# This patch takes you from Perl 5.005 to 5.005_01.
# To apply, chdir to a clean perl5.005 source directory
# and do:
#     patch -p1 -N < this_file


Index: patchlevel.h
####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01
*** perl5.005_01/patchlevel.h	Wed Jul 22 14:22:01 1998
--- perl5.005_01/patchlevel.h	Sun Jul 26 17:15:21 1998
*** 1,6 ****
  #define PATCHLEVEL 5
! #define SUBVERSION 0
  	local_patches -- list of locally applied less-than-subversion patches.
--- 1,6 ----
  #define PATCHLEVEL 5
! #define SUBVERSION 1
  	local_patches -- list of locally applied less-than-subversion patches.
Index: Changes
####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01
*** perl5.005_01/Changes	Wed Jul 22 17:19:33 1998
--- perl5.005_01/Changes	Sun Jul 26 19:27:56 1998
*** 14,20 ****
  To give due honor to those who have made Perl what is is today,
  here are some of the more common names in the Changes file, and their
! current addresses (as of March 1997):
      Gisle Aas           <gisle@aas.no>
      Abigail             <abigail@fnx.com>
--- 14,20 ----
  To give due honor to those who have made Perl what is is today,
  here are some of the more common names in the Changes file, and their
! current addresses (as of July 1998):
      Gisle Aas           <gisle@aas.no>
      Abigail             <abigail@fnx.com>
*** 72,77 ****
--- 72,177 ----
      	    +>	    branched (from elsewhere)
      	    !>	    merged changes (from elsewhere)
+ ----------------
+ Version 5.005_01        First maintenance release of 5.005
+ ----------------
+ ____________________________________________________________________________
+ [  1669] By: gsar                                  on 1998/07/26  23:19:02
+         Log: update Changes; add sv_*_mg() entries in win32/GenCAPI.pl
+      Branch: maint-5.005/perl
+            ! Changes proto.h win32/GenCAPI.pl
+ ____________________________________________________________________________
+ [  1668] By: gsar                                  on 1998/07/26  21:12:11
+         Log: s/TMP_CRLF_PATCH/PERL_STRICT_CR/ with sense reversed, so they
+              can disable it from config.sh if they want; up patchlevel to 5_01;
+              little tweaks to pods
+      Branch: maint-5.005/perl
+ 	   ! README.win32 patchlevel.h pod/perldelta.pod toke.c
+ 	   ! win32/Makefile win32/config_H.bc win32/config_H.gc
+            ! win32/config_H.vc win32/makefile.mk win32/win32.c
+ ____________________________________________________________________________
+ [  1662] By: gsar                                  on 1998/07/26  05:01:52
+         Log: add missing sv_*_mg() prototypes in proto.h, update perlhist.pod
+      Branch: maint-5.005/perl
+            ! pod/perlhist.pod proto.h
+ ____________________________________________________________________________
+ [  1658] By: gsar                                  on 1998/07/26  02:23:46
+         Log: VMS patches from Dan Sugalski <sugalskd@osshe.edu>
+              Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 11:38:25 -0700
+              Message-Id: <>
+              Subject: [PATCH 5.005] version number problem with VMS (Corrected)
+              --
+              Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 12:30:36 -0700
+              Message-Id: <>
+              Subject: [PATCH 5.005]Tweaks to README.vms
+              --
+              Date: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 17:56:55 -0700 (PDT)
+              Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.96.980725175626.15740D-100000@netserve.ous.edu>
+              Subject: [PATCH 5.005] Final build cleanup patch
+      Branch: maint-5.005/perl
+            ! README.vms vms/descrip_mms.template vms/subconfigure.com
+ ____________________________________________________________________________
+ [  1657] By: gsar                                  on 1998/07/26  02:19:50
+         Log: another platform where pp_sselect() needs a whole fd_set buffer
+              From: Lupe Christoph <lupe@alanya.m.isar.de>
+              Date: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 19:49:33 +0200 (MET DST)
+              Message-Id: <199807251749.TAA22347@alanya.m.isar.de>
+              Subject: Patch for Not OK: perl 5.005 on i86pc-solaris-thread 2.6
+      Branch: maint-5.005/perl
+            ! pp_sys.c
+ ____________________________________________________________________________
+ [  1656] By: gsar                                  on 1998/07/26  02:12:46
+         Log: fix problem building modules on dos-djgpp
+              From: Laszlo Molnar <molnarl@cdata.tvnet.hu>
+              Date: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 00:53:39 +0200
+              Message-ID: <19980725005339.C222@cdata.tvnet.hu>
+              Subject: [PATCH 5.005] dos-djgpp and modules problem
+      Branch: maint-5.005/perl
+            ! djgpp/fixpmain
+ ____________________________________________________________________________
+ [  1655] By: gsar                                  on 1998/07/26  02:11:09
+         Log: From: Tom Spindler <dogcow@home.merit.edu>
+              Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 16:11:07 -0400
+              Message-ID: <19980722161107.A16813@home.merit.edu>
+              Subject: [PATCH 5.005] BeOS tweak
+      Branch: maint-5.005/perl
+            ! hints/beos.sh
+ ____________________________________________________________________________
+ [  1654] By: gsar                                  on 1998/07/26  02:09:29
+         Log: various pod tweaks
+      Branch: maint-5.005/perl
+ 	   ! Changes pod/perldelta.pod pod/perlmodinstall.pod
+            ! pod/perltoc.pod
+ ____________________________________________________________________________
+ [  1653] By: gsar                                  on 1998/07/26  02:05:46
+         Log: fix emacs/ptags for PL_* changes
+              From: Ilya Zakharevich <ilya@math.ohio-state.edu>
+              Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 03:12:35 -0400 (EDT)
+              Message-Id: <199807240712.DAA04204@monk.mps.ohio-state.edu>
+              Subject: [PATCH 5.004_76] Yet better ptags
+      Branch: maint-5.005/perl
+            ! emacs/ptags
+ ____________________________________________________________________________
+ [  1652] By: gsar                                  on 1998/07/26  02:03:01
+         Log: fix behavior of <=> on bigints
+              From: "M.J.T. Guy" <mjtg@cus.cam.ac.uk>
+              Message-Id: <E0yzlfF-0004kz-00@taurus.cus.cam.ac.uk>
+              Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 18:29:53 +0100
+              Subject: [PATCH] Re: Math::BigInt <=> op is not correct.
