# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.38 2015/04/23 02:01:12 mrg Exp $ # @(#)Makefile 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/8/93 FILES= NetBSD.el acronyms acronyms-o acronyms.comp airport ascii \ birthtoken bsd-family-tree \ country domains operator \ eqnchar flowers indent.pro inter.phone language man.template \ mdoc.template na.phone na.postal style zipcodes FILESDIR=${BINDIR}/misc # TO AVOID INSTALLING THE POTENTIALLY OFFENSIVE FORTUNES, RUN 'make' with # "INSTALL_OFFENSIVE_FORTUNES=NO", or set "INSTALL_OFFENSIVE_FORTUNES=NO" # IN bsd.own.mk OR /etc/mk.conf. INSTALL_OFFENSIVE_FORTUNES?= YES .if (${INSTALL_OFFENSIVE_FORTUNES} == "YES") TYPE= real .else TYPE= fake .endif CLEANFILES+=acronyms-o FILESBUILD_acronyms-o=yes # According to iana@ISI.EDU, the URL below is the authoritative list # distributed by the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency. DOMAIN_URL= http://www.iana.org/root-whois/index.html update-domains: ( \ echo '# $$''NetBSD''$$' ; \ echo '# ISO 3166 country codes, from ${DOMAIN_URL}' ; \ echo '# Last update:' `date` ; \ echo '#' ; \ ftp -o - ${DOMAIN_URL} \ | ${TOOL_SED} -n -f ${.CURDIR}/domains.sed \ ) > domains ; \ update-na.phone: < /dev/null ${TOOL_AWK} -f nanpa.awk > na.phone update-country: ${.CURDIR}/make.country > country .include <bsd.prog.mk> acronyms-o: acronyms-o.${TYPE} @cp ${.ALLSRC} ${.TARGET}