# $NetBSD: RPC44,v 1.57 2020/09/27 13:48:49 roy Exp $
# GENERIC machine description file
# This machine description file is used to generate the default NetBSD
# kernel.  The generic kernel does not include all options, subsystems
# and device drivers, but should be useful for most applications.
# The machine description file can be customised for your specific
# machine to reduce the kernel size and improve its performance.
# For further information on compiling NetBSD kernels, see the config(8)
# man page.
# For further information on hardware support for this architecture, see
# the intro(4) man page.  For further information about kernel options
# for this architecture, see the options(4) man page.  For an explanation
# of each device driver in this file see the section 4 man page for the
# device.

include 	"arch/arc/conf/std.arc"

options 	INCLUDE_CONFIG_FILE	# embed config file in kernel binary

#ident		"GENERIC-$Revision: 1.57 $"

maxusers	32		# estimated number of users

# Platform support

# Standard system options

options 	RTC_OFFSET=0	# hardware clock is this many mins. west of GMT
options 	NTP		# NTP phase/frequency locked loop

options 	KTRACE		# system call tracing via ktrace(1)

options 	SYSVMSG		# System V-like message queues
options 	SYSVSEM		# System V-like semaphores
#options 	SEMMNI=10	# number of semaphore identifiers
#options 	SEMMNS=60	# number of semaphores in system
#options 	SEMUME=10	# max number of undo entries per process
#options 	SEMMNU=30	# number of undo structures in system
options 	SYSVSHM		# System V-like memory sharing

options 	USERCONF	# userconf(4) support
#options 	PIPE_SOCKETPAIR	# smaller, but slower pipe(2)
options 	SYSCTL_INCLUDE_DESCR	# Include sysctl descriptions in kernel

# Alternate buffer queue strategies for better responsiveness under high
# disk I/O load.

# Diagnostic/debugging support options
options 	DIAGNOSTIC		# cheap kernel consistency checks
#options 	DEBUG			# expensive debugging checks/support
options 	DDB			# in-kernel debugger
pseudo-device	ksyms
#options 	DDB_HISTORY_SIZE=100	# enable history editing in DDB
#options 	KGDB			# remote gdb
#options 	KGDB_DEVRATE=19200	# kernel gdb port rate (default 9600)
#options 	KGDB_DEV="17*256+0"	# device for kernel gdb
#makeoptions	DEBUG="-g"		# compile full symbol table

# Compatibility options
include 	"conf/compat_netbsd10.config"
options 	COMPAT_386BSD_MBRPART # recognize old partition ID

# mipsel specific
options 	COMPAT_ULTRIX	# Ultrix binary compatibility
options 	EXEC_ECOFF	# Ultrix RISC binaries are ECOFF format

# File systems
file-system 	FFS		# fast filesystem
#file-system 	EXT2FS		# second extended file system (linux)
#file-system 	LFS		# log-structured file system
#file-system 	MFS		# memory file system
#file-system 	NTFS		# Windows/NT file system (experimental)
file-system 	CD9660		# ISO 9660 + Rock Ridge file system
file-system 	MSDOSFS		# MS-DOS file system
file-system 	NFS		# Network File System client
file-system 	FDESC		# /dev/fd
file-system 	KERNFS		# /kern
file-system 	NULLFS		# loopback file system
file-system 	OVERLAY		# overlay file system
file-system	PUFFS		# Userspace file systems (e.g. ntfs-3g & sshfs)
file-system 	PROCFS		# /proc
file-system 	UMAPFS		# NULLFS + uid and gid remapping
file-system 	UNION		# union file system
#file-system	CODA		# Coda File System; also needs vcoda (below)
file-system	PTYFS		# /dev/pts/N support

# File system options
options 	QUOTA		# legacy UFS quotas
options 	QUOTA2		# new, in-filesystem UFS quotas
#options 	FFS_EI		# FFS Endian Independent support
options 	NFSSERVER	# Network File System server
#options 	FFS_NO_SNAPSHOT	# No FFS snapshot support
#options 	EXT2FS_SYSTEM_FLAGS # makes ext2fs file flags (append and
				# immutable) behave as system flags.