+      Branch: maint-5.005/perl
+            ! lib/Math/BigInt.pm t/lib/bigintpm.t
+ ____________________________________________________________________________
+ [  1649] By: gsar                                  on 1998/07/24  03:56:56
+         Log: create maint-5.005 branch
+      Branch: maint-5.005/perl
+           +> (branch 1079 files)
+ ____________________________________________________________________________
+ [  1648] By: gsar                                  on 1998/07/24  03:36:35
+         Log: un-checked-in 5.005 Changes  (this is 5.005 *exactly*)
+      Branch: perl
+            ! Changes
  Version 5.005           Production release
Index: README.vms
####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01
*** perl5.005_01/README.vms	Wed Jul 22 04:23:06 1998
--- perl5.005_01/README.vms	Sat Jul 25 22:28:39 1998
*** 177,195 ****
  your DCL$PATH (if you're using VMS 6.2 or higher).
  4) Optionally define the command PERLDOC as 
  Note that if you wish to use most as a pager please see
  ftp://space.mit.edu/pub/davis/ for both most and slang.
  5) Optionally define the command PERLBUG (the Perl bug report generator) as
  6) Optionally define the command POD2MAN (Converts POD files to nroff
  source suitable for converting to man pages. Also quiets complaints during
  module builds) as
  * Installing Perl into DCLTABLES
--- 177,205 ----
  your DCL$PATH (if you're using VMS 6.2 or higher).
  4) Optionally define the command PERLDOC as 
  Note that if you wish to use most as a pager please see
  ftp://space.mit.edu/pub/davis/ for both most and slang.
  5) Optionally define the command PERLBUG (the Perl bug report generator) as
  6) Optionally define the command POD2MAN (Converts POD files to nroff
  source suitable for converting to man pages. Also quiets complaints during
  module builds) as
! 7) Optionally define the command POD2TEXT (Converts POD files to text,
! which is required for perldoc -f to work properly) as
! In all these cases, if you've got PERL defined as a foreign command, you
! can replace $PERL_ROOT:[000000]PERL with ''perl'. If you've installed perl
! into DCLTABLES, replace it with just perl.
  * Installing Perl into DCLTABLES
Index: README.win32
####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01
*** perl5.005_01/README.win32	Wed Jul 22 14:54:22 1998
--- perl5.005_01/README.win32	Sun Jul 26 17:04:47 1998
*** 70,76 ****
  shell.  The Makefile also has known incompatibilites with the "command.com"
  shell that comes with Windows95, so building under Windows95 should
  be considered "unsupported".  However, there have been reports of successful
! build attempts using 4DOS/NT version 3.00 under Windows95, using dmake, but
  your mileage may vary.
  The surest way to build it is on WindowsNT, using the cmd shell.
--- 70,76 ----
  shell.  The Makefile also has known incompatibilites with the "command.com"
  shell that comes with Windows95, so building under Windows95 should
  be considered "unsupported".  However, there have been reports of successful
! build attempts using 4DOS/NT version 6.01 under Windows95, using dmake, but
  your mileage may vary.
  The surest way to build it is on WindowsNT, using the cmd shell.
Index: djgpp/fixpmain
####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01
*** perl5.005_01/djgpp/fixpmain	Sat Jul 11 14:48:32 1998
--- perl5.005_01/djgpp/fixpmain	Sat Jul 25 22:19:23 1998
*** 15,24 ****
  $badname=join ("__",map {lc substr ($_,0,8)} split /:+/); # dosify
  $perlmain =~ s/^.*boot_$badname.*$//gm if $badname; # delete bad lines
! @exts=split (" ",$Config{known_extensions});
! for $realname (@exts,'DynaLoader')
!     $dosname=substr (lc $realname,0,8);
      $perlmain =~ s/\bboot_$dosname/boot_$realname/gm;
      $perlmain =~ s/\b$dosname(::bootstrap)/$realname$1/gm;
--- 15,25 ----
  $badname=join ("__",map {lc substr ($_,0,8)} split /:+/); # dosify
  $perlmain =~ s/^.*boot_$badname.*$//gm if $badname; # delete bad lines
! @exts=('DynaLoader',split (" ",$Config{known_extensions}));
! for $realname (@exts)
!     $dosname=join ("__",map {lc substr ($_,0,8)} split /\//,$realname);
!     $realname =~ s!/!__!g;
      $perlmain =~ s/\bboot_$dosname/boot_$realname/gm;
      $perlmain =~ s/\b$dosname(::bootstrap)/$realname$1/gm;
Index: emacs/ptags
####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01
*** perl5.005_01/emacs/ptags	Tue Jul  7 18:17:00 1998
--- perl5.005_01/emacs/ptags	Sat Jul 25 22:03:34 1998
*** 14,28 ****
  #   Use Hallvard's scan for XS files - since he processes the "C" part too -
  #   but with a lot of improvements: now it is no worse than CPerl's one.
! # Avoid builitin on OS/2:
  if test ! -z "$OS2_SHELL"; then alias find=gnufind; fi
  # Insure proper order (.h after .c, .xs before .c in subdirs):
! topfiles="`echo ' ' *.y *.c *.h ' ' | sed 's/ embed.h / /' | sed 's/ globals.c / /'`"
  subdirfiles="`( find ./*/* -name '*.[cy]' -print | sort ; find ./*/* -name '*.[hH]' -print | sort )`"
  xsfiles="`find . -name '*.xs' -print | sort`"
! # etags -d : process defineds too (default now)
