _((void)); VIRTUAL I32 debop _((OP* o)); --- 74,80 ---- VIRTUAL char * get_no_modify _((void)); VIRTUAL U32 * get_opargs _((void)); VIRTUAL I32 cxinc _((void)); ! VIRTUAL void deb _((const char* pat,...)); VIRTUAL void deb_growlevel _((void)); VIRTUAL void debprofdump _((void)); VIRTUAL I32 debop _((OP* o)); *************** *** 527,535 **** --- 527,539 ---- VIRTUAL int sv_backoff _((SV* sv)); VIRTUAL SV* sv_bless _((SV* sv, HV* stash)); VIRTUAL void sv_catpvf _((SV* sv, const char* pat, ...)); + VIRTUAL void sv_catpvf_mg _((SV *sv, const char* pat, ...)); VIRTUAL void sv_catpv _((SV* sv, char* ptr)); + VIRTUAL void sv_catpv_mg _((SV *sv, char *ptr)); VIRTUAL void sv_catpvn _((SV* sv, char* ptr, STRLEN len)); + VIRTUAL void sv_catpvn_mg _((SV *sv, char *ptr, STRLEN len)); VIRTUAL void sv_catsv _((SV* dsv, SV* ssv)); + VIRTUAL void sv_catsv_mg _((SV *dstr, SV *sstr)); VIRTUAL void sv_chop _((SV* sv, char* ptr)); VIRTUAL void sv_clean_all _((void)); VIRTUAL void sv_clean_objs _((void)); *************** *** 568,584 **** --- 572,596 ---- VIRTUAL void sv_report_used _((void)); VIRTUAL void sv_reset _((char* s, HV* stash)); VIRTUAL void sv_setpvf _((SV* sv, const char* pat, ...)); + VIRTUAL void sv_setpvf_mg _((SV *sv, const char* pat, ...)); VIRTUAL void sv_setiv _((SV* sv, IV num)); + VIRTUAL void sv_setiv_mg _((SV *sv, IV i)); VIRTUAL void sv_setpviv _((SV* sv, IV num)); + VIRTUAL void sv_setpviv_mg _((SV *sv, IV iv)); VIRTUAL void sv_setuv _((SV* sv, UV num)); + VIRTUAL void sv_setuv_mg _((SV *sv, UV u)); VIRTUAL void sv_setnv _((SV* sv, double num)); + VIRTUAL void sv_setnv_mg _((SV *sv, double num)); VIRTUAL SV* sv_setref_iv _((SV* rv, char* classname, IV iv)); VIRTUAL SV* sv_setref_nv _((SV* rv, char* classname, double nv)); VIRTUAL SV* sv_setref_pv _((SV* rv, char* classname, void* pv)); VIRTUAL SV* sv_setref_pvn _((SV* rv, char* classname, char* pv, I32 n)); VIRTUAL void sv_setpv _((SV* sv, const char* ptr)); + VIRTUAL void sv_setpv_mg _((SV *sv, const char *ptr)); VIRTUAL void sv_setpvn _((SV* sv, const char* ptr, STRLEN len)); + VIRTUAL void sv_setpvn_mg _((SV *sv, const char *ptr, STRLEN len)); VIRTUAL void sv_setsv _((SV* dsv, SV* ssv)); + VIRTUAL void sv_setsv_mg _((SV *dstr, SV *sstr)); VIRTUAL void sv_taint _((SV* sv)); VIRTUAL bool sv_tainted _((SV* sv)); VIRTUAL int sv_unmagic _((SV* sv, int type)); *************** *** 586,591 **** --- 598,604 ---- VIRTUAL void sv_untaint _((SV* sv)); VIRTUAL bool sv_upgrade _((SV* sv, U32 mt)); VIRTUAL void sv_usepvn _((SV* sv, char* ptr, STRLEN len)); + VIRTUAL void sv_usepvn_mg _((SV *sv, char *ptr, STRLEN len)); VIRTUAL void sv_vcatpvfn _((SV* sv, const char* pat, STRLEN patlen, va_list* args, SV** svargs, I32 svmax, bool *used_locale)); *************** *** 662,681 **** void sv_unglob _((SV* sv)); void sv_check_thinkfirst _((SV *sv)); I32 avhv_index_sv _((SV* sv)); - - void sv_catpv_mg _((SV *sv, char *ptr)); - void sv_catpvf_mg _((SV *sv, const char* pat, ...)); - void sv_catpvn_mg _((SV *sv, char *ptr, STRLEN len)); - void sv_catsv_mg _((SV *dstr, SV *sstr)); - void sv_setiv_mg _((SV *sv, IV i)); - void sv_setnv_mg _((SV *sv, double num)); - void sv_setsv_mg _((SV *dstr, SV *sstr)); - void sv_setuv_mg _((SV *sv, UV u)); - void sv_setpv_mg _((SV *sv, const char *ptr)); - void sv_setpvf_mg _((SV *sv, const char* pat, ...)); - void sv_setpviv_mg _((SV *sv, IV iv)); - void sv_setpvn_mg _((SV *sv, const char *ptr, STRLEN len)); - void sv_usepvn_mg _((SV *sv, char *ptr, STRLEN len)); void do_report_used _((SV *sv)); void do_clean_objs _((SV *sv)); --- 675,680 ---- Index: t/lib/bigintpm.t ####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01 *** perl5.005_01/t/lib/bigintpm.t