.\"	$NetBSD: hardware,v 1.4 2007/12/14 21:15:59 pavel Exp $
\*V will run on single MIPS-based Sony NEWS workstations.
They include the NWS-34x0/37x0 and NWS-5000 machines.
\*V does not support all framebuffers so
.Em you have to use serial console
to install
on such NEWS without a framebuffer listing below.
.Ss2 Supported hardware
.(bullet -offset indent
.(bullet -compact
R3000-based with hyper-bus: NWS-3470D, NWS-3410, NWS-3720
R4000/4400-based with apbus: NWS-5000
.(bullet -compact
NWB-253 monochrome framebuffer on NWS-3470D (text only)
XA color framebuffer on NWS-5000
RS232 interfaces
.(bullet -compact
built in Zilog 8530 Serial Communication Controllers (zsc)
Network interfaces
.(bullet -compact
built in LANCE Ethernet (le)
built in SONIC Ethernet (sn)
NWB-5852A 100BaseTX ethernet interface (tlp)
SCSI interfaces
.(bullet -compact
built in SONY CXD1185 SCSI interface (sc)
built in HP SPIFI3-SE SCSI interface (spifi)
most SCSI devices
\*V is booted after NEWS-OS without power off, SCSI bus sometimes hangs up.
If it's not on this list, there is no official support for it in this release.
More information can also be found at the
.Lk http://www.NetBSD.org/ports/\*M/