# Networking options
#options 	GATEWAY		# IP packet forwarding
options 	INET		# IP + ICMP + TCP + UDP
#options 	INET6		# IPV6
#options 	IPSEC		# IP security
#options 	IPSEC_DEBUG	# debug for IP security
#options 	MROUTING	# IP multicast routing
#options 	PIM		# Protocol Independent Multicast
#options 	NETATALK	# AppleTalk networking protocols
#options 	PPP_BSDCOMP	# BSD-Compress compression support for PPP
#options 	PPP_DEFLATE	# Deflate compression support for PPP
#options 	PPP_FILTER	# Active filter support for PPP (requires bpf)
#options 	TCP_DEBUG	# Record last TCP_NDEBUG packets with SO_DEBUG

# JIT compiler for bpfilter
#options	SLJIT
#options	BPFJIT

# These options enable verbose messages for several subsystems.
# Warning, these may compile large string tables into the kernel!
options 	EISAVERBOSE	# verbose EISA device autoconfig messages
#options 	PCIVERBOSE	# verbose PCI device autoconfig messages
#options 	PCI_CONFIG_DUMP	# verbosely dump PCI config space
options 	SCSIVERBOSE	# human readable SCSI error messages

# wscons terminal emulation
options 	WSEMUL_VT100	# VT100 emulation
options 	WSDISPLAY_COMPAT_USL		# wsconscfg VT handling

# Kernel root file system and dump configuration.
config		netbsd	root on ? type ?
#config		netbsd	root on sd0a type ffs
#config		netbsd	root on ? type nfs

# Device configuration

mainbus0	at root
cpu*		at mainbus0

arcsisabr*	at mainbus0	# DeskStation rPC44 ISA host bridge.
isa*		at arcsisabr?
#isadma0 	at isa? 			# bogus?
timer0		at isa? port 0x40 irq 0
mcclock0 	at isa? port 0x70
pc0		at isa? irq 1			# generic PC console device
opms0		at isa? irq 12			# PS/2 auxiliary port mouse
vga0		at isa?
pckbc0		at isa?				# PC keyboard controller
com0		at isa? port 0x3f8 irq 4
com1		at isa? port 0x2f8 irq 3
com2		at isa? port 0x3e8 irq 4
com3		at isa? port 0x2e8 irq 3
#bha0		at isa? port 0x330 irq ? drq ?  # BusLogic [457]4X SCSI
#ast0		at isa? port 0x1a0 irq 3	# AST 4-port serial cards
#com*		at ast? slave ?

# Joystick driver. Probe is a little strange; add only if you have one.
#joy0		at isa? port 0x201

# ISA ST506, ESDI, and IDE controllers
# Use flags 0x01 if you want to try to use 32bits data I/O (the driver will
# fall back to 16bits I/O if 32bits I/O are not functional).
# Some controllers pass the initial 32bit test, but will fail later.
# XXX - should be configured
wdc0		at isa? port 0x1f0 irq 14 flags 0x00
#wdc1		at isa? port 0x170 irq 15 flags 0x00
#wdc*		at isapnp?

# ISA parallel printer interfaces
lpt0		at isa? port 0x378 irq 7

# ISA network interfaces
# XXX - should be configured
#ec0		at isa? port 0x250 iomem 0xd8000 irq 9	# 3Com 3c503 Ethernet
ep0		at isa? port ? irq ?		# 3C509 ethernet cards
ne0		at isa? port 0x280 irq 9	# NE[12]000 ethernet cards
#ne1		at isa? port 0x300 irq 10
#ne*		at isapnp?			# NE[12]000 PnP ethernet
we0		at isa? port 0x280 iomem 0xd0000 irq 9	# WD/SMC Ethernet
#we1		at isa? port 0x300 iomem 0xcc000 irq 10

# XXX - should be configured
#btl0		at isa? port 0x330 irq ? drq ?

#### SCSI bus support
#scsibus*	at scsi?

#### SCSI bus devices

#sd*		at scsibus? target ? lun ?
#st*		at scsibus? target ? lun ?
#cd*		at scsibus? target ? lun ?
#ch*		at scsibus? target ? lun ?
#ss*		at scsibus? target ? lun ?
#uk*		at scsibus? target ? lun ?

