IAB Meeting -- February 12, 2002, 15h00-17h00 US-ET


John Klensin -- IAB Chair
Harald Alvestrand -- IETF/IESG Chair  
Rob Austein
Fred Baker
Steve Bellovin -- Liaison to the IESG
Jon Crowcroft
Leslie Daigle
Steve Deering
Sally Floyd
Ted Hardie -- IAB member elect
Geoff Huston
Charlie Kaufman -- IAB member elect
Jim Kempf -- IAB member elect
Erik Nordmark -- Liaison from the IESG  
Vern Paxson -- IRTF Chair
Eric Rescorla -- IAB member elect
Henning Schulzrinne 
Lynn St.Amour -- Liaison from ISOC

Ran Atkinson
Brian Carpenter 
Joyce K. Reynolds -- Liaison from the RFC Editor
Mike St. Johns -- IAB member elect

Meeting at IETF 53, March 19, 2002


        1.  Acceptance of minutes of past meetings
                . February 12, 2002 as circulated March 8, 2002.
		. February 15, 2002 (executive meeting), as
		  circulated March 8, 2002.
	2.  Preparation for discussion with Stuart Lynn re.
	    IETF role in proposed ICANN changes 
	3.  IAB transition
		. Point of handoff
		. BoF evaluation -- process review & sign up
		. Plan for Chair election
        4.  Review of Action Items (below)
        5.  Review of current IAB documents (below)
        6.  Liaison updates
	7.  Clarification of proposed IETF role in ICANN draft
	    changes (with Stuart Lynn)


1.  Acceptance of minutes of past meetings

February 12 and 15, (as circulated March 8, 2002)


2.  Preparation for discussion with Stuart Lynn re.
    IETF role in proposed ICANN changes 

General discussion to scope the questions to Stuart Lynn, focusing
on getting clarification with respect to the intended role of the
IETF in the proposed ICANN restructuring.

3.  IAB transition

Point of handoff:

Traditionally, do this "during" the IAB plenary.  All IAB folk will
come up to the stage and stay up for the session.

BoF evaluation -- process review & sign up:

We need to cover all BoFs - with some of the new and some of
the old IAB members.  The task is to attend the session, provide
a brief summary and perspective on likelihood of success as a WG
effort, and then send the e-mail as soon as possible afterwards
 -- to the IAB and the IESG.  

Plan for Chair election:

It it is the task of the new IAB to elect the chair for the next year.
General agreement -- do the election by Tuesday PM. Sally Floyd 
suggests:  John Klensin should send around note asking people
interested in being considered to send a note to the IAB list.
Steve Deering suggests:  don't eject outgoing IAB folks from discussion.

4.  Review of Action Items (below)

5.  Review of current IAB documents (below)

6.  Liaison updates

Patrik Faltstrom will do stringprep at the IESG plenary.

The IESG is continuing to work with the Secretariat to do document 

There is a question from IESG re. UNSAF document:  IESG doesn't have a 
problem with it (is happy with it as a tool).  But, do we want
to have more community review?  Answer:  yes, we have said that
from the outset.  We need a message that is like a last call
announcement.  Opportunity to provide input into the IAB, not
to the document. Not a "last call".  Leslie Daigle to draft text.

Potential presentations for IRTF can't make it to Minneapolis.
But, probably will have 2 for Yokohama.

Vern Paxson asks for someone to help him understand the character set
issues for Eric Brunner-Williams who wants a characterset RG.

Internet Resource Discovery RG has been closed.  Plan to close
Interplanetary Internet (work is all happening elsewhere) and
BuDS (Building Differentiated Services).

Board has voted to move to a new governance model:  more representation
on the board by specific constituencies.  IETF is one such 

John Klensin has put in the ietf-announce queue a request for proposals
to the ISOC BoT.  New IAB will have to decide what to do in terms
of process for (s)election -- IAB or NomCom.

Need to have appointees known by the 28th of May.  Should have
procedures in Alan Greenberg's hands 6 weeks in advance of that.

