Information for 3DLabs Chipset Users The XFree86 Project Inc. 25 Juni 1999 1. Supported hardware This server supports the following 3DLabs chipsets: o GLINT 500TX with IBM RGB526 RAMDAC o GLINT MX plus Delta with IBM RGB526 and IBM RGB640 RAMDAC o GLINT MX plus Gamma with IBM RGB526 and IBM RGB640 RAMDAC o Permedia with IBM RGB526 RAMDAC o Permedia 2 (classic, 2a, 2v) 2. Features o accelerated o hardware cursor o DPMS support o supported color depths o GLINT MX/500TX: 8/16/32 bpp o Permedia: 8/16/32 bpp o Permedia 2: 8/16/24/32 bpp 3. XF86Config Option Option "sw_cursor" disable the hardware cursor. Option "no_pixmap_cache" disables use of the pixmap cache. Might be useful if drawing errors occur. Option "no_accel" completely disables acceleration. Usually not recommended. Option "pci_retry" stall the PCI bus while the graphics engine is busy. While this might give slightly higher performance, you run the risk of dis- turbing other devices that are waiting to be serviced by the pro- cessor. This option may cause problems with SCSI cards, serial connections, sound cards, etc. Option "firegl_3000" needed for the Diamond Fire GL 3000 in order to use the primary output on that card. The second screen is currently not sup- ported. Option "overclock_mem" Run the memory at a higher clock. Useful on some cards with dis- play glitches at higher resolutions. But adds the risk to damage the hardware. Use with caution. Option "sync_on_green" Composite sync on green. Possibly useful if you wish to use an old workstation monitor. This feature is only implemented for Permedia 2 based boards (Permedia 2v doesn't have this capabil- ity). Default is to use positive sync polarity. As many SOG moni- tor want negative sync polarity, you'll have to play around with the "-HSync" and "-VSync" Modeline flags if you own such a moni- tor. 4. Bugs and Limitations o The 500TX and MX chipsets cannot switch modes, therefore only the first mode on the modes line is available. o In some color depths without acceleration there are color problems. o While the server is accelerated, there is room for improvement. As our development is focusing on XFree86-4.0 we are not planning to change that in the 3.3.x branch. XFree86-4.0 will include a significantly faster server. 5. Authors o Alan Hourihane o Dirk Hohndel o Stefan Dirsch o Helmut Fahrion o Special thanks to Elsa AG, Aachen for making it possible for us to develop this server and furnishing us with plenty of boards and informa- tion to help us on the way o Very special thanks to SuSE GmbH, Nuernberg for allowing some of us to work on this server on paid time, thereby financing development of this server. Generated from XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/doc/sgml/3DLabs.sgml,v 1999/08/17 07:39:28 hohndel Exp $