  # These are example lines for global variables and PP-code:
  ## IEXT SV *       Iparsehook;
--- 14,31 ----
  #   Use Hallvard's scan for XS files - since he processes the "C" part too -
  #   but with a lot of improvements: now it is no worse than CPerl's one.
! # Avoid builtin on OS/2:
  if test ! -z "$OS2_SHELL"; then alias find=gnufind; fi
  # Insure proper order (.h after .c, .xs before .c in subdirs):
! # Move autogenerated less-informative files to the end:
! # Hard to do embed.h and embedvar.h in one sweep:
! topfiles="`echo ' ' *.y *.c *.h ' ' | sed 's/ \(embed\(var\|\)\.h\|obj\(pp\|XSUB\)\.h\|globals\.c\) \(\(embedvar\|objpp\).h \|\)/ /g'`"
  subdirfiles="`( find ./*/* -name '*.[cy]' -print | sort ; find ./*/* -name '*.[hH]' -print | sort )`"
  xsfiles="`find . -name '*.xs' -print | sort`"
! # etags -d : process defines too (default now)
  # These are example lines for global variables and PP-code:
  ## IEXT SV *       Iparsehook;
*** 32,41 ****
  ## PERLVARI(Grsfp, PerlIO *, Nullfp)
  ## PERLVAR(cvcache,      HV *)
  set x	-d -l c \
  	-r '/[dI]?EXT\(CONST\)?[ \t*]+\([a-zA-Z_0-9]+[ \t*]+\)*\([a-zA-Z_0-9]+\)[ \t]*\($\|;\|\[\|[ \t]I+NIT[ \t]*(\|\/\*\)/\3/' \
  	-r '/IEXT[ \t][^\/]*[ \t*]I\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*\)[\[; \t]/\1/'  \
! 	-r '/PERLVAR[a-zA-Z_0-9]*[ \t]*([ \t]*[GIT]?\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*\)[ \t]*,/\1/'  \
  	-r '/PP[ \t]*([ \t]*\([^ \t()]*\)[ \t]*)/\1/'
--- 35,46 ----
  ## PERLVARI(Grsfp, PerlIO *, Nullfp)
  ## PERLVAR(cvcache,      HV *)
+ # Putting PL_\1 in the substitution line makes etags dump core
+ # Thus we do it later (but 20.2.92 does it OK).
  set x	-d -l c \
  	-r '/[dI]?EXT\(CONST\)?[ \t*]+\([a-zA-Z_0-9]+[ \t*]+\)*\([a-zA-Z_0-9]+\)[ \t]*\($\|;\|\[\|[ \t]I+NIT[ \t]*(\|\/\*\)/\3/' \
  	-r '/IEXT[ \t][^\/]*[ \t*]I\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*\)[\[; \t]/\1/'  \
! 	-r '/PERLVAR[a-zA-Z_0-9]*[ \t]*([ \t]*[GIT]?\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*\)[ \t]*[\[,]/\1/'  \
  	-r '/PP[ \t]*([ \t]*\([^ \t()]*\)[ \t]*)/\1/'
*** 47,54 ****
  	-l none -r '/#\(\$[a-zA-Z_0-9]+\|define\)[ \t]+\([a-zA-Z_0-9]+\)/\2/' \
  etags -o TAGS.tmp -a "$@" $topfiles
  etags -o TAGS.tmp -a -D -l none -r '/#define.*\t\(Perl_.*\)/\1/' embed.h
! etags -o TAGS.tmp -a globals.c
  perl -w014pe 'if (s/^( [^\n\x7F\x1]*\b	# 1:   TAG group
  	               (\w+)		#   2: word
--- 52,75 ----
  	-l none -r '/#\(\$[a-zA-Z_0-9]+\|define\)[ \t]+\([a-zA-Z_0-9]+\)/\2/' \
  etags -o TAGS.tmp -a "$@" $topfiles
+ # Now add these PL_:
+ perl -w014pe 'if (s/^( .* PERLVAR I?	# 1:   TAG group
+ 		       \s* \( \s* [GIT] #
+ 		       .*		#
+ 		     \x7F		#      End of description
+ 		     ) 
+ 		     ( .* \x1 )		# 2:   Exact group
+ 		   /${1}PL_$2/mgx) {	# Add PL_
+ 		  $chars = chomp;
+ 		  s/^((\n.+,)\d+)/ $2 . (length($_) - length($1) - 1) /e;
+ 		  $_ .= ("\f" x $chars);
+ 	      }' TAGS.tmp > TAGS.tm1 && mv TAGS.tm1 TAGS.tmp
  etags -o TAGS.tmp -a -D -l none -r '/#define.*\t\(Perl_.*\)/\1/' embed.h
! etags -o TAGS.tmp -a globals.c embedvar.h objXSUB.h objpp.h
  perl -w014pe 'if (s/^( [^\n\x7F\x1]*\b	# 1:   TAG group
  	               (\w+)		#   2: word
Index: hints/beos.sh
Prereq:  1.1 
####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01
*** perl5.005_01/hints/beos.sh	Thu May 14 17:57:14 1998
--- perl5.005_01/hints/beos.sh	Sat Jul 25 22:17:47 1998
*** 1,7 ****
  # BeOS hints file
  # $Id: beos.sh,v 1.1 1998/02/16 03:51:45 dogcow Exp $
! if [ ! -f ../beos/nm ]; then mwcc -w all -o ../beos/nm ../beos/nm.c; fi
--- 1,7 ----
  # BeOS hints file
  # $Id: beos.sh,v 1.1 1998/02/16 03:51:45 dogcow Exp $
! if [ ! -f beos/nm ]; then mwcc -w all -o beos/nm beos/nm.c; fi
Index: lib/Math/BigInt.pm
####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01
*** perl5.005_01/lib/Math/BigInt.pm	Mon Jun 29 01:49:32 1998
--- perl5.005_01/lib/Math/BigInt.pm	Sat Jul 25 22:08:46 1998
*** 82,89 ****
  # Negate input value.
  sub bneg { #(num_str) return num_str
      local($_) = &bnorm(@_);
!     vec($_,0,8) ^= ord('+') ^ ord('-') unless $_ eq '+0';
!     s/^H/N/;
--- 82,89 ----
  # Negate input value.
  sub bneg { #(num_str) return num_str
      local($_) = &bnorm(@_);
!     return $_ if $_ eq '+0' or $_ eq 'NaN';
!     vec($_,0,8) ^= ord('+') ^ ord('-');
*** 106,112 ****
      } elsif ($y eq 'NaN') {
      } else {
! 	&cmp($x,$y);
--- 106,112 ----
      } elsif ($y eq 'NaN') {
      } else {
! 	&cmp($x,$y) <=> 0;
*** 393,399 ****
  =head1 Autocreating constants
  After C<use Math::BigInt ':constant'> all the integer decimal constants
! in the given scope are converted to C<Math::BigInt>.  This convertion
  happens at compile time.
  In particular
--- 393,399 ----
  =head1 Autocreating constants
  After C<use Math::BigInt ':constant'> all the integer decimal constants
! in the given scope are converted to C<Math::BigInt>.  This conversion
  happens at compile time.
  In particular
Index: pod/perldelta.pod
####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01
*** perl5.005_01/pod/perldelta.pod	Wed Jul 22 17:01:39 1998
--- perl5.005_01/pod/perldelta.pod	Sun Jul 26 17:14:05 1998
*** 135,141 ****
  Perl has a new Social Contract for contributors.  See F<Porting/Contract>.