# ATA (IDE) bus support
atabus* 	at wdc? channel ?

# IDE drives
# Flags are used only with controllers that support DMA operations
# and mode settings (e.g. some pciide controllers)
# The lowest order four bits (rightmost digit) of the flags define the PIO
# mode to use, the next set of four bits the DMA mode and the third set the
# UltraDMA mode. For each set of four bits, the 3 lower bits define the mode
# to use, and the last bit must be 1 for this setting to be used.
# For DMA and UDMA, 0xf (1111) means 'disable'.
# 0x0fac means 'use PIO mode 4, DMA mode 2, disable UltraDMA'.
# (0xc=1100, 0xa=1010, 0xf=1111)
# 0x0000 means "use whatever the drive claims to support".
# XXX - should be configured
wd*		at atabus? drive ? flags 0x0000

#### ATAPI bus support
# XXX - should be configured
#atapibus*	at atabus?

#### ATAPI bus devices

# flags have the same meaning as for IDE drives.
#cd*		at atapibus? drive ? flags 0x0000	# ATAPI CD-ROM drives
#sd*		at atapibus? drive ? flags 0x0000	# ATAPI disk drives
#uk*		at atapibus? drive ? flags 0x0000	# ATAPI unknown

#### Workstation Console attachments

wsdisplay*	at vga?
#wsdisplay*	at tga?
pckbd*		at pckbc?	# PC keyboard (kbd port)
wskbd*		at pckbd?
pms*		at pckbc?	# PS/2-style mouse (aux port)
wsmouse*	at pms?

#### Pseudo devices

# disk/mass storage pseudo-devices
#pseudo-device	ccd			# concatenated/striped disk devices
#pseudo-device	cgd			# cryptographic disk devices
#pseudo-device	raid			# RAIDframe disk driver
# Options to enable various other RAIDframe RAID types.
#options 	RF_INCLUDE_RAID5_RS=1
#pseudo-device	fss			# file system snapshot device
pseudo-device	md			# memory disk device (ramdisk)
pseudo-device	vnd			# disk-like interface to files
pseudo-device	putter			# for puffs and pud

# network pseudo-devices
pseudo-device	bpfilter		# Berkeley packet filter
#pseudo-device	npf			# NPF packet filter
pseudo-device	loop			# network loopback
#pseudo-device	ppp			# Point-to-Point Protocol
#pseudo-device	pppoe			# PPP over Ethernet (RFC 2516)
#pseudo-device	sl			# Serial Line IP
pseudo-device	tun			# network tunneling over tty
#pseudo-device	tap			# virtual Ethernet
#pseudo-device	gre			# generic L3 over IP tunnel
#pseudo-device	gif			# IPv[46] over IPv[46] tunnel (RFC1933)
#pseudo-device	faith			# IPv[46] tcp relay translation i/f
#pseudo-device	stf			# 6to4 IPv6 over IPv4 encapsulation
#pseudo-device	vlan			# IEEE 802.1q encapsulation
#pseudo-device	bridge			# simple inter-network bridging
#pseudo-device	vether			# Virtual Ethernet for bridge

# miscellaneous pseudo-devices
pseudo-device	pty			# pseudo-terminals
#pseudo-device	sequencer		# MIDI sequencer
# rnd works; RND_COM does not on port arc yet.
#options 	RND_COM			# use "com" randomness as well (BROKEN)
pseudo-device	clockctl		# user control of clock subsystem

# a pseudo device needed for Coda	# also needs CODA (above)
#pseudo-device	vcoda			# coda minicache <-> venus comm.

# mouse & keyboard multiplexor pseudo-devices
pseudo-device	wsmux