// Matches @interface I1 { int ivar1; } @end // Matches @interface I2 : I1 { float ivar2; } @end // Ivar mismatch @interface I3 { int ivar1; int ivar2; } @end // Superclass mismatch @interface I4 : I2 { } @end // Methods match @interface I5 - (int)foo; + (float)bar; @end // Method mismatch @interface I6 - (int)foo; + (int)foo; @end // Method mismatch @interface I7 - (int)foo; + (int)bar:(int)x; @end // Method mismatch @interface I8 - (int)foo; + (int)bar:(float)x; @end // Matching protocol @protocol P0 + (int)foo; - (int)bar:(float)x; @end // Protocol with mismatching method @protocol P1 + (int)foo; - (int)bar:(float)x; @end // Interface with protocol @interface I9 + (int)foo; - (int)bar:(float)x; @end // Protocol with protocol @protocol P2 - (float)wibble:(int)a1 second:(int)a2; @end // Forward-declared interfaces @class I10, I11; @interface I12 @end // Forward-declared protocols @protocol P3, P5; @protocol P4 - (double)honk:(int)a; @end // Interface with implementation @interface I13 @end @implementation I13 @end @interface I13a @end @implementation I13a @end // Implementation by itself @implementation I14 : I12 @end @implementation I15 : I12 @end @interface ImportSelectorSLoc { } -(int)addInt:(int)a toInt:(int)b moduloInt:(int)c; // don't crash here @end