  The license included in much of the Perl documentation has changed.
! See L<perl> and the individual perl man pages listed therein.
  =head1 Core Changes
--- 135,146 ----
  Perl has a new Social Contract for contributors.  See F<Porting/Contract>.
  The license included in much of the Perl documentation has changed.
! Most of the Perl documentation was previously under the implicit GNU
! General Public License or the Artistic License (at the user's choice).
! Now much of the documentation unambigously states the terms under which
! it may be distributed.  Those terms are in general much less restrictive
! than the GNU GPL.  See L<perl> and the individual perl man pages listed
! therein.
  =head1 Core Changes
*** 299,304 ****
--- 304,339 ----
  This should improve reliability of cached stack pointers in the internals
  and in XSUBs.
+ =head2 More generous treatment of carriage returns
+ Perl used to complain if it encountered literal carriage returns in
+ scripts.  Now they are mostly treated like whitespace within program text.
+ Inside string literals and here documents, literal carriage returns are
+ ignored if they occur paired with newlines, or get interpreted as newlines
+ if they stand alone.  This behavior means that literal carriage returns
+ in files should be avoided.  You can get the older, more compatible (but
+ less generous) behavior by defining the preprocessor symbol
+ C<PERL_STRICT_CR> when building perl.  Of course, all this has nothing
+ whatever to do with how escapes like C<\r> are handled within strings.
+ Note that this doesn't somehow magically allow you to keep all text files
+ in DOS format.  The generous treatment only applies to files that perl
+ itself parses.  If your C compiler doesn't allow carriage returns in
+ files, you may still be unable to build modules that need a C compiler.
+ =head2 Memory leaks
+ C<substr>, C<pos> and C<vec> don't leak memory anymore when used in lvalue
+ context.  Many small leaks that impacted applications that embed multiple
+ interpreters have been fixed.
+ =head2 Better support for multiple interpreters
+ The build-time option C<-DMULTIPLICITY> has had many of the details
+ reworked.  Some previously global variables that should have been
+ per-interpreter now are.  With care, this allows interpreters to call
+ each other.  See the C<PerlInterp> extension on CPAN.
  =head2 Behavior of local() on array and hash elements is now well-defined
  See L<perlsub/"Temporary Values via local()">.
*** 591,601 ****
  =head1 Utility Changes
! h2ph and related utilities have been vastly overhauled.
! perlcc, a new experimental front end for the compiler is available.
! The crude GNU configure emulator is now called configure.gnu.
  =head1 Documentation Changes
--- 626,642 ----
  =head1 Utility Changes
! C<h2ph> and related utilities have been vastly overhauled.
! C<perlcc>, a new experimental front end for the compiler is available.
! The crude GNU C<configure> emulator is now called C<configure.gnu> to
! avoid trampling on C<Configure> under case-insensitive filesystems.
! C<perldoc> used to be rather slow.  The slower features are now optional.
! In particular, case-insensitive searches need the C<-i> switch, and
! recursive searches need C<-r>.  You can set these switches in the
! C<PERLDOC> environment variable to get the old behavior.
  =head1 Documentation Changes
Index: pod/perlhist.pod
Prereq:  1.41 
####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01
*** perl5.005_01/pod/perlhist.pod	Tue Jul 14 04:44:06 1998
--- perl5.005_01/pod/perlhist.pod	Sun Jul 26 01:08:15 1998
*** 289,294 ****
--- 289,297 ----
            5.004_72      1998-Jul-12
            5.004_73      1998-Jul-13
            5.004_74      1998-Jul-14
+           5.004_75      1998-Jul-15
+           5.004_76      1998-Jul-21
+           5.005         1998-Jul-22
Index: pod/perlmodinstall.pod
####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01
*** perl5.005_01/pod/perlmodinstall.pod	Wed Jul 22 13:32:04 1998
--- perl5.005_01/pod/perlmodinstall.pod	Sat Jul 25 22:02:23 1998
*** 24,31 ****
--- 24,34 ----
  =over 5
  =item B<DECOMPRESS> the file
  =item B<UNPACK> the file into a directory
  =item B<BUILD> the module (sometimes unnecessary)
  =item B<INSTALL> the module.
Index: pod/perltoc.pod
####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01
*** perl5.005_01/pod/perltoc.pod	Wed Jul 22 17:05:56 1998
--- perl5.005_01/pod/perltoc.pod	Sat Jul 25 22:14:35 1998
*** 898,903 ****
--- 898,909 ----
  =item Reliable stack pointers
+ =item More generous treatment of carriage returns
+ =item Memory leaks
+ =item Better support for multiple interpreters
  =item Behavior of local() on array and hash elements is now well-defined
  =item C<%!> is transparently tied to the L<Errno> module
*** 1493,1501 ****
  =item PREAMBLE
! B<DECOMPRESS> the file=item B<UNPACK> the file into a directory
! =item B<BUILD> the module (sometimes unnecessary)
! =item B<INSTALL> the module
--- 1499,1506 ----
  =item PREAMBLE
! B<DECOMPRESS> the file, B<UNPACK> the file into a directory, B<BUILD> the
! module (sometimes unnecessary), B<INSTALL> the module
Index: pp_sys.c
####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01
*** perl5.005_01/pp_sys.c	Tue Jul 21 00:51:53 1998
--- perl5.005_01/pp_sys.c	Sat Jul 25 22:24:31 1998
*** 755,761 ****
  #if BYTEORDER == 0x1234 || BYTEORDER == 0x12345678
  /* XXX Configure test needed. */
