PERL v4.0 patchlevel 36

This file contains PERL version 4.0, patchlevel 36 compiled for
MS-DOS. It passes the tests that can be run on MS-DOS at all.

The complete source code for Perl 4.036, including the changes
made to get it to compile with the Borland C compiler (from
Borland C++ 3.1), can be found in Read the comments
in the MAKEFILE if you want to compile it.

The source archive contains Ralf Brown's SPAWNO package to
minimize memory use while shelling to DOS and running other
programs. This feature is NOT enabled in the binaries !


26.03.1993: the PERL executable has now been linked with
	the wild card expansion module.
19.05.1993: some debugging code that should not have been
	included in the distribution was removed.

Eelco van Asperen.           | Erasmus University Rotterdam
-----------------------------| Department of Computer Science, room H4-32
internet: | PObox 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands