X->PostScript Print server.

	xpserv is a requests-only server which translates the X protocol
    to PostScript.  "Requests-only" means that the server only receives
    and replies to X requests and does not generate events.  The server
    is typically started as the second server on the host, for example:
    "foo:1".  There are some environment variables which are used by
    the print server:

    XPRINTFONTS:  This variable gives the pathname to the file which 
		  maps X fonts to Adobe fonts.  The format of the file
		  is X font on one line, followed by the corresponding
		  Adobe font on the next line.
    XPRINTOPTS:   This was designed as hook for printer options, right 
		  now, it only contains a flag for whether the output
		  supports indexed colorspaces.

	Since Xpserv is a separate server, all the server resources used
    in your application with the normal server ( colormaps, gcs, fonts, 
    windows, etc.) have to be re-created on the print server.  To take
    advantage of high resolution printers, make sure your draw routines
    resize with the window, and draw to a very large window.

	Xpserv now supports both 8 an 24 bit visuals.
    Xlib Interface:  There is an example program, "testclient", which uses
    the Xpserv interface:

Bool XOpenPrintWindow( Display 	*dpy,
		       Drawable drawable,
		       char 	*printfile);

	XOpenPrintWindow() specifies the window in the application which 
    is to have its requests translated to PostScript.

    dpy - 	The display connection to the print server
    drawable -	The drawable for which commands will be translated (this 
		must be created on the print server.
    printfile - The name of the output file (or printer) to print to.

Bool XClosePrintWindow ( Display  *dpy,
			 Drawable drawable);
	XClosePrintWindow() tells Xpserv to stop translating requests to
    the window, and to issue the "showpage" command in PostScript.

    dpy -  	Display connection to the print server.
    drawable -	The window which was used for printing.
Bool XSetPrintParams( Display 	*dpy,
		      Bool 	preserveAspect,
		      int 	fontScale,
		      int 	pixmapScale,
		      int 	pageWidth,  
		      int 	pageHeight,
		      int 	printDirect,
		      int 	landscape,
		      char 	*correctFile,   
		      char 	*prologFile);

	XSetPrintParams() sets parameters for the print server.

    dpy - 		Display connection to the print server.
    preserveAspect - 	Whether the printout should be stretched to fill the
			page, or keep the aspect ratio of the window.
    fontScale -		How much to scale up the font, since the window might
			have been grown for higher resolution without changing
			the font size.
    pixmapScale -	Same thing, except for scaling pixmaps (which are 
			sometimes used for symbols)
    pageWidth -		The page width, in points (1/72 inch) to print to.
    pageHeight -	Page Height in points.
    printDirect -	This causes output to be piped directly to the lpr
			command, with the filename used as the name of the
    landscape -		1: print in landscape mode, 2: portrait mode
    correctFile -	This gives a length and a table of RGB values 
			which are used to remap the colors used for printing
			to compensate for different printers.
    prologFile -	This file is put at the head of the PostScript file,
			and can use two %d scanf() formats to take the page
			width and page height.  The prolog file for the HP650C
			is provided, to prevent it from spitting out E-Sized
			sheets of paper constantly, even with A-size plots.