! #if defined(__linux__) || defined(OS2) || defined(NeXT) || defined(__osf__)
      growsize = sizeof(fd_set);
      growsize = maxlen;		/* little endians can use vecs directly */
--- 755,761 ----
  #if BYTEORDER == 0x1234 || BYTEORDER == 0x12345678
  /* XXX Configure test needed. */
! #if defined(__linux__) || defined(OS2) || defined(NeXT) || defined(__osf__) || defined(sun)
      growsize = sizeof(fd_set);
      growsize = maxlen;		/* little endians can use vecs directly */
Index: proto.h
####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01
*** perl5.005_01/proto.h	Tue Jul 21 03:21:09 1998
--- perl5.005_01/proto.h	Sun Jul 26 18:57:03 1998
*** 74,80 ****
  VIRTUAL char *	get_no_modify _((void));
  VIRTUAL U32 *	get_opargs _((void));
  VIRTUAL I32	cxinc _((void));
! VIRTUAL void	deb _((const char* pat,...)) /*__attribute__((format(printf,1,2)))*/;
  VIRTUAL void	deb_growlevel _((void));
  VIRTUAL void	debprofdump _((void));
  VIRTUAL I32	debop _((OP* o));
--- 74,80 ----
  VIRTUAL char *	get_no_modify _((void));
  VIRTUAL U32 *	get_opargs _((void));
  VIRTUAL I32	cxinc _((void));
! VIRTUAL void	deb _((const char* pat,...));
  VIRTUAL void	deb_growlevel _((void));
  VIRTUAL void	debprofdump _((void));
  VIRTUAL I32	debop _((OP* o));
*** 527,535 ****
--- 527,539 ----
  VIRTUAL int	sv_backoff _((SV* sv));
  VIRTUAL SV*	sv_bless _((SV* sv, HV* stash));
  VIRTUAL void	sv_catpvf _((SV* sv, const char* pat, ...));
+ VIRTUAL void	sv_catpvf_mg _((SV *sv, const char* pat, ...));
  VIRTUAL void	sv_catpv _((SV* sv, char* ptr));
+ VIRTUAL void	sv_catpv_mg _((SV *sv, char *ptr));
  VIRTUAL void	sv_catpvn _((SV* sv, char* ptr, STRLEN len));
+ VIRTUAL void	sv_catpvn_mg _((SV *sv, char *ptr, STRLEN len));
  VIRTUAL void	sv_catsv _((SV* dsv, SV* ssv));
+ VIRTUAL void	sv_catsv_mg _((SV *dstr, SV *sstr));
  VIRTUAL void	sv_chop _((SV* sv, char* ptr));
  VIRTUAL void	sv_clean_all _((void));
  VIRTUAL void	sv_clean_objs _((void));
*** 568,584 ****
--- 572,596 ----
  VIRTUAL void	sv_report_used _((void));
  VIRTUAL void	sv_reset _((char* s, HV* stash));
  VIRTUAL void	sv_setpvf _((SV* sv, const char* pat, ...));
+ VIRTUAL void	sv_setpvf_mg _((SV *sv, const char* pat, ...));
  VIRTUAL void	sv_setiv _((SV* sv, IV num));
+ VIRTUAL void	sv_setiv_mg _((SV *sv, IV i));
  VIRTUAL void	sv_setpviv _((SV* sv, IV num));
+ VIRTUAL void	sv_setpviv_mg _((SV *sv, IV iv));
  VIRTUAL void	sv_setuv _((SV* sv, UV num));
+ VIRTUAL void	sv_setuv_mg _((SV *sv, UV u));
  VIRTUAL void	sv_setnv _((SV* sv, double num));
+ VIRTUAL void	sv_setnv_mg _((SV *sv, double num));
  VIRTUAL SV*	sv_setref_iv _((SV* rv, char* classname, IV iv));
  VIRTUAL SV*	sv_setref_nv _((SV* rv, char* classname, double nv));
  VIRTUAL SV*	sv_setref_pv _((SV* rv, char* classname, void* pv));
  VIRTUAL SV*	sv_setref_pvn _((SV* rv, char* classname, char* pv, I32 n));
  VIRTUAL void	sv_setpv _((SV* sv, const char* ptr));
+ VIRTUAL void	sv_setpv_mg _((SV *sv, const char *ptr));
  VIRTUAL void	sv_setpvn _((SV* sv, const char* ptr, STRLEN len));
+ VIRTUAL void	sv_setpvn_mg _((SV *sv, const char *ptr, STRLEN len));
  VIRTUAL void	sv_setsv _((SV* dsv, SV* ssv));
+ VIRTUAL void	sv_setsv_mg _((SV *dstr, SV *sstr));
  VIRTUAL void	sv_taint _((SV* sv));
  VIRTUAL bool	sv_tainted _((SV* sv));
  VIRTUAL int	sv_unmagic _((SV* sv, int type));
*** 586,591 ****
--- 598,604 ----
  VIRTUAL void	sv_untaint _((SV* sv));
  VIRTUAL bool	sv_upgrade _((SV* sv, U32 mt));
  VIRTUAL void	sv_usepvn _((SV* sv, char* ptr, STRLEN len));
+ VIRTUAL void	sv_usepvn_mg _((SV *sv, char *ptr, STRLEN len));
  VIRTUAL void	sv_vcatpvfn _((SV* sv, const char* pat, STRLEN patlen,
  		       va_list* args, SV** svargs, I32 svmax,
  		       bool *used_locale));
*** 662,681 ****
  void sv_unglob _((SV* sv));
  void sv_check_thinkfirst _((SV *sv));
  I32 avhv_index_sv _((SV* sv));
- void sv_catpv_mg _((SV *sv, char *ptr));
- void sv_catpvf_mg _((SV *sv, const char* pat, ...));
- void sv_catpvn_mg _((SV *sv, char *ptr, STRLEN len));
- void sv_catsv_mg _((SV *dstr, SV *sstr));
- void sv_setiv_mg _((SV *sv, IV i));
- void sv_setnv_mg _((SV *sv, double num));
- void sv_setsv_mg _((SV *dstr, SV *sstr));
- void sv_setuv_mg _((SV *sv, UV u));
- void sv_setpv_mg _((SV *sv, const char *ptr));
- void sv_setpvf_mg _((SV *sv, const char* pat, ...));
- void sv_setpviv_mg _((SV *sv, IV iv));
- void sv_setpvn_mg _((SV *sv, const char *ptr, STRLEN len));
- void sv_usepvn_mg _((SV *sv, char *ptr, STRLEN len));
  void do_report_used _((SV *sv));
  void do_clean_objs _((SV *sv));
--- 675,680 ----
Index: t/lib/bigintpm.t
####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01
*** perl5.005_01/t/lib/bigintpm.t	Sun Jul 19 21:18:01 1998
--- perl5.005_01/t/lib/bigintpm.t	Sat Jul 25 22:08:46 1998
*** 10,16 ****
  $test = 0;
  $| = 1;
! print "1..246\n";
  while (<DATA>) {
         if (s/^&//) {
--- 10,16 ----
  $test = 0;
  $| = 1;
! print "1..247\n";
  while (<DATA>) {
         if (s/^&//) {
*** 116,121 ****
--- 116,122 ----
+ +100:+5:+1
Index: toke.c
####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01
*** perl5.005_01/toke.c	Tue Jul 21 01:57:44 1998
--- perl5.005_01/toke.c	Sun Jul 26 16:43:39 1998
*** 11,18 ****
   *   "It all comes from here, the stench and the peril."  --Frodo
- #define TMP_CRLF_PATCH
  #include "EXTERN.h"
  #include "perl.h"
--- 11,16 ----
*** 1988,1994 ****
  	goto retry;
      case '\r':
! #ifndef TMP_CRLF_PATCH