Sun Jul 19 21:18:01 1998 --- perl5.005_01/t/lib/bigintpm.t Sat Jul 25 22:08:46 1998 *************** *** 10,16 **** $test = 0; $| = 1; ! print "1..246\n"; while (<DATA>) { chop; if (s/^&//) { --- 10,16 ---- $test = 0; $| = 1; ! print "1..247\n"; while (<DATA>) { chop; if (s/^&//) { *************** *** 116,121 **** --- 116,122 ---- +124:+123:+1 -123:-124:+1 -124:-123:-1 + +100:+5:+1 &badd abc:abc:NaN abc:+0:NaN Index: toke.c ####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01 *** perl5.005_01/toke.c Tue Jul 21 01:57:44 1998 --- perl5.005_01/toke.c Sun Jul 26 16:43:39 1998 *************** *** 11,18 **** * "It all comes from here, the stench and the peril." --Frodo */ - #define TMP_CRLF_PATCH - #include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" --- 11,16 ---- *************** *** 1988,1994 **** } goto retry; case '\r': ! #ifndef TMP_CRLF_PATCH warn("Illegal character \\%03o (carriage return)", '\r'); croak( "(Maybe you didn't strip carriage returns after a network transfer?)\n"); --- 1986,1992 ---- } goto retry; case '\r': ! #ifdef PERL_STRICT_CR warn("Illegal character \\%03o (carriage return)", '\r'); croak( "(Maybe you didn't strip carriage returns after a network transfer?)\n"); *************** *** 5168,5174 **** *d++ = '\n'; *d = '\0'; len = d - PL_tokenbuf; ! #ifdef TMP_CRLF_PATCH d = strchr(s, '\r'); if (d) { char *olds = s; --- 5166,5172 ---- *d++ = '\n'; *d = '\0'; len = d - PL_tokenbuf; ! #ifndef PERL_STRICT_CR d = strchr(s, '\r'); if (d) { char *olds = s; *************** *** 5244,5250 **** } PL_curcop->cop_line++; PL_bufend = SvPVX(PL_linestr) + SvCUR(PL_linestr); ! #ifdef TMP_CRLF_PATCH if (PL_bufend - PL_linestart >= 2) { if ((PL_bufend[-2] == '\r' && PL_bufend[-1] == '\n') || (PL_bufend[-2] == '\n' && PL_bufend[-1] == '\r')) --- 5242,5248 ---- } PL_curcop->cop_line++; PL_bufend = SvPVX(PL_linestr) + SvCUR(PL_linestr); ! #ifndef PERL_STRICT_CR if (PL_bufend - PL_linestart >= 2) { if ((PL_bufend[-2] == '\r' && PL_bufend[-1] == '\n') || (PL_bufend[-2] == '\n' && PL_bufend[-1] == '\r')) *************** *** 5543,5549 **** if (s < PL_bufend) break; /* handle case where we are done yet :-) */ ! #ifdef TMP_CRLF_PATCH if (to - SvPVX(sv) >= 2) { if ((to[-2] == '\r' && to[-1] == '\n') || (to[-2] == '\n' && to[-1] == '\r')) --- 5541,5547 ---- if (s < PL_bufend) break; /* handle case where we are done yet :-) */ ! #ifndef PERL_STRICT_CR if (to - SvPVX(sv) >= 2) { if ((to[-2] == '\r' && to[-1] == '\n') || (to[-2] == '\n' && to[-1] == '\r')) Index: vms/descrip_mms.template ####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01 *** perl5.005_01/vms/descrip_mms.template Wed Jul 22 04:23:55 1998 --- perl5.005_01/vms/descrip_mms.template Sat Jul 25 22:29:01 1998 *************** *** 56,62 **** OBJVAL = $(MMS$TARGET_NAME)$(O) .endif ! PERL_VERSION = 5_00$PATCHLEVEL$SUBVERSION .ifdef MALLOC MALLOC_O = ,malloc$(O) --- 56,62 ---- OBJVAL = $(MMS$TARGET_NAME)$(O) .endif ! PERL_VERSION = ~PV~ .ifdef MALLOC MALLOC_O = ,malloc$(O) Index: vms/subconfigure.com ####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01 *** perl5.005_01/vms/subconfigure.com Mon Jul 20 21:36:52 1998 --- perl5.005_01/vms/subconfigure.com Sat Jul 25 22:28:08 1998 *************** *** 373,379 **** --- 373,384 ---- $ perl_archname = "''perl_archname'-thread" $ ENDIF $ perl_osvers=f$edit(osvers, "TRIM") + $ if (perl_subversion + 0).eq.0 + $ THEN + $ LocalPerlVer = "5_" + Perl_PATCHLEVEL + $ ELSE $ LocalPerlVer = "5_" + Perl_PATCHLEVEL + perl_subversion + $ ENDIF $! $! Some that we need to invoke the compiler for $ OS := "open/write SOURCECHAN []temp.c" *************** *** 2455,2461 **** $ WRITE_RESULT "Writing DESCRIP.MMS" $!set ver $ define/user sys$output [-]descrip.mms ! $ mcr []munchconfig [-]config.sh descrip_mms.template "''DECC_REPLACE'" "''ARCH_TYPE'" "''GNUC_REPLACE'" "''SOCKET_REPLACE'" "''THREAD_REPLACE'" "''C_Compiler_Replace'" "''MALLOC_REPLACE'" "''Thread_Live_Dangerously'" $! set nover $! $! Clean up after ourselves --- 2460,2466 ---- $ WRITE_RESULT "Writing DESCRIP.MMS" $!set ver $ define/user sys$output [-]descrip.mms ! $ mcr []munchconfig [-]config.sh descrip_mms.template "''DECC_REPLACE'" "''ARCH_TYPE'" "''GNUC_REPLACE'" "''SOCKET_REPLACE'" "''THREAD_REPLACE'" "''C_Compiler_Replace'" "''MALLOC_REPLACE'" "''Thread_Live_Dangerously'" "PV=''LocalPerlVer'" $! set nover $! $! Clean up after ourselves Index: win32/GenCAPI.pl ####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01 *** perl5.005_01/win32/GenCAPI.pl Tue Jul 21 01:47:35 1998 --- perl5.005_01/win32/GenCAPI.pl Sun Jul 26 19:25:00 1998 *************** *** 202,207 **** --- 202,230 ---- ENDCODE print OUTFILE "#endif\n" unless ($separateObj == 0); } + elsif($name eq "sv_catpvf_mg") { + print OUTFILE "\n#ifdef $name" . "_defined" unless ($separateObj == 0); + $args[0] =~ /(\w+)\W*$/; + $arg0 = $1; + $args[1] =~ /(\w+)\W*$/; + $arg1 = $1; + print OUTFILE <<ENDCODE; + + #undef $name + #ifndef mg_set + #define mg_set pPerl->Perl_mg_set + #endif + extern "C" $type $funcName ($args) + { + va_list args; + va_start(args, $arg1); + pPerl->Perl_sv_vcatpvfn($arg0, $arg1, strlen($arg1), &args, NULL, 0, NULL); + va_end(args); + SvSETMAGIC(sv); + } + ENDCODE + print OUTFILE "#endif\n" unless ($separateObj == 0); + } elsif($name eq "sv_setpvf") { print OUTFILE "\n#ifdef $name" . "_defined" unless ($separateObj == 0); $args[0] =~ /(\w+)\W*$/; *************** *** 217,222 **** --- 240,268 ---- va_start(args, $arg1); pPerl->Perl_sv_vsetpvfn($arg0, $arg1, strlen($arg1), &args, NULL, 0, NULL); va_end(args); + } + ENDCODE + print OUTFILE "#endif\n" unless ($separateObj == 0); + } + elsif($name eq "sv_setpvf_mg") { + print OUTFILE "\n#ifdef $name" . "_defined" unless ($separateObj == 0); + $args[0] =~ /(\w+)\W*$/; + $arg0 = $1; + $args[1] =~ /(\w+)\W*$/; + $arg1 = $1; + print OUTFILE <<ENDCODE; + + #undef $name + #ifndef mg_set + #define mg_set pPerl->Perl_mg_set + #endif + extern "C" $type $funcName ($args) + { + va_list args; + va_start(args, $arg1); + pPerl->Perl_sv_vsetpvfn($arg0, $arg1, strlen($arg1), &args, NULL, 0, NULL); + va_end(args); + SvSETMAGIC(sv); } ENDCODE print OUTFILE "#endif\n" unless ($separateObj == 0); Index: win32/Makefile ####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01 *** perl5.005_01/win32/Makefile Wed Jul 22 13:17:57 1998 --- perl5.005_01/win32/Makefile Sun Jul 26 17:41:55 1998 *************** *** 25,31 **** # versioned installation can be obtained by setting INST_TOP above to a # path that includes an arbitrary version string. # ! INST_VER = \5.005 # # uncomment to enable threads-capabilities --- 25,31 ---- # versioned installation can be obtained by setting INST_TOP above to a # path that includes an arbitrary version string. # ! INST_VER = \5.00501 # # uncomment to enable threads-capabilities Index: win32/config_H.bc Prereq: ####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01 *** perl5.005_01/win32/config_H.bc Wed Jul 22 04:58:20 1998 --- perl5.005_01/win32/config_H.bc Sun Jul 26 17:16:54 1998 *************** *** 34,41 **** * This symbol is the filename expanded version of the BIN symbol, for * programs that do not want to deal with that at run-time. */ ! #define BIN "c:\\perl\\5.005\\bin\\MSWin32-x86" /**/ ! #define BIN_EXP "c:\\perl\\5.005\\bin\\MSWin32-x86" /**/ /* CPPSTDIN: * This symbol contains the first part of the string which will invoke --- 