March 11 -- had a coordination call.  General update on what different
areas are doing.  Specific action item to follow re. IANA identification
of media types/protocol parameters (suggestion for persistence
of path names).  Needs to hit agenda for Sunday IESG discussion.

ENUM -- punted to next week.

Next call is March 14.  Will have to talk about the proposed
ICANN restructuring, and decide whether there is a joint PSO 
position, or just individual member SDO statements.

7.  Clarification of proposed IETF role in ICANN draft
    changes (with Stuart Lynn)

Stuart Lynn:  the proposal he put on the table was not intended as an
ending point, but a starting point; he would like to have comments 
from people.  His feeling is that the present structure means that 
IETF gets mixed into and lost in the PSO.  

John Klensin asks for a timeframe.  It's a proposal, need to
agree on the what, before the how.  Bucharest in June is a target for 
getting initial agreement.  Need something to be formally approvable 
by the Shanghai meeting in mid-October.  Means that comments and input 
would be most appreciated a month before Bucharest (in June).


* Harald Alvestrand:
Arrange "International Internet" workshop/series of meetings.
= Closed.
There is much work to be done in the area of internationalization,
but there are no clear, scoped steps from here, yet.  

* John Klensin, Harald Alvestrand
Find co-chair for IntLoc effort
= Closed
See above.

* Rob Austein and Brian Carpenter:
Review and potentially update RFC 1958.
= Done
Published as draft-iab-arch-changes-00.txt (moved to documents
in progress).    

* John Klensin:
Talk to the IESG about IPR repository plan.
= Done
John Klensin:  this is done; handed to IETF Chair for execution (no
longer any IAB action)

* Sally Floyd
First cut on "Architectural Considerations" document -- a generalization
of the discussions we've had about OPES, CDI, and glorp/shipworm.
= Ongoing
A draft is available at 
 -- not yet published as an I-D.

* Henning Schulzrinne, Mike St.Johns:
(Definitive) history of the IETF website
= Ongoing
Proposed next step:  post on IAB website, and find new
designee to polish it.  Geoff Huston & Steve Deering (who had
comments on earlier versions) sign off.
Designee:  general concensus that it should be Mike St.Johns (not
on the call).

* John Klensin
Redraft and ship commentary on .bz delegation proposal
= Done

* John Klensin
Note to IETF announce outlining plan for appointing Trustees
to ISOC Board. 
= Done
Next steps:  decide how we're going to handle things this
year, and how/whether NomCom is implicated.  

* Ran Atkinson
Network Management workshop plan
= Ongoing

* Ran Atkinson, John Klensin
Draft issues document re. IDN and the Traditional/Simplified
Chinese matching problem, generalized
= Ongoing
Update next week.


* Ran Atkinson, Steve Bellovin:
Security considerations, including common security attacks.
= Ongoing
New version published.  Steve believes this is done; need a nod
from Ran and IAB review.
New stuckee:  Eric Rescorla.  

* Steve Bellovin:
Applicability statement for security building blocks.
= Ongoing
Steve sent a revised version to Jeff Schiller a few weeks ago;
Steve will ping him for response.  New stuckee?  Punted to Monday 
IAB/IESG breakfast.  Do we want to do this, how shall we proceed.

* Henning Schulzrinne, Jim Kempf: 
Telephony Services PSTN interworking draft as
an IAB document.
= Ongoing
Henning will keep working.  Jim Kempf to be new IAB stuckee.

* Leslie Daigle:  IETF PSO-PC Process
= Ongoing  

* Leslie Daigle: IAB Considerations for UNilateral Self-Address Fixing 
= Ongoing
IESG approves, but asks whether we are looking for broader community
review.  Answer:  yes.  See IESG liaison update.

* John Klensin:  ENUM Backgrounder
= Ongoing
Submitted to RFC Editor for publication.

* Rob Austein: Recent Changes in the Architecture of the Internet

Regular teleconference second Tuesday of the month 1500-1700 US East
Coast time.

These minutes were prepared by Leslie Daigle; comments should be
sent to iab-execd@iab.org.  An online copy of these and other minutes is
available at


Also, visit the IAB Web page at http://www.iab.org/