  	warn("Illegal character \\%03o (carriage return)", '\r');
        "(Maybe you didn't strip carriage returns after a network transfer?)\n");
--- 1986,1992 ----
  	goto retry;
      case '\r':
  	warn("Illegal character \\%03o (carriage return)", '\r');
        "(Maybe you didn't strip carriage returns after a network transfer?)\n");
*** 5168,5174 ****
      *d++ = '\n';
      *d = '\0';
      len = d - PL_tokenbuf;
      d = strchr(s, '\r');
      if (d) {
  	char *olds = s;
--- 5166,5172 ----
      *d++ = '\n';
      *d = '\0';
      len = d - PL_tokenbuf;
! #ifndef PERL_STRICT_CR
      d = strchr(s, '\r');
      if (d) {
  	char *olds = s;
*** 5244,5250 ****
  	PL_bufend = SvPVX(PL_linestr) + SvCUR(PL_linestr);
  	if (PL_bufend - PL_linestart >= 2) {
  	    if ((PL_bufend[-2] == '\r' && PL_bufend[-1] == '\n') ||
  		(PL_bufend[-2] == '\n' && PL_bufend[-1] == '\r'))
--- 5242,5248 ----
  	PL_bufend = SvPVX(PL_linestr) + SvCUR(PL_linestr);
! #ifndef PERL_STRICT_CR
  	if (PL_bufend - PL_linestart >= 2) {
  	    if ((PL_bufend[-2] == '\r' && PL_bufend[-1] == '\n') ||
  		(PL_bufend[-2] == '\n' && PL_bufend[-1] == '\r'))
*** 5543,5549 ****
    	if (s < PL_bufend) break;	/* handle case where we are done yet :-) */
  	if (to - SvPVX(sv) >= 2) {
  	    if ((to[-2] == '\r' && to[-1] == '\n') ||
  		(to[-2] == '\n' && to[-1] == '\r'))
--- 5541,5547 ----
    	if (s < PL_bufend) break;	/* handle case where we are done yet :-) */
! #ifndef PERL_STRICT_CR
  	if (to - SvPVX(sv) >= 2) {
  	    if ((to[-2] == '\r' && to[-1] == '\n') ||
  		(to[-2] == '\n' && to[-1] == '\r'))
Index: vms/descrip_mms.template
####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01
*** perl5.005_01/vms/descrip_mms.template	Wed Jul 22 04:23:55 1998
--- perl5.005_01/vms/descrip_mms.template	Sat Jul 25 22:29:01 1998
*** 56,62 ****
  .ifdef MALLOC
  MALLOC_O = ,malloc$(O)
--- 56,62 ----
  .ifdef MALLOC
  MALLOC_O = ,malloc$(O)
Index: vms/subconfigure.com
####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01
*** perl5.005_01/vms/subconfigure.com	Mon Jul 20 21:36:52 1998
--- perl5.005_01/vms/subconfigure.com	Sat Jul 25 22:28:08 1998
*** 373,379 ****
--- 373,384 ----
  $ perl_archname = "''perl_archname'-thread"
  $ perl_osvers=f$edit(osvers, "TRIM")
+ $ if (perl_subversion + 0).eq.0
+ $ THEN
+ $ LocalPerlVer = "5_" + Perl_PATCHLEVEL
+ $ ELSE
  $ LocalPerlVer = "5_" + Perl_PATCHLEVEL + perl_subversion
  $! Some that we need to invoke the compiler for
  $ OS := "open/write SOURCECHAN []temp.c"
*** 2455,2461 ****
  $!set ver
  $ define/user sys$output [-]descrip.mms
! $ mcr []munchconfig [-]config.sh descrip_mms.template "''DECC_REPLACE'" "''ARCH_TYPE'" "''GNUC_REPLACE'" "''SOCKET_REPLACE'" "''THREAD_REPLACE'" "''C_Compiler_Replace'" "''MALLOC_REPLACE'" "''Thread_Live_Dangerously'"
  $! set nover
  $! Clean up after ourselves
--- 2460,2466 ----
  $!set ver
  $ define/user sys$output [-]descrip.mms
! $ mcr []munchconfig [-]config.sh descrip_mms.template "''DECC_REPLACE'" "''ARCH_TYPE'" "''GNUC_REPLACE'" "''SOCKET_REPLACE'" "''THREAD_REPLACE'" "''C_Compiler_Replace'" "''MALLOC_REPLACE'" "''Thread_Live_Dangerously'" "PV=''LocalPerlVer'"
  $! set nover
  $! Clean up after ourselves
Index: win32/GenCAPI.pl
####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01
*** perl5.005_01/win32/GenCAPI.pl	Tue Jul 21 01:47:35 1998
--- perl5.005_01/win32/GenCAPI.pl	Sun Jul 26 19:25:00 1998
*** 202,207 ****
--- 202,230 ----
                      print OUTFILE "#endif\n" unless ($separateObj == 0);
+                 elsif($name eq "sv_catpvf_mg") {
+                     print OUTFILE "\n#ifdef $name" . "_defined" unless ($separateObj == 0);
+                     $args[0] =~ /(\w+)\W*$/; 
+                     $arg0 = $1;
+                     $args[1] =~ /(\w+)\W*$/; 
+                     $arg1 = $1;
+                     print OUTFILE <<ENDCODE;
+ #undef $name
+ #ifndef mg_set
+ #define mg_set pPerl->Perl_mg_set
+ #endif
+ extern "C" $type $funcName ($args)
+ {
+     va_list args;
+     va_start(args, $arg1);
+     pPerl->Perl_sv_vcatpvfn($arg0, $arg1, strlen($arg1), &args, NULL, 0, NULL);
+     va_end(args);
+     SvSETMAGIC(sv);
+ }
+                     print OUTFILE "#endif\n" unless ($separateObj == 0);
+                 }
                  elsif($name eq "sv_setpvf") {
                      print OUTFILE "\n#ifdef $name" . "_defined" unless ($separateObj == 0);
                      $args[0] =~ /(\w+)\W*$/; 
*** 217,222 ****
--- 240,268 ----
      va_start(args, $arg1);
      pPerl->Perl_sv_vsetpvfn($arg0, $arg1, strlen($arg1), &args, NULL, 0, NULL);
+ }
+                     print OUTFILE "#endif\n" unless ($separateObj == 0);
+                 }
+                 elsif($name eq "sv_setpvf_mg") {
+                     print OUTFILE "\n#ifdef $name" . "_defined" unless ($separateObj == 0);
+                     $args[0] =~ /(\w+)\W*$/; 
+                     $arg0 = $1;
+                     $args[1] =~ /(\w+)\W*$/; 
+                     $arg1 = $1;
+                     print OUTFILE <<ENDCODE;
+ #undef $name
+ #ifndef mg_set
+ #define mg_set pPerl->Perl_mg_set
+ #endif
+ extern "C" $type $funcName ($args)
+ {
+     va_list args;
+     va_start(args, $arg1);
+     pPerl->Perl_sv_vsetpvfn($arg0, $arg1, strlen($arg1), &args, NULL, 0, NULL);
+     va_end(args);
+     SvSETMAGIC(sv);
                      print OUTFILE "#endif\n" unless ($separateObj == 0);
