Encoding ============================= The easiest way to encode data items is using the :func:`cbor_serialize` or :func:`cbor_serialize_alloc` functions: .. doxygenfunction:: cbor_serialize .. doxygenfunction:: cbor_serialize_alloc Type-specific serializers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In case you know the type of the item you want to serialize beforehand, you can use one of the type-specific serializers. .. note:: Unless compiled in debug mode, these do not verify the type. Passing an incorrect item will result in an undefined behavior. .. doxygenfunction:: cbor_serialize_uint .. doxygenfunction:: cbor_serialize_negint .. doxygenfunction:: cbor_serialize_bytestring .. doxygenfunction:: cbor_serialize_string .. doxygenfunction:: cbor_serialize_array .. doxygenfunction:: cbor_serialize_map .. doxygenfunction:: cbor_serialize_tag .. doxygenfunction:: cbor_serialize_float_ctrl