34,41 ---- * This symbol is the filename expanded version of the BIN symbol, for * programs that do not want to deal with that at run-time. */ ! #define BIN "c:\\perl\\5.00501\\bin\\MSWin32-x86" /**/ ! #define BIN_EXP "c:\\perl\\5.00501\\bin\\MSWin32-x86" /**/ /* CPPSTDIN: * This symbol contains the first part of the string which will invoke *************** *** 1829,1835 **** * This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of ARCHLIB, to be used * in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time. */ ! #define ARCHLIB "c:\\perl\\5.005\\lib\\MSWin32-x86" /**/ /*#define ARCHLIB_EXP "" /**/ /* DLSYM_NEEDS_UNDERSCORE: --- 1829,1835 ---- * This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of ARCHLIB, to be used * in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time. */ ! #define ARCHLIB "c:\\perl\\5.00501\\lib\\MSWin32-x86" /**/ /*#define ARCHLIB_EXP "" /**/ /* DLSYM_NEEDS_UNDERSCORE: *************** *** 1875,1882 **** * This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of PRIVLIB, to be used * in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time. */ ! #define PRIVLIB "c:\\perl\\5.005\\lib" /**/ ! #define PRIVLIB_EXP (win32_get_privlib("5.005")) /**/ /* SITEARCH: * This symbol contains the name of the private library for this package. --- 1875,1882 ---- * This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of PRIVLIB, to be used * in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time. */ ! #define PRIVLIB "c:\\perl\\5.00501\\lib" /**/ ! #define PRIVLIB_EXP (win32_get_privlib("5.00501")) /**/ /* SITEARCH: * This symbol contains the name of the private library for this package. *************** *** 1891,1897 **** * This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of SITEARCH, to be used * in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time. */ ! #define SITEARCH "c:\\perl\\site\\5.005\\lib\\MSWin32-x86" /**/ /*#define SITEARCH_EXP "" /**/ /* SITELIB: --- 1891,1897 ---- * This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of SITEARCH, to be used * in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time. */ ! #define SITEARCH "c:\\perl\\site\\5.00501\\lib\\MSWin32-x86" /**/ /*#define SITEARCH_EXP "" /**/ /* SITELIB: *************** *** 1907,1914 **** * This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of SITELIB, to be used * in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time. */ ! #define SITELIB "c:\\perl\\site\\5.005\\lib" /**/ ! #define SITELIB_EXP (win32_get_sitelib("5.005")) /**/ /* STARTPERL: * This variable contains the string to put in front of a perl --- 1907,1914 ---- * This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of SITELIB, to be used * in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time. */ ! #define SITELIB "c:\\perl\\site\\5.00501\\lib" /**/ ! #define SITELIB_EXP (win32_get_sitelib("5.00501")) /**/ /* STARTPERL: * This variable contains the string to put in front of a perl Index: win32/config_H.gc Prereq: ####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01 *** perl5.005_01/win32/config_H.gc Wed Jul 22 04:58:20 1998 --- perl5.005_01/win32/config_H.gc Sun Jul 26 17:16:54 1998 *************** *** 34,41 **** * This symbol is the filename expanded version of the BIN symbol, for * programs that do not want to deal with that at run-time. */ ! #define BIN "c:\\perl\\5.005\\bin\\MSWin32-x86" /**/ ! #define BIN_EXP "c:\\perl\\5.005\\bin\\MSWin32-x86" /**/ /* CPPSTDIN: * This symbol contains the first part of the string which will invoke --- 34,41 ---- * This symbol is the filename expanded version of the BIN symbol, for * programs that do not want to deal with that at run-time. */ ! #define BIN "c:\\perl\\5.00501\\bin\\MSWin32-x86" /**/ ! #define BIN_EXP "c:\\perl\\5.00501\\bin\\MSWin32-x86" /**/ /* CPPSTDIN: * This symbol contains the first part of the string which will invoke *************** *** 1829,1835 **** * This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of ARCHLIB, to be used * in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time. */ ! #define ARCHLIB "c:\\perl\\5.005\\lib\\MSWin32-x86" /**/ /*#define ARCHLIB_EXP "" /**/ /* DLSYM_NEEDS_UNDERSCORE: --- 1829,1835 ---- * This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of ARCHLIB, to be used * in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time. */ ! #define ARCHLIB "c:\\perl\\5.00501\\lib\\MSWin32-x86" /**/ /*#define ARCHLIB_EXP "" /**/ /* DLSYM_NEEDS_UNDERSCORE: *************** *** 1875,1882 **** * This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of PRIVLIB, to be used * in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time. */ ! #define PRIVLIB "c:\\perl\\5.005\\lib" /**/ ! #define PRIVLIB_EXP (win32_get_privlib("5.005")) /**/ /* SITEARCH: * This symbol contains the name of the private library for this package. --- 1875,1882 ---- * This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of PRIVLIB, to be used * in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time. */ ! #define PRIVLIB "c:\\perl\\5.00501\\lib" /**/ ! #define PRIVLIB_EXP (win32_get_privlib("5.00501")) /**/ /* SITEARCH: * This symbol contains the name of the private library for this package. *************** *** 1891,1897 **** * This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of SITEARCH, to be used * in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time. */ ! #define SITEARCH "c:\\perl\\site\\5.005\\lib\\MSWin32-x86" /**/ /*#define SITEARCH_EXP "" /**/ /* SITELIB: --- 1891,1897 ---- * This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of SITEARCH, to be used * in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time. */ ! #define SITEARCH "c:\\perl\\site\\5.00501\\lib\\MSWin32-x86" /**/ /*#define SITEARCH_EXP "" /**/ /* SITELIB: *************** *** 1907,1914 **** * This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of SITELIB, to be used * in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time. */ ! #define SITELIB "c:\\perl\\site\\5.005\\lib" /**/ ! #define SITELIB_EXP (win32_get_sitelib("5.005")) /**/ /* STARTPERL: * This variable contains the string to put in front of a perl --- 1907,1914 ---- * This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of SITELIB, to be used * in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time. */ ! #define SITELIB "c:\\perl\\site\\5.00501\\lib" /**/ ! #define SITELIB_EXP (win32_get_sitelib("5.00501")) /**/ /* STARTPERL: * This variable contains the string to put in front of a perl Index: win32/config_H.vc Prereq: ####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01 *** perl5.005_01/win32/config_H.vc Wed Jul 22 04:58:20 1998 --- perl5.005_01/win32/config_H.vc Sun Jul 26 17:16:54 1998 *************** *** 34,41 **** * This symbol is the filename expanded version of the BIN symbol, for * programs that do not want to deal with that at run-time. */ ! #define BIN "c:\\perl\\5.005\\bin\\MSWin32-x86" /**/ ! #define BIN_EXP "c:\\perl\\5.005\\bin\\MSWin32-x86" /**/ /* CPPSTDIN: * This symbol contains the first part of the string which will invoke --- 34,41 ---- * This symbol is the filename expanded version of the BIN symbol, for * programs that do not want to deal with that at run-time. */ ! #define BIN "c:\\perl\\5.00501\\bin\\MSWin32-x86" /**/ ! #define BIN_EXP "c:\\perl\\5.00501\\bin\\MSWin32-x86" /**/ /* CPPSTDIN: * This symbol contains the first part of