Index: win32/Makefile
####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01
*** perl5.005_01/win32/Makefile	Wed Jul 22 13:17:57 1998
--- perl5.005_01/win32/Makefile	Sun Jul 26 17:41:55 1998
*** 25,31 ****
  # versioned installation can be obtained by setting INST_TOP above to a
  # path that includes an arbitrary version string.
! INST_VER	= \5.005
  # uncomment to enable threads-capabilities
--- 25,31 ----
  # versioned installation can be obtained by setting INST_TOP above to a
  # path that includes an arbitrary version string.
! INST_VER	= \5.00501
  # uncomment to enable threads-capabilities
Index: win32/config_H.bc
####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01
*** perl5.005_01/win32/config_H.bc	Wed Jul 22 04:58:20 1998
--- perl5.005_01/win32/config_H.bc	Sun Jul 26 17:16:54 1998
*** 34,41 ****
   *	This symbol is the filename expanded version of the BIN symbol, for
   *	programs that do not want to deal with that at run-time.
! #define BIN "c:\\perl\\5.005\\bin\\MSWin32-x86"	/**/
! #define BIN_EXP "c:\\perl\\5.005\\bin\\MSWin32-x86"	/**/
   *	This symbol contains the first part of the string which will invoke
--- 34,41 ----
   *	This symbol is the filename expanded version of the BIN symbol, for
   *	programs that do not want to deal with that at run-time.
! #define BIN "c:\\perl\\5.00501\\bin\\MSWin32-x86"	/**/
! #define BIN_EXP "c:\\perl\\5.00501\\bin\\MSWin32-x86"	/**/
   *	This symbol contains the first part of the string which will invoke
*** 1829,1835 ****
   *	This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of ARCHLIB, to be used
   *	in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time.
! #define ARCHLIB "c:\\perl\\5.005\\lib\\MSWin32-x86"		/**/
  /*#define ARCHLIB_EXP ""	/**/
--- 1829,1835 ----
   *	This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of ARCHLIB, to be used
   *	in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time.
! #define ARCHLIB "c:\\perl\\5.00501\\lib\\MSWin32-x86"		/**/
  /*#define ARCHLIB_EXP ""	/**/
*** 1875,1882 ****
   *	This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of PRIVLIB, to be used
   *	in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time.
! #define PRIVLIB "c:\\perl\\5.005\\lib"		/**/
! #define PRIVLIB_EXP (win32_get_privlib("5.005"))	/**/
   *	This symbol contains the name of the private library for this package.
--- 1875,1882 ----
   *	This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of PRIVLIB, to be used
   *	in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time.
! #define PRIVLIB "c:\\perl\\5.00501\\lib"		/**/
! #define PRIVLIB_EXP (win32_get_privlib("5.00501"))	/**/
   *	This symbol contains the name of the private library for this package.
*** 1891,1897 ****
   *	This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of SITEARCH, to be used
   *	in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time.
! #define SITEARCH "c:\\perl\\site\\5.005\\lib\\MSWin32-x86"		/**/
  /*#define SITEARCH_EXP ""	/**/
--- 1891,1897 ----
   *	This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of SITEARCH, to be used
   *	in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time.
! #define SITEARCH "c:\\perl\\site\\5.00501\\lib\\MSWin32-x86"		/**/
  /*#define SITEARCH_EXP ""	/**/
*** 1907,1914 ****
   *	This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of SITELIB, to be used
   *	in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time.
! #define SITELIB "c:\\perl\\site\\5.005\\lib"		/**/
! #define SITELIB_EXP (win32_get_sitelib("5.005"))	/**/
   *	This variable contains the string to put in front of a perl
--- 1907,1914 ----
   *	This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of SITELIB, to be used
   *	in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time.
! #define SITELIB "c:\\perl\\site\\5.00501\\lib"		/**/
! #define SITELIB_EXP (win32_get_sitelib("5.00501"))	/**/
   *	This variable contains the string to put in front of a perl
Index: win32/config_H.gc
####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01
*** perl5.005_01/win32/config_H.gc	Wed Jul 22 04:58:20 1998
--- perl5.005_01/win32/config_H.gc	Sun Jul 26 17:16:54 1998
*** 34,41 ****
   *	This symbol is the filename expanded version of the BIN symbol, for
   *	programs that do not want to deal with that at run-time.
! #define BIN "c:\\perl\\5.005\\bin\\MSWin32-x86"	/**/
! #define BIN_EXP "c:\\perl\\5.005\\bin\\MSWin32-x86"	/**/
   *	This symbol contains the first part of the string which will invoke
--- 34,41 ----
   *	This symbol is the filename expanded version of the BIN symbol, for
   *	programs that do not want to deal with that at run-time.
! #define BIN "c:\\perl\\5.00501\\bin\\MSWin32-x86"	/**/
! #define BIN_EXP "c:\\perl\\5.00501\\bin\\MSWin32-x86"	/**/
   *	This symbol contains the first part of the string which will invoke
*** 1829,1835 ****
   *	This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of ARCHLIB, to be used
   *	in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time.
! #define ARCHLIB "c:\\perl\\5.005\\lib\\MSWin32-x86"		/**/
  /*#define ARCHLIB_EXP ""	/**/
--- 1829,1835 ----
   *	This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of ARCHLIB, to be used
   *	in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time.
! #define ARCHLIB "c:\\perl\\5.00501\\lib\\MSWin32-x86"		/**/
  /*#define ARCHLIB_EXP ""	/**/
*** 1875,1882 ****
   *	This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of PRIVLIB, to be used
   *	in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time.
! #define PRIVLIB "c:\\perl\\5.005\\lib"		/**/
! #define PRIVLIB_EXP (win32_get_privlib("5.005"))	/**/
   *	This symbol contains the name of the private library for this package.
--- 1875,1882 ----
   *	This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of PRIVLIB, to be used
   *	in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time.
! #define PRIVLIB "c:\\perl\\5.00501\\lib"		/**/
! #define PRIVLIB_EXP (win32_get_privlib("5.00501"))	/**/
   *	This symbol contains the name of the private library for this package.
*** 1891,1897 ****
   *	This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of SITEARCH, to be used
   *	in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time.
! #define SITEARCH "c:\\perl\\site\\5.005\\lib\\MSWin32-x86"		/**/
  /*#define SITEARCH_EXP ""	/**/
--- 1891,1897 ----
   *	This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of SITEARCH, to be used
   *	in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time.
! #define SITEARCH "c:\\perl\\site\\5.00501\\lib\\MSWin32-x86"		/**/
  /*#define SITEARCH_EXP ""	/**/
*** 1907,1914 ****
   *	This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of SITELIB, to be used
   *	in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time.
! #define SITELIB "c:\\perl\\site\\5.005\\lib"		/**/
! #define SITELIB_EXP (win32_get_sitelib("5.005"))	/**/
   *	This variable contains the string to put in front of a perl
--- 1907,1914 ----
   *	This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of SITELIB, to be used
   *	in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time.
! #define SITELIB "c:\\perl\\site\\5.00501\\lib"		/**/
! #define SITELIB_EXP (win32_get_sitelib("5.00501"))	/**/
   *	This variable contains the string to put in front of a perl
Index: win32/config_H.vc
####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01
*** perl5.005_01/win32/config_H.vc	Wed Jul 22 04:58:20 1998
--- perl5.005_01/win32/config_H.vc	Sun Jul 26 17:16:54 1998
*** 34,41 ****
   *	This symbol is the filename expanded version of the BIN symbol, for
   *	programs that do not want to deal with that at run-time.
! #define BIN "c:\\perl\\5.005\\bin\\MSWin32-x86"	/**/
! #define BIN_EXP "c:\\perl\\5.005\\bin\\MSWin32-x86"	/**/
   *	This symbol contains the first part of the string which will invoke
--- 34,41 ----
   *	This symbol is the filename expanded version of the BIN symbol, for
   *	programs that do not want to deal with that at run-time.
! #define BIN "c:\\perl\\5.00501\\bin\\MSWin32-x86"	/**/
! #define BIN_EXP "c:\\perl\\5.00501\\bin\\MSWin32-x86"	/**/
   *	This symbol contains the first part of the string which will invoke
*** 1829,1835 ****
   *	This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of ARCHLIB, to be used
   *	in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time.
! #define ARCHLIB "c:\\perl\\5.005\\lib\\MSWin32-x86"		/**/
  /*#define ARCHLIB_EXP ""	/**/
--- 1829,1835 ----
   *	This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of ARCHLIB, to be used
   *	in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time.
! #define ARCHLIB "c:\\perl\\5.00501\\lib\\MSWin32-x86"		/**/
  /*#define ARCHLIB_EXP ""	/**/
*** 1875,1882 ****
   *	This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of PRIVLIB, to be used
   *	in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time.
! #define PRIVLIB "c:\\perl\\5.005\\lib"		/**/
! #define PRIVLIB_EXP (win32_get_privlib("5.005"))	/**/
   *	This symbol contains the name of the private library for this package.
--- 1875,1882 ----
   *	This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of PRIVLIB, to be used
   *	in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time.
! #define PRIVLIB "c:\\perl\\5.00501\\lib"		/**/
! #define PRIVLIB_EXP (win32_get_privlib("5.00501"))	/**/
   *	This symbol contains the name of the private library for this package.
*** 1891,1897 ****
   *	This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of SITEARCH, to be used
   *	in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time.
! #define SITEARCH "c:\\perl\\site\\5.005\\lib\\MSWin32-x86"		/**/
  /*#define SITEARCH_EXP ""	/**/
--- 1891,1897 ----
   *	This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of SITEARCH, to be used
   *	in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time.
! #define SITEARCH "c:\\perl\\site\\5.00501\\lib\\MSWin32-x86"		/**/
  /*#define SITEARCH_EXP ""	/**/
*** 1907,1914 ****
   *	This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of SITELIB, to be used
   *	in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time.
! #define SITELIB "c:\\perl\\site\\5.005\\lib"		/**/
! #define SITELIB_EXP (win32_get_sitelib("5.005"))	/**/
   *	This variable contains the string to put in front of a perl
--- 1907,1914 ----
   *	This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of SITELIB, to be used
   *	in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time.
! #define SITELIB "c:\\perl\\site\\5.00501\\lib"		/**/
! #define SITELIB_EXP (win32_get_sitelib("5.00501"))	/**/
   *	This variable contains the string to put in front of a perl
Index: win32/makefile.mk
####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01
*** perl5.005_01/win32/makefile.mk	Wed Jul 22 13:17:57 1998
--- perl5.005_01/win32/makefile.mk	Sun Jul 26 17:41:56 1998
*** 29,35 ****
  # versioned installation can be obtained by setting INST_TOP above to a
  # path that includes an arbitrary version string.
! INST_VER	*= \5.005
  # uncomment to enable threads-capabilities
--- 29,35 ----
  # versioned installation can be obtained by setting INST_TOP above to a
  # path that includes an arbitrary version string.
! INST_VER	*= \5.00501
  # uncomment to enable threads-capabilities
Index: win32/win32.c
####### perl5.005_01/ => perl5.005_01
*** perl5.005_01/win32/win32.c	Wed Jul 22 13:17:57 1998
--- perl5.005_01/win32/win32.c	Sun Jul 26 16:41:50 1998
*** 1175,1180 ****
--- 1175,1181 ----
      return des_fcrypt(crypt_buffer, txt, salt);
      die("The crypt() function is unimplemented due to excessive paranoia.");
+     return Nullch;
End of Patch.