/* $NetBSD: TODO,v 1.29 2019/02/08 19:55:40 palle Exp $ */

Things to be done:

- make %g6 point to curcpu
- make %g7 point to curlwp
- change run-time checks for cpu type to function pointers

- GENERIC.UP kernel hangs on v445 (missing interrupt?)

 - current status: The kernel boots and starts the init process. 
   The following processes seem to crash on and on so more debugging to be done...

- 64-bit kernel support
- 32-bit kernel support
- libkvm
- ofwboot: tlb_init_sun4v() hardcodes number of slots to 64
- locore.s: sun4v_datatrap missing implementation for trap level 1
- check build without SUN4V defined
- replace relevant references to %ver with GET_MAXCWP
- pmap_mp_init(): sun4v missing handling
- replace constructs like "wrpr %g0, PSTATE_KERN, %pstate" with NORMAL_GLOBALS
- replace constructs line "wrpr %g0, PSTATE_INTR, %pstate" with ALTERNATE_GOBALS
- sun4v tsb no need to lock... per cpu... anyway...
- ci_tsb_desc->td_ctxidx: -1 or 1?
- MP support - currently bypassed in pmap_bootstrap() for sun4v
- vpci.c/vpcivar.h: cleanup FIXMEs
- interrups not handled properly (com at ebus only...)
- mpt(4) complains: mpt0: Phy 0: Link Status Unknown
- man pages for drivers imported from OpenBSD lke vpci, vbus, cbus, vdsk, ldc etc.
- vdsk and ldc drivers: code maked with OPENBSD_BUSDMA - make the bus_dma stuff work properly
- vbus.c: handle prom_getprop() memory leaks
- locore.s: rft_user (sun4v specific manaul fill) - seems to work, but is it good enough (compared to openbsds rft_user?
 - platforms tested so far:
 -- qemu sun4v/niagara - crash in init process relaed to fork (stack?)
 -- T2000 - mmu fault somewhere
 -- T5 - stickcmpr is not properly initialized ???