$NetBSD: ports,v 1.9 2021/10/31 08:11:13 nia Exp $

NetBSD Ports Roadmap

This roadmap covers ports and port-specific issues, and also bus-level
material even if it's not strictly port-specific.

The following elements, projects, and goals are considered strategic
priorities for the project:

 0. DRMKMS update

The following elements, projects, and goals are not strategic
priorities but are still important undertakings worth doing:

 1. riscv and/or or1k ports
 2. cheri port

The following elements, projects, and goals are perhaps less pressing;
this doesn't mean one shouldn't work on them but the expected payoff
is perhaps less than for other things:

 [none presently]


 0. DRMKMS update

The DRM drivers get old with time. The current drivers are from Linux 4.4,
having a newer version would be nice.

- As of July 2018, maya is working on this.

 1. riscv and/or or1k ports

We have some riscv code and a bit of or1k code, but neither is done.

 - As of July 2018, zmcgrew is working on riscv in a separate repository
   Nobody is working on or1k.
 - Contact matt@ for further information.

 2. cheri port

There are a number of reasons to tackle this; it will serve as a code
quality lever. Also there's already a FreeBSD port to steal from.