the string which will invoke *************** *** 1829,1835 **** * This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of ARCHLIB, to be used * in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time. */ ! #define ARCHLIB "c:\\perl\\5.005\\lib\\MSWin32-x86" /**/ /*#define ARCHLIB_EXP "" /**/ /* DLSYM_NEEDS_UNDERSCORE: --- 1829,1835 ---- * This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of ARCHLIB, to be used * in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time. */ ! #define ARCHLIB "c:\\perl\\5.00501\\lib\\MSWin32-x86" /**/ /*#define ARCHLIB_EXP "" /**/ /* DLSYM_NEEDS_UNDERSCORE: *************** *** 1875,1882 **** * This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of PRIVLIB, to be used * in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time. */ ! #define PRIVLIB "c:\\perl\\5.005\\lib" /**/ ! #define PRIVLIB_EXP (win32_get_privlib("5.005")) /**/ /* SITEARCH: * This symbol contains the name of the private library for this package. --- 1875,1882 ---- * This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of PRIVLIB, to be used * in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time. */ ! #define PRIVLIB "c:\\perl\\5.00501\\lib" /**/ ! #define PRIVLIB_EXP (win32_get_privlib("5.00501")) /**/ /* SITEARCH: * This symbol contains the name of the private library for this package. *************** *** 1891,1897 **** * This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of SITEARCH, to be used * in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time. */ ! #define SITEARCH "c:\\perl\\site\\5.005\\lib\\MSWin32-x86" /**/ /*#define SITEARCH_EXP "" /**/ /* SITELIB: --- 1891,1897 ---- * This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of SITEARCH, to be used * in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time. */ ! #define SITEARCH "c:\\perl\\site\\5.00501\\lib\\MSWin32-x86" /**/ /*#define SITEARCH_EXP "" /**/ /* SITELIB: *************** *** 1907,1914 **** * This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of SITELIB, to be used * in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time. */ ! #define SITELIB "c:\\perl\\site\\5.005\\lib" /**/ ! #define SITELIB_EXP (win32_get_sitelib("5.005")) /**/ /* STARTPERL: * This variable contains the string to put in front of a perl --- 1907,1914 ---- * This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of SITELIB, to be used * in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time. */ ! #define SITELIB "c:\\perl\\site\\5.00501\\lib" /**/ ! #define SITELIB_EXP (win32_get_sitelib("5.00501")) /**/ /* STARTPERL: * This variable contains the string to put in front of a perl Index: win32/makefile.mk ####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01 *** perl5.005_01/win32/makefile.mk Wed Jul 22 13:17:57 1998 --- perl5.005_01/win32/makefile.mk Sun Jul 26 17:41:56 1998 *************** *** 29,35 **** # versioned installation can be obtained by setting INST_TOP above to a # path that includes an arbitrary version string. # ! INST_VER *= \5.005 # # uncomment to enable threads-capabilities --- 29,35 ---- # versioned installation can be obtained by setting INST_TOP above to a # path that includes an arbitrary version string. # ! INST_VER *= \5.00501 # # uncomment to enable threads-capabilities Index: win32/win32.c ####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01 *** perl5.005_01/win32/win32.c Wed Jul 22 13:17:57 1998 --- perl5.005_01/win32/win32.c Sun Jul 26 16:41:50 1998 *************** *** 1175,1180 **** --- 1175,1181 ---- return des_fcrypt(crypt_buffer, txt, salt); #else die("The crypt() function is unimplemented due to excessive paranoia."); + return Nullch; #endif } #endif End of Patch.