libcbor  0.5.0
libcbor is a C library for parsing and generating CBOR, the general-purpose schema-less binary data format.
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 C_cbor_array_metadataArrays specific metadata
 C_cbor_bytestring_metadataBytestrings specific metadata
 C_cbor_decoder_contextHigh-level decoding context
 C_cbor_double_helperRaw memory casts helper
 C_cbor_float_ctrl_metadataFloats specific metadata - includes CTRL values
 C_cbor_float_helperRaw memory casts helper
 C_cbor_int_metadataIntegers specific metadata
 C_cbor_map_metadataMaps specific metadata
 C_cbor_stackStack handle - contents and size
 C_cbor_stack_recordSimple stack record for the parser
 C_cbor_string_metadataStrings specific metadata
 C_cbor_tag_metadataArrays specific metadata
 C_cbor_unicode_statusSignals unicode validation error and possibly its location
 Ccbor_callbacksCallback bundle – passed to the decoder
 Ccbor_decoder_resultStreaming decoder result
 Ccbor_errorHigh-level decoding error
 Ccbor_indefinite_string_dataDefines cbor_item_t::data structure for indefinite strings and bytestrings
 Ccbor_item_metadataUnion of metadata across all possible types - discriminated in cbor_item_t
 Ccbor_item_tThe item handle
 Ccbor_load_resultHigh-level decoding result
 Ccbor_pairSimple pair of items for use in maps